After Tucker Carlson’s broadcast Thursday during which a CIA insider told him that he did think the agency was involved in the murder of President John F. Kennedy, the slain president’s nephew, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., tweeted: “The most courageous newscast in 60 years. The CIA’s murder of my uncle was a successful coup d’état from which our democracy has never recovered. @TuckerCarlson.”
The most courageous newscast in 60 years. The CIA’s murder of my uncle was a successful coup d'état from which our democracy has never recovered. @TuckerCarlson
— Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) December 17, 2022
So, did the CIA kill John F. Kennedy, or help others do so? The Thursday release of over 13,000 documents related to the assassination doesn’t get us much closer to a solid answer to that question than we were before. But RFK Jr.’s certainty on this matter doesn’t come out of nowhere. The basic fact that all the records still aren’t publicly available is suspicious in itself.
The new document drop means that 97% of the JFK assassination material has now been released. But what about the other three percent? Old Joe Biden’s handlers said in a statement that “agencies” — gee, which ones? — had asked that a “limited” number of documents be held back. The statement explained that “temporary continued postponement of public disclosure of such information is necessary to protect against an identifiable harm to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or the conduct of foreign relations.”
What harm could come to intelligence operations by the release of sixty-year-old material, unless the intelligence agency that requested that this material be held back knows very well that what is in it will reflect negatively on its operations today? The withholding of still more documents even comes after the Mary Ferrell Foundation, which describes itself as “a non-profit organization engaged in an ongoing effort to bring accessible and interactive history to a new generation of critical thinkers,” filed suit in October against Old Joe and the National Archives, to compel them to release the remaining documents pertaining to the assassination.
The Mary Ferrell Foundation’s vice president, Jefferson Morley, whom NBC News describes as “an expert on the assassination and the CIA,” remarked, “It’s high time that the government got its act together and obeyed the spirit and the letter of the law,” referring to Bill Clinton’s order that all the JFK assassination documents be released by Oct. 26, 2017. “This is about our history and our right to know it.” RFK Jr. commented when the Mary Ferrell Foundation suit was filed, “It was a momentous crime, a crime against American democracy. And the American people have the right to know. The law requires the records be released. It’s bizarre. It’s been almost 60 years since my uncle’s death. What are they hiding?”
What indeed? Former CIA agent Rolf Mowatt-Larssen said, “What I think happened, in a nutshell, is that Oswald was recruited into a rogue CIA plot. This group of three, four or five rogues decided their motive [was] to get rid of Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis because they thought it was their patriotic duty given the threat the country was under at the time and their views, which would be more hard-line or more radically anti-communist and very extreme politically.” This sounds like the usual establishment media effort to blame everything on patriots, and so it must be taken with some skepticism. The Bay of Pigs incident and the Cuban Missile Crisis actually show that Kennedy was as radically anti-communist as anyone; he may have just been inept. Targeting him for his ineptitude is not the same thing as taking a harder line than he did on what America’s stance should be regarding Communism.
But the idea that the CIA was involved can’t be dismissed out of hand. Back on Dec. 22, 1963, exactly a month after the Kennedy assassination, former President Harry Truman wrote in the Washington Post that “for some time I have been disturbed by the way [the] CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the Government. This has led to trouble and may have compounded our difficulties in several explosive areas.” He added, “We have grown up as a nation, respected for our free institutions and for our ability to maintain a free and open society. There is something about the way the CIA has been functioning that is casting a shadow over our historic position and I feel that we need to correct it.”
Why did Truman believe it necessary to publish this warning about the CIA right at that time? Whatever his reasons may have been, nothing was done to reform or rein in the CIA. Now, after we have seen the CIA meddling in governments worldwide, and after the Russian Collusion hoax and innumerable other domestic operations involving gaslighting of the American people on a large scale, it’s not at all inconceivable that the CIA would have had a hand in taking out a sitting president. If it did, however, it should have been shut down then, and if it turns out that it did now, it should be shut down, however belatedly. The American people need to know the CIA’s role, if any, in the Kennedy assassination — not as a matter of historical interest, but to determine a key question for our nation’s future today.
