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In a tacit but sharp rebuke to Old Joe Biden and all the others who warned Israel not to go into Rafah and claimed that the hostages Hamas was holding could be rescued through peaceful negotiations, Israel on Saturday rescued four of those hostages in Nuseirat. Instead of applauding the courage and ingenuity of the rescuers, the international media has lined up for the predictable chorus of condemnation of Israel. This time, however, the propaganda rings even more hollow than it usually does, for amid all the claims of the deaths of “innocent civilians” in Gaza, it is clear that a good many of those “civilians” played an active role in the holding of the hostages.
The Associated Press’ headline on its Saturday story on the rescue was indicative of the tone of establishment media coverage: “Israel rescues 4 hostages taken in Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, and 210 Palestinians are reported killed.” The last sentence of the lead paragraph revealed the source and motivation for the claim about Palestinian casualties: “At least 210 Palestinians, including children, were killed, a Gaza health official said.”
A “Gaza health official” is one-hundred-percent certain to be a member of Hamas. Hamas has abundant reason to lie about the number of civilian casualties that result from Israeli actions, as it is well aware that such propaganda plays extremely well in Brussels, Washington, and the UN General Assembly, and results in billions of dollars in “humanitarian aid” being showered upon them. Yet Hamas has been proven to be lying about the casualty numbers. In mid-May, the UN cut in half the number of women and children it claimed that the Israelis have killed in Gaza. The Jerusalem Post reported that in the UN’s latest report on the number of casualties in Gaza, it added a disclaimer that should have been there from the very beginning: “The UN has so far not been able to produce independent, comprehensive, and verified casualty figures.”
Yet a month later, here was AP once again uncritically repeating Hamas’ figures, and it wasn’t finished. At least its follow-up report on Sunday was immediately forthright about the source of its figures: “Gaza’s Health Ministry says 274 Palestinians were killed in Israeli raid that rescued 4 hostages.” Nowhere in its report, however, did AP bother to explain to its readers that the Gaza Health Ministry was an arm of Hamas, and thus that its casualty figures had to be regarded with extreme skepticism.
Nor did AP mention the shocking fact that at least one of those “innocent civilians” in Gaza played an active role in the holding of at least one of the Israeli hostages. Open Source Intelligence Monitor reported on X Sunday that “one of the Israeli Hostages that was Rescued yesterday during the Joint-Operation in Central Gaza, 26-Year-Old Noa Argamani was being held Captive in the Home of Abdallah Aljamal, a Photojournalist and Writer/Editor for both Al-Jazeera and the Palestinian Chronicle. During the Operation, Abdallah and several Members of his Family were Killed while attempting to Prevent the Rescue of Noa.”
Indirectly confirming this was the staunchly anti-Israel Ramy Abdu of Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, who wrote on X: “In an initial testimony documenting the killings committed by the Israeli army in the Nuseirat camp today, the @EuroMedHR reported that the Israeli army used a ladder to enter the home of Dr. Ahmed Al-Jamal. The army immediately executed 36-year-old Fatima Al-Jamal upon encountering her on the staircase. The forces then stormed the house and executed her husband, journalist Abdullah Al-Jamal, 36, and his father, Dr. Ahmed, 74, in front of his grandchildren. The army also shot their daughter, Zainab, 27, who sustained serious injuries.”
Abdu portrays this as a series of gratuitous murders of civilians, but actually the IDF entered Aljamal’s home because that’s where Israeli hostage Noa Argamani was being kept. When Abdu was asked if the raid meant that Argamani was being held in the Aljamal home, he answered: “This should be answered by Israeli officials.” An X user spelled out the obvious implications of this curious answer: “Wow. Look at that. You can’t say no. Feels like you ought to know the answer before trying to evoke sympathy for these people.”
Abdu likely does know the answer, and that answer is clear enough whatever he says. Israel takes immense pains to avoid civilian casualties. Instead of headlining its stories with bogus Hamas-sourced casualty numbers, AP ought to be exploring the implications of the likely fact that a civilian “journalist” was actively involved in Hamas’ holding of Israeli hostages, and discussing what that means for the concept of “civilian” in Gaza in general.
But AP will do no such thing. The propaganda will continue.
Very true Robert, very true.
If the “Palestinians” had their way, every Israeli Jew would be dead,. They would not be content to peer from behind curtains as the Germans did 80+ years ago as Jews were “resettled”- they would actively participate a la Rwandan Genocide, And as with the Rwandan Genocide, the United Nations would sit by and watch. Men, women and children, “innocent Palestinians” would all be perpetrators.
We’re supposed to feel sorry for them because they’ve failed to achieve their goal, which isn’t a “Palestinian State” but the destruction of Israel and the annihilation of its Jews?
There are no civilians in Gaza. OK, maybe a handful. Saw a picture this morning of Aljamal’s son dressed in jihadi garb rehearsing his indoctrinated military moves, his father gloating over him. This is a sick society who sadly worship a false god(satan) and believe death is preferrable to life. And holding hostages in a war like this is a war crime.
We have learned nothing from history to our shame.
Anyone who holds a positive view of Hamas should read this:
I watched some commentary by commando’s who were there- they spoke of the immediate call for hamas and ordinary citizens to pick up arms to shoot the rescue squads from the rooftops and the alleys. They were’nt folks sitting around trying to sip tea and find a life there.
I have no sympathy for the Gazans. Israel MUST finish HAMAS. !
So just WHO are the Big Boys here? IDF have carefully, sysematically, patiently, searched and researched to locae these four unlawfully taken hostages. They sniffed them out, then waited and watched for who knows how long to learn the precise details of there whereabouts and situation. Mind, in a situation that is totally closed to them by the very nature of the state of war their enemy have established and continue.
Once having located the subjects, they then had to mastermind a foolproof (well, as close as one can get in a war zone….) plan for an incursion and extraction operation.
Some would condemn them for “executing” the “family” (blood related operatives, looks like to me) Had that househod NOT been in the process of continuing death-penalty behaviour, they’d still be alive. Hd theye sought out IDF and offered to return these four unhurt, they’d be worthy of some great reward.. insead, they are now “enjoying” life with their seventy two houris…. a miserable fate if ever there was one. They earned their own wages, fair and square.
Let the world holler abd moan abou the “pore dead Gazans” who have made a hell on earth for the hostages they have not yet killed. Bu I ask this: WHO will holler and scream in protest, let alone take up arms, as these vile captors finally meet their own just rewards? I will be making noise,but not in protest to justice being served up in large heaps, overflowing the platter.
And our vile “,media” take the side of the persecutors and executioners. I am curious about one thing, though… just exactly WHAT sort of “news” has this manstealer been reporting and to whom? THAT would be interesting to see.
I’m pleased that another four Israeli hostages have been set free. But I am saddened that one of the IDF soldiers had to lose his life in the process; he’s another victim of the muslim death cult.
The Jaws Raw wedges that I received back in December have by far been an eye opener for me I am currently playing
I failed