It’s an interesting claim.
Qatar is the key backer of the Muslim Brotherhood now, not to mention allegedly tied in with every Islamist terror group from Al Qaeda to the Taliban. There’s little doubt that Rep. Ilhan Omar is an enemy of the United States. However, it’s best to be wary of foreign intel that seems to tell you exactly what you want to hear. The Saudis are fighting Qatar and while they correctly identify Qatar’s role in Jihad, their own hands weren’t all that clean.
So take allegations like these with a grain of salt.
Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota-5th) was recruited by a foreign government, received funding from a foreign government, and passed sensitive information through intermediaries to Iran, a Florida court has been told, as The Jerusalem Post confirmed.
The claims came during testimony by Kuwati-born Canadian businessman Alan Bender, who was giving evidence in the trial of Sheikh Khalid bin Hamad al-Thani. The Qatari emir’s brother stands accused of ordering his American bodyguard to murder two people, and of holding an American citizen hostage. His deposition, obtained by Al Arabiya English, was authenticated by the attorney for the plaintiffs, according to the publication.
Speaking from Toronto by video link, Bender told the Florida District Court that he met with Qatar’s Secretary to the Emir for Security Affairs Mohammad bin Ahmed bin Abdullah al-Masnad and two other senior Qatari officials.
According to his sworn deposition, the three officials told him: “If it wasn’t for our cash, Ilhan Omar would be just another black Somali refugee in America collecting welfare and serving tables on weekends.”
Bender testified that the officials asked him to recruit American politicians and journalists as Qatari assets, and that when he objected, was told that several prominent figures were already on the payroll. Omar was described as the “jewel in the crown,” he said.
Qatar “recruited Ilhan Omar from even way before she thought about becoming a government official… They groomed her and arranged the foundation, the grounds, for her to get into politics way before she even showed interest. They convinced her,” he added.
Frankly, Qatar has much better jewels in its crown than a mere congresswoman.
Biden just elevated a Brookings Doha veteran to the closest thing to an ambassador to the “Palestinians”. Qatar asset Jamal Khashoggi became a martyr courtesy of the Washington Post. There are Senate members on both sides of the aisle who spew Qatari propaganda. And there’s been hardly a word of criticism of the Jihadist state from prominent figures in either party with the exception of Senator Ted Cruz or anyone in the media.
I recently ran a story about a much more credible account of how Qatar had spied on Rep. Diaz-Balart and it got almost no play.
Suggesting that Omar is Qatar’s crown jewel in D.C. is like claiming that Manhattan’s crown jewel is a Burger King.
That doesn’t mean that Qatar isn’t recruiting Americans and didn’t groom Omar. Certainly she’s tied in with some of their backed groups. I’m just saying it’s vastly underselling what Qatar has done.
An enemy to the USA? Oh yes. Omar has more than proven she is an enemy from within.
And nevertheless the Democrats put her on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Talk about an enemy from within.
Omar, the fraud is just a small part of the islamic invasion.
It would be nice to make a proper list of islamic plants.
Keith Elilson, Obama, Hakeem Jeffries, Louis Farrakhan, André Carson, Rashida Tlaib…
This is a calculated plot to destroy America from within:
These people have zero allegiance to America. They don’t respect our laws, culture or history. They contribute nothing, only destroy.
While looking peaceful on the outside, their main goal is the genocide of anybody who doesn’t obey them when they have more power.
Islam must be banned. If any other ideology that promotes hate, oppression and violence can be banned in the free world, so can islam.
The first step is to allow people speak freely against islam. It must then evolve into teaching evils of islam and it’s bloody history from the early childhood.
If you believe in freedom and liberty you can not ban Islam itself within a free country. Any more than you can ban Jim Jones and his cult, Charles Manson and his followers, Louis Farakahn and his crazies, or the Black Hebrew Isrealites. In a free country every individual is free to believe crazy and stupid ideas so long as they don’t violate the rights of others.
What you can morally do is ban Sharia Law. What you must do is ban the INITIATION of force under all and any circumstances for any reason whatsoever.
It would be morally proper to stop unvetted Muslim immigration even stop all Muslim immigration but in a free country you can’t ban a religion or a political ideology, you can ban only the intiation of force or invesigate and prosecute the threat of the intiation of force.
“Man’s rights can be violated only by the use of physical force. It is only by means of physical force that one man can deprive another of his life, or enslave him, or rob him, or prevent him from pursuing his own goals, or compel him to act against his own rational judgment.
The precondition of a civilized society is the barring of physical force from social relationships—thus establishing the principle that if men wish to deal with one another, they may do so only by means of reason: by discussion, persuasion and voluntary, uncoerced agreement.” – Ayn Rand
Daniel I hate to say it but aren’t you getting a little loose with your ayn rand references? What ever happened to the victor Davis Hanson who offered guided vacations to Greece, largely for the conveniently prepared scores of curious randroids seeking some virtual meat and potatoes to nourish their admiration for miss rand’s preferred philosopher, aristotle? I seem to remember Steve bannons first day in office, as he backed away from the execrable Donna Brazil who, despite her own unwillingness to aid law enforcement in it’s bogus investigation of Seth rich’s still unsolved murder, commemorated the occasion of Trump’s first day in office to blandly warn all and sundry that Trump’s administration would somehow be an affirmation of rand’s philosophy — or Brazil’s sloppy attempt to misrepresent the eternally smeared and demonized author’s contributions to the development of Trump’s maga campaign.
