For the third time in its short history, Israel, by the will of fate or metaphysical destiny, once again finds itself in the epicenter of the struggle of the Western world with supranational totalitarian systems. The first time, it became an outpost in the way of the powerful Soviet empire, which sought to establish a communist world dictatorship. The second time, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was attacked by Islamic jihadists, who practiced against it the most monstrous methods of “fighting the infidels.” This onslaught was repulsed, and the jihadists were at least temporarily weakened. The new attack was marked by the advent of yet another, perhaps the most sophisticated, totalitarian ideology: globalism. And again, as before, the Jewish state has become the main battlefield.
The goal of globalism as an ideological system is the elimination of national states and cultures and the transformation of Western states into a single sterile territory with unlimited financial, material and intellectual resources. A human being in such system is doomed to turn into an infantile, ignorant and thoughtless consumer whose mind is filled with all sorts of ridiculous fantasies, such as “reptilian people,” “zombie apocalypse,” New Age beliefs and “flat earth.” Humans will be guided not by reason, but by spontaneous desires and emotions, and in fact, will turn into pets, with their fate depending entirely on the desires and whims of their owners.
This offensive against human being as a thinking and independent creature expands in all directions. Under the pretext of “global warming” or “climate change,” the economies of the leading states, their energy resources and modern agriculture are being destroyed. Under the pretext of “multiculturalism, equal rights for minorities and the rescue of refugees,” ethnic substitution of entire nations is taking place. Under the pretext of “fighting racism, imperialism and white supremacy,” globalists carry out a total destruction of the national history of Western states with their unique philosophies and cultures, as well as their brilliant scientific achievements, literature and architecture. Under the pretext of “equality of rights of sexual minorities,” psychophysical anomalies are presented as the highest value, and the institution of the family and human psychology are being destroyed. Art becomes a disgusting caricature of itself. Monotheistic religions are being replaced by ridiculous pagan cults, and occult and esoteric practices. Young minds are subjected to sophisticated brainwashing that even the Soviet system did not know of. Finally, under the pretext of protecting democracy, cultural totalitarianism is established, in which ” dissenters” are pushed to the periphery of public and political life, and declared racists, fascists or mentally ill people. The “fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly” of prophet Daniel, as if resurrected from the dark depths, has come into the world.
All sorts of manipulations are used to take over the world, including an alliance between the progressives with their destructive agenda and Islamists, primarily the Muslim Brotherhood and their sponsors: Turkey and Qatar. There is a ruthless persecution of those who are trying to save their peoples from cultural destruction: first of all, Hungary and Poland, perhaps the last strongholds of Western civilization in the Old World.
However, the main tool of the globalists is now the judicial system, which was perceived by the fathers of democracy, from Alexis de Tocqueville, Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill to Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, as the main pillar of democracy. The judicial institutions of Western countries have turned into supranational structures, often not controlled by anyone, a kind of closed elite “priesthood.” Those who try to get in the way of globalism immediately become the object of legal persecution, supported by the media, academia and the highest officials. Trump in America, Netanyahu in Israel, Silvio Berlusconi and Matteo Salvini in Italy, Marine Le Pen in France, Alternative for Germany, Sebastian Kurz in Austria, Andrej Babiš in the Czech Republic — these are the most striking victims of the modern auto-da-fé. The accusations range from fraud, as in the case of Trump, Netanyahu and Babiš, to “illegally keeping migrants on board a ship,” as in the case of Matteo Salvini, and alleged sympathies for Nazis and fascists, as in the case of Giorgia Meloni. In some cases, politicians get vindicated, as happened to Marine Le Pen. Even so, she surprisingly softened her position on migrants. In some cases, as happened to Kurz, they are forced to leave politics completely.
Israel is a unique case where the most popular statesman, against whom four cases were initiated at once, managed to return to power thanks to the support of the society. Moreover, he gave carte blanche to his Minister of Justice to implement a judicial reform, that is to deprive the judicial caste of the exclusive status and unlimited powers. In doing so, he jeopardized all the privileges enjoyed by the judicial elite.
If the new government wins the battle in Israel, the “bad example” could be contagious. Globalists see this as a dangerous precedent. Globalists cannot allow any legitimate government of any country to disarm their “sacred establishment,” to take away their main instrument of power from them. This is a war of life and death, and this is what we are seeing today: mass hysteria, calls for defiance and rebellion, intimidation with threats of collapse of democracy, civil war and destruction of the state, political liquidation of key right-wing politicians, as in the case of Aryeh Deri.
