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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. continues to give the Democrat establishment fits, and it’s wonderful to see. Just when the far-Left authoritarians who control the party thought that they had their entire membership (with the partial exception of Joe Manchin) marching in lockstep, along comes RFK Jr., daring to think his own thoughts. As a scion of the nation’s most celebrated political family, Kennedy is hard to ignore altogether, but the Democrat leadership is doing its best. On Sunday, in what must be a first for a Democrat presidential candidate, RFK even appeared on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Sunday and took the occasion to denounce the Democrat establishment’s efforts to sabotage his candidacy and make sure that Old Joe Biden coasts to renomination.
Kennedy slammed the Democratic National Committee for having “rigged” the primary system in several ways, chiefly by ruling out the possibility of debates. This deprives us of the spectacle of Old Joe trying to formulate a coherent sentence while RFK denounces “the corrupt merger of state and corporate power” and Marianne Williamson refuses to apologize for being “brilliant, talented, gorgeous, rich, or smart.”
“The DNC, at this point,” RFK observed, “has taken the official position that there will be no debate, and I think that’s unfortunate.” Unfortunate is an understatement. Biden’s poll numbers are in the dumpster (yeah, the same one that holds his presidency), and if he is reelected, the already doddering corruptocrat will be president until he is 86 years old. If Democrat voters were to get a glimpse of RFK Jr. in the primary debates being coherent and convincing, the Democrats’ coronation plans could be upended.
If that happened, more people than just Old Joe Biden would stand to lose a great deal, as Kennedy famously challenges the pharmaceutical establishment that has made out like a bandit over the last few years, as well as the state and corporate fascism that threatens America’s survival as a free society. Can’t have that. And so the Democrats are apparently trying to keep RFK under wraps.
Kennedy added Sunday, “I think what the DNC did to New Hampshire is also unfortunate.” New Hampshire has held the nation’s first primary ever since primaries started to matter, but no longer. The DNC has moved South Carolina to the first position. RFK explained that this was done to protect Old Joe from slipping on yet another banana peel: “President Biden didn’t do well there [New Hampshire]; he came in fifth. So they took New Hampshire, and they kicked it out of first place. And now they’re gonna say — they’re saying that they’re going to completely remove the delegates from New Hampshire, and that, we should be at this point in history.” Completely remove the delegates from New Hampshire? What better way to protect “our democracy” than to disenfranchise whole segments of it?
RFK criticized the move, asserting that New Hampshire was “an exemplar for American democracy.” He detailed why the tiny New England state is perfect for holding the first presidential primary: “It’s very cheap to campaign in. And it has the largest independent bloc in the country. And people [don’t] make their minds up until they see the candidates again and again and again, and they shake the candidate’s hands five times before deciding who to vote for. They vet these candidates for the whole country, they vet them like you would get vetted if you were running for a city council seat.” That sounds like the way a healthy republic should function, so it’s no surprise that the Democrats would be against it.
Kennedy stated that these were ill-considered moves for the Democrats to make, as people already distrust the system and their rigging efforts here are transparent: “When you have so many Americans who are concerned about election integrity, we should be doing everything we can in our party to show that, you know, this is not rigged, rigged system. That it is actually democracy…people can run, and that they can get to debate and that the public is gonna be able to see them, and they’re doing kind of the opposite.” Of course they are, because they don’t really believe in the democracy (yes, it’s really a republic) that they claim so loudly and repeatedly to be guarding and protecting.
“There’s too many Americans,” Kennedy concluded, “who already think that the whole system is rigged against them. And this is confirmation of that. And I think that’s troubling.” It sure is.
Only the perpetuation of corruption can keep can keep the Biden clan from the huscow.
Of course Joe is running. And using every tool available to the corrupt incumbent. The alternative is prosecution. Real prosecution.
You mean like in 2020? Looks like Rob Jr. wont be taking any prisoners
C’mon man, you still listening to a Kennedy? Jeez how many do we have to assassinate?
