Yes, I said it and I mean it wholeheartedly. Every Black History month Blacks sing “We Shall Overcome” but if the Black community in America continues to accept and foolishly advocate for a slave mentality, that is what they shall get. The progressive socialist left, aka the Democrat party, has been highly successful in perpetuating a victim mentality for the black community. And in many ways, it has been the policies of the white socialist elitists of the left that have decimated and destroyed the black community.
Over the centuries, it has been the Democrats who have brought forth the policies of secession, slavery, segregation, and socialism…the dreaded 4S’s of the leftist apocalypse. In every way, these ideologies have proven detrimental to the existence of the black community. It is very comical to me to hear Democrats talk about Jim Crow when that is the policy they created and implemented, along with poll taxes, literacy tests, and lynchings. It was the Senate Democrats who have the record for the longest filibuster in US Senate history, against the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which passed thanks to Senate Republicans led by Everett Dirksen.
The so-called Great Society programs of widely known racist Democrat president Lyndon Johnson proved not so great. It led to the destruction of the traditional nuclear black family and turned American inner city communities into new economic plantations. Today, the black community is plagued with high unemployment, rampant fatherlessness, the genocidal murdering of our unborn babies, substandard schools, and lagging small business entrepreneurship. The new civil rights issue of this current age is school choice, but leftists, led by the Randi Weingarten teacher’s unions stand against it.
And what is the remedy for the ramifications of the destructive leftist policies?
Let’s give Blacks reparations for that which we created, implemented, and continue to support. Do not forget that Little Black Wall Street in Tulsa Oklahoma was destroyed by white Democrats.
Reparations? Yes, reparations, the new slave wages, after all, the Democrats, and the new overseers on the new black economic plantation — the Congressional Black Caucus — must continue to perpetuate the slave mentality. And this ungodly cabal must promote victimization because the crop of this economic plantation is not cotton, it is the vote.
My ideological mentor is a Black man who was once a slave. When he learned that he was free, he did not ask for reparations. No, Booker T. Washington sought out that which breaks the chains of any bondage, that which had been denied him, an education. Washington did not ask for gold bullion, a check, cash, or anything. He wanted that which leads to the golden ring of equality of opportunity, and knowledge. And with his dedication to education, he was recognized, and given the seemingly incredible task of establishing the first school of higher education in the south, Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute.
Booker T. Washington had a three-point agenda, ideology — education, entrepreneurship, self-reliance, and truly classical liberal and conservative principles and values. A man who was born a slave hosted an American president at his school, and dined with another in the White House. He helped form the Negro Business League which spawned the first generation of black economic growth.
Washington’s autobiography “Up From Slavery” along with Shelby Steele’s “White Guilt”, and Jason Riley’s “Please Stop Helping Us” should be mandatory reading for any imbecile advancing the idea of reparations…and those harboring that despicable victim mentality.
I am a proud American Black man, and that pride comes from a family of uniformed servants to this Nation. My Dad served in a segregated Army but he still challenged me to be the first officer in our family. I was born in a blacks-only hospital in Atlanta Georgia, 61 years ago. I was raised to never be a victim, but a victor. I was raised to never see, or allow anyone else to see my color as an impediment to success and achievement. My Mom taught me that self-esteem comes from doing esteemable things — somebody giving you some money for nothing ain’t gonna build up your esteem. That is the socialist economic theory tenet of creating and expanding a welfare nanny state.
In many ways, this insidious idea of reparations is just a big grown-up participation trophy. A silly gesture that essentially is worthless.
Two years ago I wrote the book, “We Can Overcome, An American Black Conservative Manifesto”. If the black community wants to overcome, stop being played by these white socialists, like the ones who founded the NAACP. Stop allowing deranged whites like Margaret Sanger and her legacy of killing future generations of black babies before they are born.
And stop with this dumbass victim mentality and being told that we are still slaves. I am a slave to no man or woman. I am a damn American and my forefathers sacrificed so that I could one day write this missive to be read by countless of my Countrymen and women.
And if this upsets white progressive socialists and their radical black lackeys…well, Hooah!
Steadfast and Loyal.
Lightbringer says
Good for you, Col./Congressman West! A fine essay that includes a great reading list. If only our friends across the aisle would read them… or anything substantive.
Spurwing Plover says
Since all the slaves were owned by Democrats make the DNC pay the whole thing not the American People
World@70 says
Great Idea! But Dems, will blame Donald Trump and Biden will claim he personally removed the Trump chains from their necks back when he was VP in 1865. His word as a a know the thing.
Kasandra says
Unfortunately, both white and black Democrats seem entirely comfortable in playing these roles.
Angel Jacob says
I came to America with zero money, no education and no skills. No friends and no family.
I started walking 2 miles to my first job within one week of my arrival. I never took a penny from anybody in charity. I’m not white, just a mixed race.
A few decades later, I’m living just fine, I’ve been able to pay all my bills, and never broke any laws. I had hard times and lots of good times.
I’ve interacted with thousands of people from all walks of life and made dozens of great friends. I have not experienced racism at all, except once, and it was a drunken meth head on the street calling me names out of the blue. I simply yelled back at him and kept walking.
I did fall victim to criminals a few times though, so I have strong attitude against criminals, as any sane person should. Nothing to do with race, but the behavior that I hate.
In my experience mingling with all races found in the US, I actually found whites to be most accepting, intelligent and caring people. I noticed a lot of hate and bad attitude towards other races among non-whites almost all of them based on nothing real but racist people projecting themselves.
I am a proud and patriotic American, with no allegiance to anything but.
Angel Jacob says
It blows my mind to see people who are born here, wasting all their time doing nothing, and not even learning how to speak properly, let alone read and write, not willing to work, not making any attempts to learn anything good at all, and then blaming and hating everybody else for their own problems.
Ad then it hit me, playing victim pays. And as long as it does, it encourages more people to play victim.
That issue aside, the black communities seriously need to get rid of the criminal elements, and criminal mentality. That is the number one issue that keeps them down. The crime statistics are beyond epidemic levels, and it has nothing to do with anybody but the blacks themselves. Blacks can’t and won’t fix it themselves, and they don’t want anybody else to fix it. Is it not the definition of being self-destructive?
James Keir Baughman says
And an enormous AMEN!!! to that!
poptoy1949 says
My U.S. Representative in Washington, Mr. Michael Johnson R of the 4th District of Louisiana voted to make Juneteenth a National Holiday. I asked why on three different occasions and I never got an answer. I want the World to know this about my Congressman.
John Wood says
Col. West is a great American.
Andrew Blackadder says
When I lived in Manhattan back in the day I often see Coked out black Pimps driving huge Cars and the money came from their WHITE Whores whom they would beat up, trash them, insult them and generally treat them worse than a Rabid Dog…
Slave Masters over white girls…
Anybody speak about this….. Hell no…
If anybody wants to hand over Cash money to black people today who have never been a Slave then the Democrat Party member can pay it after all they are the Party that was in favor of slavery and against freeing them and created Jim Crow Laws to keep them in place, so for ANY Negro in the USA to be proud of being a DemocRAT Party member then I suggest they are really really ignorant of their own history.