If Rep. Omar is going to talk about deescalating the situation, she might want to start not geopolitically, but maritally, by deescalating the situation with the wife of the man she’s allegedly having an affair with. But that wouldn’t get her on CNN.
Rep. Ilhan Omar on Monday dismissed President Donald Trump’s ability to navigate escalating tensions with Iran, pointing to the controversy over Hurricane Dorian’s path and whether it would hit Alabama.
“Congress has the constitutional right to declare war. The President doesn’t have it. The secretary of state doesn’t it have and Saudi Arabia certainly doesn’t have it,” Omar, a Minnesota Democrat, told CNN’s Erin Burnett on “OutFront.” “I think we need to make sure that the American people understand that this administration — that lies about weather maps or crowd sizes — cannot be trusted to give us the full information we need to be able to make a decision whether we should be going to war or not with Iran.”
“We are not in a position to think about another endless war and I really hope that my colleagues in Congress are going to pressure this administration to take a step back and figure out how we use diplomacy in the de-escalating the situation,” she added.
And that’s all from Lady Haw Haw.
Last time I checked, Iran had declared an endless war against us, before Omar was even born, and our part in it has involved bombing Iranian targets in response to an attack back in the Reagan era. Iran, for its part, has kidnaped, tortured and murdered Americans, targeted US military personnel with terrorist attacks from Saudi Arabia to Iraq to Afghanistan to Yemen.
And the Islamic Republic played a role in 9/11.
The endless war here isn’t our doing. No matter how often the treason lobby with its endless war nonsense blames America first.
Maybe next time, CNN can have Rep. Omar on to discuss how she plans to open diplomatic relations with her boyfriend’s wife.
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