Mr. President, how many times do we have to go over this!?
No sniffing hair. No sucking fingers. No talk of children stroking leg hairs. And, damn it . . . NO going off script!
The compliant press can only clean up after you so many times.
Oh. Here’s your cut from Xi, and here’s your meds.
Kennedy is the most sane and reasonable Democrat I’ve heard in many decades. The Dems are frightened by Kennedy. He doesn’t walk in lockstep with them.
I’ve heard several people comment that Trump should pick Kennedy as his running mate/VP.
There are pro’s and con’s to that. I’m playing devils advocate here. Con is Kennedy is still a Democrat and leans left. He did fawn over Castro at one time and was, or still is, a fanatical environmentalist. Would the MAGA/conservative base embrace Kennedy or would they be angry and sit out.
Pro is maybe many independents would break towards Trump. Possibly some Democrats. Kennedy would sure over turn the Democrat apple cart.
It would be an interesting move if Trump picked him.
Perhaps a better idea . . .
Fox News provides him with a continual platform on as many shows as possible, as we both know the DNC press will pull a virtual blackout on him.
One would think Bernie Sanders would weigh in on DNC primary election rigging, but he too loyal to the Socialist party that the DNC has become. (He became a millionaire in office, so he’s made his peace with the fraud he received in 2016.)
Trump is a damn stupid, man-child, I’m sick and tired of his petty, man-child, crap. But what choice do we have? It’s him or Obama’s senile, corrupt, puppet.
It’s hard to teach a 76 year old dog new tricks, 4 more years of Trump will probably be 4 more years of the blowhard, man-child, shooting from the hip, shooting himself in the foot, and hiring saboteurs to stab him in the back.
…and yet, through all that, he managed to bring America back to prosperity. I’d take all his narcissistic, foot shooting texts in trade to be better than we are now.
Trump’s traits are asymmetrically distributed.
He is a vain, driven, over-achieving workaholic with an educational and working background and sense of political awareness and performance theater perfect for the oval office job.
He can be misled and staffing has been problematic.
He is honest, patriotic, hardworking and intolerant of sloth and corruption. He can’t be bought.
Therefore, the Left hates and fears him, exactly as they do us.
Such BS. Trump led this nation back to prosperity and set up the trajectory for that to be perpetuated into the future, he wrote the template for it. You know that you, personally, and the USA, collectively, were far better off under Trump and his policies and his ability in establishing rapprochement with our adversaries. Frankly, I am tired of uneducated, dishonest, and evidently envious blowhards who parrot the *Trump child* nonsensical soundbites, apropos of nothing that would back that up.
Hmmm, let’s see.
Energy independence, fairly stable stock market, $2.50 gas, 1% inflation, no wars, killed two major Jihad leaders, America first foreign policies, kept Iran in it’s box, imposed trade sanctions on China, kept the Norks in their box, exposed the deep state and the feckless RINOs for who they are, and that is just off the top of my head. He alone exposed the uniparty con and their grift. What a man-child (must be your new word of the day).
But things are much better now. A war in Ukraine, 8% inflation, $5 gas, threats to pretty much ban everything fossil fuel oriented, drag queen shows and kid grooming, trans and LGBT madness, bank failures, a new axis forming between China Russia and Iran, threats to Taiwan, Putin threatening a nuclear war, the potential end of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.
All you can do is whine because you have no solutions except Christian bashing and the ravings of a woman and her old man familiar who’s time passed 50 years ago.
How’s life on your Lotus Flower?
Excellent summary of Trump’s achievements. Let me add just one other: Trump’s successful demand that NATO countries finally cough up appropriate funding for their own defense.
I forgot about that. Trump also refused to join the Euro centric climate change deal and got us out of Trans Pacific Partnership
You’re full of shit.
Well said, Jeff.
BTW did FPM say your comment was “awaiting moderation”?