“What are they hiding?” It’s like a mantra with you people. Here’s the truth: NO amount of evidence will ever convince you that your conspiracy theories are wrong, whether your 2020 electoral fraud liars, J6 treason riot liars, anti-vax liars (like the loon RFK Jr.), or JFK conspiracy theory liars. Give it up ffs. You’ve got 97% of the files and not a trace of a conspiracy, plus overwhelming evidence of Oswald’s sole guilt. Face reality for once in your lives.
You’re right everything is going fine. Now go get in your EV one seater, put your t-shirt mask over your face, and get to DC where it’s safe. Maybe if you’re lucky they’ll re-distribute all your belongings for you so you can own nothing and be happy. The perfect utopian reality, right? It’s all for the greater good remember. Baaaa.
Please rewrite that in English.
I think he did. It’s called sarcasm, something that always evades you.
Please translate it then.
He said get in your Electric Vehicle one seater, basically a Smart Car.
He said put on your mask, go to D.C…’s safe there.
He said if you are lucky they will take everything you own in taxes and redistribute it to people who don’t work (blacks) leaving you with nothing.
Your desired utopia…all for your own good. Your leftist philosophy in a nutshell.
I don’t understand why it was so hard for you to get that, or were just being your usual faux superior self.
I appreciate the clarification. You’re much more familiar with treason monkey lingo than I am.
I’m much more familiar with the truth than you will ever be. I am sorry plain spoken English is such a mystery for you.
But that is how it is with Leftists always looking for a free lunch, isn’t it, you little Shmückeshvante leech
Sorry, but “go get in your EV one seater, put your t-shirt mask over your face, and get to DC where it’s safe” is incomprehensible to any non-treason monkeyese speaker.
“Sorry, but “go get in your EV one seater, put your t-shirt mask over your face, and get to DC where it’s safe” is incomprehensible to any non-treason monkeyese speaker.”
It’s called American English, but you wouldn’t know that since you aren’t from this country and you see treason Monkeys in your dreams.
How’s that free lunch coming along, Mr. Leech?
No, it’s called dementia treasonmonkeyus.
“No, it’s called dementia treasonmonkeyus..”
You are no longer close to being clever even though you are probably the only one, outside of the things that hatched you, who thinks so.
You are simply a leftist bore, stuck in a dink country of zero account, on the outside looking in. Watching the last vestiges of a Euro-philosophy begin it’s slow ride to irrelevance as your buddy, Jose Dementio, spends another 60 billion to prop up a failed regime, in a Democrat war, in Eastern Europe. But don’t worry. Putin, the Left’s foil until Mueller couldn’t find any collusion between him and Trump, has his nukes aimed directly at your capital, Londonistan.
I don’t appear to bore you. Every time I say something, your head explodes and you erupt into treason monkey logohorea. It’s fun to watch, actually.
I don’t appear to bore you. Every time I say something, your head explodes and you erupt into treason monkey logohorea. It’s fun to watch, actually.
The only head exploding, as always is yours.
What with your calls for the FBI to arrest us, Larpers (whatever they are), calls for insurrection, childlish treason monkey accusations and of course the “how amusing it all is” defense mechanism when you get stuck and which you over use I would say you are as predictable and boring as a sunrise.
As I have said repeatedly, I don’t have to go heeled to get the bulge on a leftist tub of leftist garbage like you.
“I don’t have to go heeled to get the bulge on a leftist tub of leftist garbage like you.”
Ok, now you’re talking treason monkeyese. Can you translate again?
FPM needs to ban Marlow in order to maintain the quality of this site.
Hint” this article is not about J6ers, anti-vaxers, or electoral fraud. But it is really good to know you simply accept all of the party lies hook line and sinker. Such a good little leftist Brit soldier. The one thing you are truly lousy at is Leftist propaganda. Perhaps you should talk to Adam Schiff about that. You really don’t get much solid news over there in England…..just what the BBC allows.
And yet the Kennedy Conspiracy exists and persists, and will not go away until ALL the related papers are released. What are you afraid of?
