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This new Glazov Gang episode features Roger Stone, a seasoned political operative, speaker, pundit, and NYT Bestselling author. Presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump all relied on him to secure their seat in the Oval Office. He is the author of the NYT bestseller, ‘The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ.’ Visit him at the
Roger discusses E. Howard Hunt’s Deathbed Confession about Who Killed JFK, analyzing how Hunt divulged the secret to his eldest son – about the man in charge.
Don’t miss it!
[Watch whole interview HERE.}
And make sure to watch our 2-Part Special on The Man Who Killed Kennedy and Why the JFK Assassination Still Urgently Matters.
[1] Why the JFK Assassination Still Urgently Matters.
[2] Roger Stone: The Man Who Killed Kennedy – 60 years later it still urgently matters.
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I do not believe that LBJ killed John F. Kennedy. Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t he in the same limousine? If the vehicle had hit a pothole, or stopped for a few seconds to avoid running over a cat, he could easily have been shot. You who read this, do you have that kind of faith in ANYONE’S marksmanship?
It’s very possible that secret service agent Hickey, riding in the car right behind JFK, was one of the shooters. Hickey stood straight up in the agent’s car holding an AR15 rifle while still in Daley Plaza. Witnesses saw this and there is a picture of Hickey holding the rifle while the agent’s car went to the hospital. A senator riding in car #2 behind JFK smelled gun powder. The History channel shows this on tv almost every year in Nov. near the anniversary of JFK’s assassination. The secret service got rid of their AR15 rifles right after this. Agent Hickey lied in his written testimony about having the rifle out while in Daley Plaza. The gov’t had to be involved in planning the shooting. The CIA oversees the secret service, thus an avenue for getting their hands into the mix. The secret service agents in the car behind JFK that day had just replaced the assigned agents that morning while getting ready for JFK’s visit. And years later, with respect to the Kennedy’s family tragedies, JFK Jr’s plane fell out of the sky just as JFK Jr’s magazine was doing a story on JFK’s assassination. After the plane was recovered from the ocean, it was covered with a tarp so nobody could see it. With JFK Jr gone, Hillary easily got elected as NY Senator by not having to run against JFK Jr.
Even if this contention is true, the shooting at Dealey Plaza was initiated by Lee Harvey Oswald. He was solely responsible for murdering President Kennedy, Policeman Tippet and seriously wounding Governor Connery. That there were others, some possibly in the US government, besides organized criminal elements, who wanted JFK eliminated, is immaterial. LHO, in the words of Gerald Posner (author of “Case Closed”), “beat them to the punch”.9
It’s been established that Hickey did not shoot JFK, accidentally or otherwise … This was one of the more absurd theories ever put forward … Btw, Hickey was behind the presidential limo — JFK was shot from the front …
Being shot from the front would cause that part of his skull ,that Jackie rescued from the top of the car trunk , to be blown backwards. If the shot entered from the rear, the exit material would have been blown forward.
The Secret Service is under the Dept. of Homeland Security. Prior to that it was originally part of the Dept of the Treasury.
I think he’s saying that LBJ was responsible not that he actually did it, having said that I agree, maybe he wasn’t aware that the CIA didn’t care about how many presidents they shot, I think we’re all surprised that DJT hasn’t met with a fatal accident.
Sorry, but it was Governor John Connelly in the car, not LBJ. Connelly was also badly wounded.
And Connelly was a political rival of LBJ!
And LBJ often bragged about destroying his political rivals for sport!
True, Connelly was badly wounded. According to the investigative (not credible) committee, his wound was caused by a “magic” bullet. That is to say, for that bullet to have wounded the governor, the bullet made a number of fairly sharp turns in its flight.
Hmm, perhaps, the cia had A.I. guided bullets back then. 😉
No it didn’t. The named “magic bullet” is an idiotic name supposedly because the most common picture shows it mostly undamaged. Other photos show the other side flattened. Photos show where Connolly was seated lined up perfectly with Kennedy and Oswald’s position on the 6th floor. Oswald was a better than average shot in the Marine Corps.
The Warren Commission is pretty good. For the best read Vincent Bugliosi “Reclaiming History”
LBJ was not in the same limousine as JFK. Governor Connelly of Texas was in the same limousine.
And Connelly was a political rival of LBJ!
