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A man in a lunatic asylum shouted, “I am Napoleon.” Another man asked,, “How do you know?” The first patient said, “God told me!” Just then, a voice from another room shouted, “I did not!”
The very real state of contemporary identity politics.
Dr. Rick Levine, who likes to go by ‘Rachel’ and ‘Admiral’, and was made Assistant Health Secretary and an admiral by the Biden administration (which still couldn’t make him a woman) was deemed worthy of a high-profile exit interview at Politico since he will now leave office to pursue whatever it is men in admiral and female drag do.
He did defend the transgendering of kids and also blamed the California fires on “climate change.”
One delusion follows another.
But the good news is that under identity politics, there is a right for delusional people to not only be deluded, but to force other people to accept their delusions.
Rick kept repeating that he was an “optimistic and positive person” the way Kamala claimed she was raised in a middle-class family.
Asked about states restricting the transgender mutilation of children, Rick said that he was “a positive and optimistic person”. Asked about HHS reforms, Rick also claimed that. “I can’t comment on the next administration overall. I remain a positive and optimistic person, but I choose to do that because I think that that’s how the work gets done.”
Rick may not have been a plausible woman, but he makes a plausible Kamala.
In conclusion, Rick told Politico that, “I’m going to go home to Central Pennsylvania. I’m going to take a long nap, rest and center myself, and then I’m going to consider what my next steps are.”
The question is does he get to keep the admiral costume?
Just where do these Nutcakes come from?! People like this need lock away in a padded cell and Straight Jacket
I think you mean a strait jacket.
The Commander of the Sea 🙂
More like a retarded cabin boy, LOL. 🙂
Indeed! Commander of the luna-sea.
hahaha ok sure, that freak can be a “rear admiral” on the uss rump humper!
“Rear Admiral.” Good one! I’d hate to see that scene, though. That freak is one of the ugliest people I’ve ever seen.
All these Bidumb appointees are leaving because they know they’ll get fired by Trump if they try to stay. Like gay Wray in the FBI. The lawyer with NO law enforcement experience.
The Man is coming to town.
First on your list is get a haircut. Second thing is stop wearing women’s clothing.
No one is going to call you admiral anymore. With the trans thing and DEI withering away it will be tough to get a job pretending to be a woman.
If S/he saves the admirals duds, “he/she/it” can pretend to be one of the Village People. Help is needed…….badly.
The past 4 years have been like a bad acid trip. I would like to have been in these globalist meetings when they decided to go full court press on pushing transgender bullshit on everyone. After 15-minute cities and digital currency, I’m guessing the next dehumanization effort will be in the realm of fusing tech into our brains.
After 100 years the only real humans left will be Amish, Orthodox Jews, Muslims of some types, and maybe some Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses and a few other religious sects. Normies will all be assimilated.
“This is the worst trip, I’ve ever been on.”
Levine was appointed for one reason and one reason only. He’s a freak weirdo and to rub Normal American’s noses in the optics.
He belongs on The View with the other lunatics.
lol, very good 🙂
Los Ashes, California mayor Kareless Bassmouth claims the vitriol against her is because she’s black –
This is more than lunacy – it’s demonic possession and this Dickhead Levine is the poster mutilated boy for demonic possession allowed into the cabinet of a president of the USA
Some time ago, the Admiral was diagnosed by the Chief Navy Gynecologist with incurable chronic PMS. The condition worsened with menopause, becoming unbearable for both the Admiral and the Navy, leading the Admiral to resign in order to ‘take a long nap.'”
I don’t know about anyone else, but I now know what my costume is going to be next Halloween. I just hope that it won’t frighten any trick-or-treaters.
lol, good one 🙂
In conclusion, Rick told Politico that, “I’m going to go home to Central Pennsylvania. I’m going to take a long nap, rest and center myself, and then I’m going to consider what my next steps are.”
Go to the highest rooftop in Tehran and claim your free Islamic flying lesson! Only one per “volunteer”
Is that Billy Hayes? I remember that movie.
It looks like a new version, though.
Remember that Rick Levine cut off his external parts in a bathroom after failing to get a psychiatrist’s endorsement for such surgery via “regular” hospital services.
Nothing very admirable about that “Admiral”!
However, that was the actor Brad Davis in “Midnight Express”. He died in 1991. Regrettably, he had contracted HIV through IV drug use and committed assisted suicide with a drug overdose. I also remember he was in the original “The Box” short TV drama with Mare Winningham which was later made into a full length movie with a different cast.
Before he transitioned, he was married and had two children. He left them to try to be a woman.
Gross. I hate that scumbag.
Richard never went to boot camp or OCS, he never was in the Navy.. That fake Admiral’s uniform should be burned.
An admiral? He couldn’t make it as a mess cook.
But s/he sure made it as a mess!
I do believe that Rick Levine has a right to say his name is Rachel. He can say his name is Minnie Mouse if he wants.
I have a questiion about deadnamimg. If Michael can become Mary, and demand that people call him Mary, and complainln about being “deadnamed” when people call him Michael, what about when Michael becomes Mohammed? People who change their religion often change their names, as do Jews who have grown up in secular homes. What about when Alan becomes Aharon? Can he complain about being deadnamed?
I meant “Jews who have grown up in secular homes and become observamt.”