It looks like Kennedy doesn’t get it. His own party is doing the rigging and they want it to STAY rigged. The transparency he suggests on their behalf will never happen because then they would lose. And so will he.
Bernie Sanders might need to explain the obvious to him.
The DNC rigs primaries with casual indifference; they rig the general election with all hands on deck. Molly Ball bragged about it in Time Magazine after the fact. Sleepy Joe blurted about it in a Freudian slip before hand.
(Notice how it went from Hillary & Stacy crying about chronic voter fraud, until, all of a sudden in 2020, it magically became “the most secure election in history”.)
Bring back Peter Navarro. He would be good for both Trump and Kennedy, if either of them are really concerned about the American middle class.
The rule changes more importantly than being an attempt to keep Biden in office is meant to keep all the Obama loyalists in power.
… it’s refreshing to see a Democrat candidate with at least some common sense, and with at least something of substance to add to a debate… should there ever be one again. MAGA!
He’s a DemoCrap turned RINO ? Can’t be trusted.
Praise for this Kennedy shows how low the bar is set for Democrat Party candidates. Kennedy is an ardent admirer of the late, unlamented mass murdering thug Fidel Castro, and is opposed to fracking. Sorry – I’ll pass.
And in November 2020 Biden received 81+ million votes! Yes sir, 81+ million popular votes! ABSOLUTELY, 81+ MILLION POPULAR VOTES! No question about it–81+ million popular votes! Just look at a map of the United State showing the places where Old Joe ‘won’ that election! The map says it all! (a sarcasm alert for those in Rio Linda)
Maybe I’m imagining this but I find it interesting that Tucker Carlson had RFK on his show announcing his candidacy ….and then the following week, Tucker is axed. I believe there are many reasons for the removal, however the Dems/Marxist don’t want any debate about ANYTHING and they certainly don’t want anyone (Tucker) to give air time to RFK…that would put them in a spin….Susan
My thoughts – Carlson’s contract allowed him to cover whatever subject he felt needed covering, no restrictions. Besides RFK2, Tucker went after the pharma lies (vaccine “effectiveness”) and the J6 farce. IMO, Fox News canned him because he threatened their primary role, that of being the controlled opposition. Time will tell if I’m right.
I guess you didn’t notice that Trump kicked Bolton out on his ear and the Bolton started bad mouth, war mongering morons like Bolton were given a job to appease the Neo Con and Evangelical gang, (Pence) and Trump started to see just who those people were and got rid of them… Pence is a ponce..
Pay attention mate.
The Kennedys didn’t always agree with their own party, and we can definitely see why. We are looking at life and death situations which any normal human being would try to correct, not complicate and make worse. Most of the Democrats have been given over to depravity, they are upside down on every issue that matters to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, or should I see common sense governance. What happens when you try to clean up corruption, greed, and evil for the good of the country? You’re seeing it now.
RFK, jr. is one of the good guys…especially with exposing the vax fraud…and his Children’s’ Defense Fund helped many…at least to stall the medical corruption. And I say “THANK YOU” from my heart
However, it may be not enough for a presidential run. Rigged as it is.
Again, Thank You
He still believes in the climate hoax though.
What a breath of fresh air is RFK2. Corporations have bought our gov’t. That has to be overturned. He’s the first pol sincerely committed to doing it. Wow. Close our 800 overseas military bases. An excellent start. Dismantle the out-of-control CIA. After RFK2’s uncle,Jack, was shot. Truman, the creator of the CIA knew he’d created a monster. Cancel all fed’l student debt. Can be done with the stroke of a Presidential pen & will be a boon to our stagnant economy.
Kennedy’s law practice involved suing thousands of polluters. He’s our man for leading the cause for combating the climate crisis.
Meanwhile, the demented Biden administration is leading us into a nuclear war. Which administration would you prefer?
PS: RFK2 is not anti-vaccine. His kids are vaccinated. He is for properly vetting new vaccines!