And LBJ often bragged about destroying his political rivals for sport!
No, he was not in the limo with the President. It was the Governor of Texas who was with him.
Texas Governor John Connally was in the same car as JFK, not LBJ. The governor was also shot.
And Connelly was a political rival of LBJ!
And LBJ often bragged about destroying his political rivals for sport!
When LBJ’s completed the turn onto the street in front of the building, he dropped down onto the seat. He left his wife sitting up right. Lovely husband that he was. There were several witnesses to his action.
He was flat on the seat before the shooting started.
LBJ was not in the same limousine as JFK. It was only JFK, Jackaline, the Texas governor, and the SS driver. There are some really excellent marksmen out there, no doubt.
LBJ was riding two cars behind JFK …
LBJ was NOT in that car. That was then-Texas governor John Conelly.
There was recent series of pieces, I believe in American Thinker, written by a man who has exhaustively studied this iciden for sixty years or wo. From the last minute change in the route, through the complete (though brief) stopping of the limo at precisely the moment and place for the set-up first shot, the second (at last) shot from the oposie direction, the kill whot, through to the violation of Txas law mandaing that an autopsy be done IN TEXAS as soon as precitaclbe after the incident, of any homicide committed in the state, (the autopsywas just beginning when SS guys ordered the body to be taken to the airport and transferred to Washington DC area). multiple funny entries into the hospital at Bethesda, he casket swap, and, the REAL maing thing, the Zapruder film being whisked off to Eastman Kodak’s labs in Rochester NY for a quick overnight “re-edit” including significant alteration of some frames, (slopy but not detectable when shows as a moving picture sequence) and the complete removal of several frames, this whole thing stinks. Little doubt in MY mind who was behind it and why. Some sworn estimony from some of the personnel conducting the autopsy in DC conflict, as well.
LBJ was two cars behind JFK, in the same motorcade. As speculation continues, virtually ad nauseum, let’s at least stick to the known facts.
Thanks Jamie!!! That’s the simplest explanation.
Any number of people, high and low, seem to have had a motivation to kill JFK. Who, if anyone, was motivated to keep him alive, and why did they not get wind of trouble and warn him in time?
It seems to me that it would be hard to take aim at a man in a moving Car from the 4th floor of a building it would be far easier if they aimed for him from ground level
For rifleman, that shot from the book depository was very doable, epecially consideringtht the limo STOPPED (against protocol) at the designated location for the shooter to take that shot. But there is evidence, very solid and near-irrefutable, that there were other rounds fired from very different places. That is why the Zapruder film had to be edited before being released to trick the public. Multiple witnesses described rounds being fired from a total of at least three separate locations.
I am assuming you are a troll, but I fail to see the humor.
Honestly … it was an easy shot.
The only real question is whether a 6.5×52mm Carcano Model 38 infantry carbine (described by the Warren Commission as a “Mannlicher–Carcano”) was capable of pulling 3 shots in 8 seconds. The issue is about reliability – as the weapon had quite a few issues.
Of course, if we assume the weapon worked, and Oswald prepped it for the attack … and so it did not jam … then the three shots … with two hits … is not at all a surprise.
So where is the conspiracy theory?
… Look we are all supposed to believe … Oswald did NOT shoot JFK. Anyone could have done it. Everyone would have done it. We’re all guilty. But the shooter was the time traveler on the grassy knoll using the reverse-engineered Space Alien Time Machine …
… uh … meanwhile …
The people running the CIA right now … were handpicked by people handpicked by people who ran the CIA then …
… and they let Oswald back into the USA after he defected to the USSR …
Who let Oswald return? Why was he not arrested? Who was protecting him? …
… Answer those questions …
… and the shooting and the cover-up will make sense.
We will also find out if there was another shooter …
– even though that’s actually a moot point now.
.lbj not in same car as jfk, hickey did not shoot jfk
.lho a poor shot in marines @ best
.magic bullshit theory from a lawyer d-sucker
.scope mounted for left-handed shooter-lho was right-handed
.gubmint rifle-experts unable to replicate
.prints taken off lho in mortuary
.best evidence d. lifton, crossfire/j. marrs
.quit spouting gubmint bullshit
.bugliosi was compromised or bought off
.warren report was the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people – r.m. nixon
.quit spouting gubmint lies
posner, another lie-whore – case is not closed, d-sucker