And it’s very clear, now that Musk is dumping the Twitter files, how deep electoral fraud for 2020 and 2022 goes……. and the vaunted FBI’s illegal involvement with Twitter. What are you afraid of?
It’s amazing how everyone around you are always liars. It’s amazing how you easily accuse everyone of being liars. You pretty much are on the wrong side of everything but only you have the true path to the truth. That’s basically called a messiah complex and being insane. Go have another COVID jab since you believe that lie as well.
“What are you afraid of?” is the effortless counterpart to “What are they hiding?” As I said, both are irrelevant, because NOTHING will convince you that your conspiracy theories are false. You’ve built too much of your decrepit identity around them to let them go. What I AM afraid of, however, is the damage insane liars like you are doing and could do to American and indeed global society. It’s not good for anyone if half the population is insane.
Finding out who actually killed Kennedy will do grave danger the deep state and to WEF globalism because it will expose what the CIA has been up to globally for the last 60 years.
But it’s good to know that you are down with Schwab and his globalist buddies at the Hague. Hell. you probably believed the Soviet crop reports and the 5 year plans when they were in fashion.
The hysterically funny thing is the amount of people you think are liars and insane. I guess it hasn’t occurred to you that you are the liar and quite insane.
You are, in the final analysis, just a run of the mill statist socialist who will always be on the wrong side of history. It really doesn’t matter to you how many have to die, because you actually think you are so special you won’t have to eat bug sandwiches. Guess what…. Schwabby doesn’t care about you. You aren’t immune. And you aren’t anything special. Just a dumb leftist who hates capitalism. When you finally realize that you will realize your biggest fears.
Conservative America will ultimately win this fight because the corrupt left has been exposed for the crooks they are, mainly through the Twitter files. And they, and you, always lose in the end. Just keep your head buried in the sand, just as you did when those imaginary bullets were flying over your little head, Mr. Tough Guy
I rest my case. You will believe what you want and need to believe. It’s a bit pathetic, but fortunately it means that, in the end, you will always lose. Reality cannot be fooled, and it will assert itself despite your attempts to deny it. The left went down the conspiracy rabbit hole in the ’70s and were out of power for a generation. Looks like the right is about to do the same thing. Enjoy perpetual political impotence, my friend.
Actually other than Barack the Majic black Preezy the Right has mostly been in power since Bush II
So you go right resting whatever case you think you have, believing any thing you want, and calling everyone who disagrees with you liars and conspiracy nuts. It’s the time honored fient of the inveterate liar who says I’m not crazy. It’s all of you.
What nothing about the Twitter files that have completely exposed the FBI for the liars they truly are. Nothing about Hunter’s laptop? Nothing about the FBI colluding with Zuckerburg and Twitter to fix the 2020 election.
It’s laughable what you avoid talking about when you get caught with your pants down.
How’s that free lunch tasting now DipshT
Ok, you’re a liar and a conspiracist.
“Ok, you’re a liar and a conspiracist.”
I see you went off to your usual safe space calling people liars and conspiracists. I’m not surprised. It’s where little leftist cowards always go when there’s no free lunch provided and they don’t have a real response to a post.
You always take the coward,s way out don’t you. Still racking up the down votes aren’t you. Maybe you should take the hint and bugger off. You really don’t have much to say except for schoolyard bully garbage.
I’ll say it again if you like: You’re a liar and a conspiracist. One might think that a courageous person, rather than engaging in rank conspiracy theories, would stop blaming other people (black and gay people appear to especially vex you) or the government for their problems, and admit the truth when they lose things like elections. One might think someone who refuses to do that is a coward. One might think.
“One might think that a courageous person, rather than engaging in rank conspiracy theories, would stop blaming other people (black and gay people appear to especially vex you) or the government for their problems, and admit the truth when they lose things like elections. One might think someone who refuses to do that is a coward. One might think.”
Except you don’t think, ever. You just rant and call everyone liars.
I don’t expect government to fix anything. They don’t know how. I just want as little government as possible. You are a statist who thinks the government should be in every nook and cranny. That’s why you expect the corrupt FBI to solve your problems by locking patriots up.