If this unbridled orgy does not force the government to capitulate, the situation will be deliberately aggravated. Bloody provocations, riots, assassination attempts, and mass clashes are possible. Just as for Lenin and his accomplices Russia was nothing more than an experimental field, so for the current globalists, Israel and other countries are nothing more than a territory on which they, through their puppets, are “experimenting on people”*, according to Viktor Orban. If at this stage, the current government shows firmness and does not give in, or if the situation finally gets out of control, the elite will turn to their last resort — what ex-President of the Supreme Court Aharon Barak called the “ tanks revolution.”** In other words, tanks will be a response to the attempt to limit the power of judges — the world globalist elite will go for the establishment of a direct dictatorship. For they understand well that having lost in Israel, they risk losing the entire West. All their achievements and aspirations are at stake today.
* “I don’t like experimenting on people. Human experimentation is dangerous.” (Viktor Orbán)
** “You have no greater evil than this as a constitutional revolution. The most parallel thing is a tanks revolution.” (Retired President of the Supreme Court, Aharon Barak)
These people are so transparently dishonest. If suddenly the judiciary in Israel became conservative, is there any doubt that these same people would be in the forefront of a movement to limit their dictatorial powers?
Excellent article.
Think back to the 90s and the fall of the Soviet Union. When the tanks came out they were mobbed by crowds that put flowers in the barrels of the tanks. The red Army refused to fire on its own people. Contrast that with China. In Tiananmen Square The “Peoples” Army had no qualms about crushing the crowd under their treads and thousands were massacred.
So when tanks in the west are deployed and the army and police are called out to kill their own people … how will they respond?
We’re gonna find out.
They won’t shoot. The Chinese soldiers fired because the boot of China’s communism was – and still is – firmly on the necks of the populace. Soldiers to an even greater degree.
The red horseman of the apocalypse is sent to take peace from the world by civil unrest, civil disobedience and civil war. The globalists are trying to do that in Israel and the US and are working overtime to bring it about.
When they succeed in bringing about their hoped for wars, things will go downhill from there. When they somewhat achieve their goals, they will lose everything they fought for.
It has been written about and is coming to pass in this day and age, what is amazing is the fact that people don’t want to know what is coming for one reason or another.
Simply amazing.
“The “fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly” of prophet Daniel, as if resurrected from the dark depths, has come into the world”..
Hmm… a closer reading of the relevant chapters of the Apocalypse IMO reveals that the globalist system with its ‘great merchants of the earth who deceived all nations by its sorcery [Greek orig: pharmakeia (!) – chapter 18:23] cannot be the “fourth beast”. It must be Mystery Babylon [chapter 17], she who controls the “kings of the earth”. And she initially SITS ON the beast.. before it destroys her.
Now the question is, who is ‘the beast’? Could it be Islam, steadily rising and coming to power in all Western countries, and hating the ‘prostitute’? Seems to make sense, considering MB is made up of ‘infidels’ – Christians and Jews, the object of their hatred. Just some food for thought..
“The term is now frequently used as a pejorative by far-right movements and conspiracy theorists.[3] False usage in this way has also been associated with antisemitism, as antisemites frequently appropriate globalist to refer to Jews.”
Interesting,eh. Just sayin’.
Sorry, Ron. Anyone all over the world can change Wikipedia. You really believe that as an honest source?
This article is succinct and important for a wider audience, and as always, thanks to David Horowitz. The global nature of this madness is now upon us for all to see. All of the planned phases of deliberate corruption of the Judeo-Christian world are in process with enough effectiveness for these evil men to attempt the use open violence or the threat thereof. The elites behind this know exactly what they are doing. This work came out in the open in Israel years ago when Clinton sent money and human expertise to accelerate the judicial, institutional and political corruption process. Look where we are today. When the violence erupts, no one will be able to control it and other supranational actors will be involved.
The attacks on Jerusalem and Israel have been happening for thousands of years. Satan invests his energy in attacking what God loves, and Jerusalem and God’s chosen people are prime targets. Satan and his demonic forces generate the lies and hate and cause the darkness, death, and war we observe in this world today. The ultimate battle is coming, and thats when the Lord destroys Israel’s enemies with the breath of his mouth. Revelation 20;10.
I read the Times of Israel daily and have been waiting for someone to write an article about what the heck is going on over there. Good, no great article which explains exactly what the reason for the madness over there.