Either wear your ayn rand proudly and shove it right down Brazil’s murderous and mendacious throat, or try to make your case without mentioning her. All of the shit that trump is being forced to eat is old hat to anyone who has ever fought to have her name included and respected in polite conversation. Trump is his own man and has grown into the role of an unintentional real time personification of the implied ayn rand hero. Which in turn has proven to be pretty damn potent and nothing to be ashamed of. It is Greenfield, Hanson and Bannon who are getting cold feet about exposing their intellectual influences in an atmosphere where one false step can get you cancelled. They couldn’t cancel Rand, though they still try every day. And they won’t cancel Trump unless we the people crap out and let them. Rand would have loved trump, even if her admiration went unrequited. Either drop back and throw the bomb on first and ten from your own one yard line…or run the ball up the middle, off tackle and around the end via student body right until the defensive line is sucking wind. But attack them, without mercy, until they whisper “uncle.” Anything less is just a light. Maga without Rand is like electricity without Tesla. As yet incomplete and unfulfilled
Does anybody know if Omar is a proper pious muslima, or is she sporting a clitoris like some sort of Western whore? Can we contact her brother/husband about it?
That Muslim politician ,Ilhan Omar is very anti-Jewish and likewise very anti- Israel, as seen in those anti- Israel foreign policies she always keeps on pushing for. Therefore Omar is ,in essences, un-American . As former US President, William Howard Taft, wisely, declared in a speech that “Anti-Semitism is a noxious weed that should be cut out it has no place in America.”
Related to this is a grand statement in a speech former President Theodore Roosevelt, rightly, declared, “There can be no fifty-fifty Americanism in this country. There is room here for only one hundred percent Americanism, only for those who are Americans and nothing else.”
In addition, Omar is so terrible and such a danger to US Homeland Security that even an American imam had described Omar as “ISIS with lipstick.” [1]
[1] THUMP CARD by Dinesh D’ Souza
About that Muslim politician ,Ilhan Omar , after her election to Congress she was thus was given a seat on the House of Foreign Affairs Committee where she has much scheming influence to promote her Un-American Islamic ideas ,politics and polices ,specifically Sharia law, upon America .
Omar with her foreign Islamic agenda she desire to impose on America which are in strong contrast to American ideas, values, politic and polices are a matter of concern. Omar with her favoring Sharia law.
Now she has the gall to actually want to replace the July 4th celebration with a Muslim heritage month , that outrageous as well as absurd . Omar that that awful and outlandish goal have completely proven how totally un-American and subversive she actually is.
That stealth jihadist, Ilan Omar, must want to encourage and incite crime, chaos and mayhem in the States by defunding the police force.
How sinister !
The only “rational” reason that she would want to do this to America would be an Islamic hope for the downfall of this US Constitutional based nation so that this country can be reestablished under the rule of Islam’s Sharia
What else could be the reason for her scheme to defund the police force ?
That despicable scheming Ilan Omar with her terrible goal to defund the police force, it she would be able to do this, that would and will lead to the terrorizing of good decent people and be an encouragement to vicious, savage heinous criminals in the lawless evil actions.
For if the police are defunded then there in American cities and even towns there a drastic raise in crime especially heinous vile violent murderous crimes, as rapes and murderers along with rapes and the murder of the rape’s victims.
There would be more kidnappings and then along with that, many times, the torture and murder of the innocent people who had been kidnapped. Also, more robberies and vicious violent assaults on peaceful people by hooligans and well as more vile sex assaults.
There would be a sharp and awful increase of wife and child abuse. In addition, there would be a terrible large inflation of riots along with the arson, looting and vandalism that is always part of it.
There would even in non-riots be an increase in home and business break- ins with looting vandalism and physical harm committed against the peaceful people by thugs.
There can be no doubt that many people who now want the police to be defunded would be first to complain if they would become a victim of hooligans.
In conclusion the police definitely be well funded and supported and never defunded.
The hideous scheme of Ilan Omar to defund the police is probably the most terrible goal of evil and madness possible that, if done, would only lead to the destruction of people, property and even civilization.
That is in this case the Western civilization of the United States.
A Muslim holding his or her right are index finger up in the air is the symbolic jester with the meaning “That there is only one God which is Allah the God of Islam.”
So, when Ilan Omar at many different times uses that symbolic jester that is her Islamic meaning.
Regarding this, it should be made clear that the god of Islam isn’t really the same God as the God of the Bible. In spite of what many of the propagandists for Islam claim.
To explain, through the passing of time it has become widely accepted that the word “Allah” is just the Arabic word for God. This started when truth compromising Bible “translators” substituted the word Allah where the word God should have had been uses in the Arabic translation of the Bible. Furthermore, in the glossary in the book ASSASSINS! By Dr. Haha Lung it defines Allah as the “Pre-Islamic Lunar god: the god of Islam. “
Likewise, in the book entitled INSIDE ISLAM by a former Muslim who is now a Christian, Reza F. Safa on pages 22, 23 it reads “In pre-Islamic times both Allah –worship and Baal-worship involved the worship of the sun, the moon and the stars which h defines them as astral religions. [Which are condemned in the Bible, Second Kings 23:5] The crescent moon, which was the symbol of moon worship, is also the symbol of Islam.” In conclusion the Islamic god, Allah, is not the God of the Bible.
As much a Ilan Omar hates the State of Israel with an Islamic malice-filled vicious and would like to see Israel destroyed and replaced with an Islamic “state” her wish and desire for that to occur will never happen.
Because God favors Israel so much that she is special treasure so much so that He will not let her be destroyed
The reason why this is so be because according to the Bible the Jews have all the land that now makes up the State of Israel ,including the West Bank by Divine Right. As found in Genesis 28:13-15. 35:10-12. Deuteronomy 32:48,49. Psalm 105: 7-11. .
Furthermore, the Jews should have all this land by historic rights. As seen in First Kings 4; 20,21,24,25. 8:55, 56.
As Psalm 135:4 reads “For the Lord has chosen Jacob for Himself , Israel for His special treasure.”