Yeah, Blacks and gays vex me. They are much like you. Blacks want to steal the money I worked for in the form of slave reparations that they weren’t around for. Gays want to groom our kids into their sick trans drag queen lifestyle. Normal people are vexed by that. It’s clear you aren’t normal. You are a sick twisted leftist who thinks the world owes you a living. I don’t owe you squat.
As far as I’m concerned you can (how did you put it?) fk off and die. You and your kind will not be missed.
So basically, you hate blacks, gays, communists, anyone to the left of Trump, everyone except for Trump, and basically everyone who isn’t Trump, and they can all f*** off and die. Got it. You sound like a really lovely person to be around. No wonder your Sigs are your best friends.
I will say, however, that if there is one thing you are not, it’s a patriot. You could not be more explicit about the fact that you loathe the United States with every fiber of your being, and long to see it destroyed. Not surprising, then, that you support the worst traitor in American history and his simian minions.
So, fine, go on hating America and blaming everyone except Trump for all your innumerable shortcomings. You do you.
“You people”?!?!?! Just who do you think you are addressing in the plural like that? Should they go to the back of the bus? Or not join your country club?
Wow! What racis, prejudiced, intolerant hatred of those you believe are in a minority.
Are you one of them scary domestic terrorists or something?
By “you people,” I mean the idiots who believe this s***. And yeah, I sort of do wish they were segregated from the rest of us, preferably in an insane asylum, where they can receive proper treatment.
“You people” happens to be a vast majority of the country. But I am not surprised you prefer segregation, outlawed by the way in the 1965 civil rights act. But hey even BLM wants segregated dorm rooms and grad ceremonies these days.
So basically you are for concentration camps. How very European of you. But after all you aren’t an American and you never will be one. But you are a racist P.O.S. as is Jose Dementio.
You know your buddy Biden has been hinting at camps for us little treason monkeys, as well. Why don’t you come over here and show us how it’s done , you little coward boy.
I certainly hope Biden will provide the necessary mental health services to those who have gone down the rabbit hole, and of course protect the sane majority from them, if necessary via isolation.
As for you people, there’s not much to be done with you except make sure the FBI takes you out if you attempt to impose your demented fantasies on everybody else.
Of course, you don’t have to worry about that, because you’re a gutless LARPer who will never make such an attempt in a million years, but there may be others with less of a sense of self-preservation.
“As for you people, there’s not much to be done with you except make sure the FBI takes you out if you attempt to impose your demented fantasies on everybody else..”
I love it when you get all toughy-tough. Your other safe space? I’m supposed to be intimidated by your B.S. From 3000 miles away? You are such a little PuSS n Boots.
You truly are a leftist and a fascist. You are actually hoping our “dead from the neck up” FBI is capable of doing what the SS and KGB used to do? It is obvious that you don’t understand this country and you never will, but you are right in line with what Biden is having his moribund Stasi stand-in FBI engaged in, particularly when it comes to election fraud.
You really have a lot of mental health issues, the least of which is wanting to see people who oppose you put in camps. See one of your national health docs for some second rate health care.
You appear to think you’re living under a communist or Nazi regime. I’ve known quite a few people who lived under both, and I can assure you that you’re not. Nor, I think, would they take kindly to you minimizing their suffering by comparing your comfortable middle-class life beset by dementia treasonmonkeyus to their suffering.
In any event, you still refuse to undertake your insurrection, so I guess we know who is “toughy-tough” (hilarious phrase, btw).
I recognize fascism when I see it (Twitter and Facebook colluding with the FBI to affect an election) and I recognize Communism when I see it in the form of the Squad, and the CBC in Congress along with the bloated spending bills they routinely pass now, which only serve to increase inflation. I also recognize out and out anti-semitism in the form the Muslims in my government.
I never said I live under Communism or Nazism but I see the inevitable drift. The only people who minimize their suffering are the leftist morons who call Conservatives and Trump supporters semi-fascists as Biden has done and has the left has done for decades. Hitler indeed.
Yeah, I do live a comfortable middle class life and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. Sucks to be you. A house and two cars, money in the bank, and the 2A to protect all of it. Even Biden can’t wreck it as much as he is trying to. Of course he always has his Keystone Cops and the lying enemedia.
The only thing you have is your pathetic attempt to goad me into some insurrection you have dreamed up in that fever swamp mind of yours Mr. Toughy Tough.
Sorry, I’m not stupid.
Sorry, but you are stupid. Anyone who could say “I recognize fascism when I see it (Twitter and Facebook colluding with the FBI to affect an election) and I recognize Communism when I see it in the form of the Squad, and the CBC in Congress along with the bloated spending bills” is stupid. Inadvertantly, however, you’ve proved my point. In your spoiled, decadent American bourgeoise bubble, you HAVE NO IDEA what it’s like to actually live under totalitarianism of the left or the right. Go home, watch TV, stroke your Sig and stop playing the victim. Your titanic self-pity is simultaneously hilarious, pathetic and wildly insulting to millions of people who went through a hell you cannot begin to conceive of.
The CIA meddled with the South African government too, causing irreparable harm for generations to come!
Currently they are doing the same thing in Brazil – a coup against the people’s choice for President by using election fraud.
FWIW, I don’t buy it. There are many reasons that the CIA might want certain information to continue to be withheld that have nothing to do with any plot against Kennedy. And I’m a pretty cynical guy.
I agree. But let me be, if anything, even more cynical. I think Oswald was employed by both the CIA and FBI, that he was framed by his FBI control agent (see George O’Toole’s scenario in “The Assassination Tapes”), and that people with their own channels to the Mob — such as J. Edgar Hoover, the CIA’s Richard Helms, Richard Nixon and LBJ — may have known in advance about the plot but elected to do nothing. Oswald’s last words to the press were “I’m just a patsy.” His widow added in a 2008 interview: “I think he knew he had been set up.” I think so, too.
If the CIA was factionalized, as seems apparent, the responsible faction needs to be fingered for this. Today the CIA is much more united in purpose and methods than it once was.
Ha! Yes it seems so to us out here. United in quite evil purposes.
JFK, Brother Robert and son John all removed . Caroline told to shut up and she did. Jackie knew and Johnson was up for all of it
That the CIA seems to have been involved in the Russia Russia hoax and other attacks on candidate and then President Trump. That seems to me as illegal, disruptive and almost as shocking as assassination. It avoided making Trump a martyr and possibly making the movement supporting his perspective stronger.
Yes, I am equating their current actions with murder. Maybe that goes too far. . But the core question is why do we pussyfoot around their apparent crimes? I guess we fear them. Which gives them even more power than they already have.
That marlow character has no real discernment of what Truth really is. He’s truly a believer in his lost worldly views. If anyone I’ve ever heard of falling for the lie, he’s is really going to fall for The Lie of the Antichrist and take the Mark and be so proud and arrogant. Then judged by GOD straight in to HELL.
Please don’t come to me with your deranged apocalyptic fantasies based on a book by a nutcase who could barely write comprehensible Greek.
Thanks for proving him right. Your arrogance as always will be your downfall. I’m waiting for you to write in comprehensible English but that’s probably too much to ask.
How did I prove him right? Or wrong, for that matter? There’s no right or wrong to demented religious blubbering, whether its emanating from a comments section or a 2,000 year old illiterate mentally ill fanatic.
Thank you, Intrepid. Needed a good laugh and you made my day with your brilliant responses to Marlow. Merry Christmas.
Marlow is one of the most miserable self involved leftist idiots I have ever run across on a comment board. Everyone in his world is an idiot or a traitor. He thinks the world owes him a living.
He will never be anything more than a leech on humanity.
You have a Merry Christmas as well.
I’m not a leftist. I’m skeptical of both sides of the political divide. I do think that free market idolators like you are misanthropic idiots, though socialism has been proven not to work. I’m fine with a hybrid system or mixed economy that makes sure everyone has at least their basic needs provided so they can live with some measure of dignity.
If your bitter hatred of your fellow human beings means you can’t grok that, it’s not my problem.
Incidentally, I’m sure you enjoy many cheap and useful goods. They are cheap because the owners of the means of producing them use cheap labor. They acquire cheap labor by making sure their workers are paid the absolute minimum. You enjoy the fruits of this exploitation.
In other words, you’re the leech. Enjoy your Christmas baubles capitalist rentier running dog.
Yes, I look and see Me, I know you and trust in God’s Will to be done and soon as His time comes again!
Me and you will fly with Gabriel in the strength of God. Hallelujah and Amen
Pt 1.
As if you have any idea what it’s like to live under authoritarianism. As if you ever went through hell for anything or anyone. You are a dilettante leftist, a wannabe revolutionary, a little play actor mouthing the Marxist words of the left pretending to be a real revolutionary. You are a fraud. You will always be a fraud.
You pathetic little socialist brit faqqot. You even butcher the language of the left. You are a coffee house socialist who has never struggled for anything. Kind of like Marx and Engels. Those two losers never worked for anything either.
You simply sit on your rump in front of that Atari computer passing judgement on people you don’t know, passing judgement on Trump, passing judgement on J6ers, vicariously wishing death on all of us but expecting your imaginary Twitter colluding FBI that no longer exists to do the job for you. And of course you always fall back on what you can’t have….a weapon, so you play the tiny dik card, yours, perhaps?
Pt 2
Where did you experience this communism for any length of time. I really don’t expect an answer because you never did. You’ve never experienced anything. You are simply to chicken sht to admit what a cowardly dandy lion you are.
Yeah I have lived a good life. I earned it. It sucks to be you. Most people born here, who work hard, save their money have good lives because we are capitalists. You’ve never earned anything except everyone’s contempt on these boards.
You are a jealous petty lowlife socialist who can’t take care of himself. You weren’t born here, you don’t live a productive life, You are a Euro leech who expects a free lunch. You should come here. You can join with the rest of the little brown losers who only want free stuff. Free Lunch Marlow, Mr. Toughy Tough. A real man’s man. Or is it a real man’s girl?
Well Mr Godless atheist, tomorrow is Christmas eve. I play the 3 and 5 o’clock services at my church for all of my Capitalist friends. Something you will never know. But then you are just too sophisticated for that aren’t you? Oh, the arrogance of the ignorant left. Go pray to your festivus pole.
I don’t know what it’s like to live under authoritarianism, thank God. But I’ve been told enough about it by those who survived it to know that YOU DON’T EITHER. You’re a spoiled middle class American who cannot conceive of what those survivors have gone through. Your protestations otherwise are cheap paranoid delusions of persecution.
“pretending to be a real revolutionary” is hilarious coming from a wannabee LARPing insurrectionist.
I’m getting a bit tired of your hatred of black and gay people, but whatever. You’ll just whine about snowflakes.
For what it’s worth, Marx was a freeloader, but Engels managed the family factory and worked very hard all his life. He was also a much better writer than Marx.
I don’t pass judgement on anybody. They pass judgment on themselves by their actions and refusal to accept culpability for them.
Lucky you for living a good life. Maybe you did earn it. But you also massively benefited from a system of laws and, yes, government that has enabled you to do so. You didn’t do it all yourself and you’re lying to yourself if you think you did.
I work very hard as well, by the way. Nonetheless, I recognize obligations to others and would like to see a more just society.
You really need to give up the Village People-style macho thing you’re trying to do. It’s getting very camp indeed.
I honestly don’t care what you do on Christmas. I’m not a Christian and it doesn’t interest me, though the unabashed psychotic materialism surrounding it does sometimes become annoying.
The mindset of the CIA:
1954, about 7 years after the creation of the CIA, my Dad, an Army pilot, is recruited by the CIA to fly surveillance over Ho Chi Minh’s troops in N. Viet Nam at the end of the first Viet Nam war – an eight-year war with the French. After talking to other Army pilots, my Dad turns down the job because “your life is not worth 5 cents to these people.”
Killing President Kennedy?? Right up their alley.