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“We live in strange times,” observed Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy author Douglas Adams, who died in 2001. Even a man of his imagination could not have pictured how much stranger times would become. Witness, for example, the recently released music video called “Daddy’s Home,” featuring Right-wing rapper Tom MacDonald and unhinged (former?) liberal Roseanne Barr celebrating Donald Trump’s ascension to the White House.
In a video packed with MAGA hats and waving Stars and Stripes, the white MacDonald, sporting multiple facial piercings and tattoos, and Barr, decked out in gold bling and blonde dreadlocks, taunt triggered progressives with the chorus,
We won, you mad
It’s done, too bad
Boo-hoo, so sad
Now your daddy’s home
We won, you mad
You cry, we laugh
We wave the flag
Now your Daddy’s home
Here are the verse lyrics:
[Verse 1: MacDonald]
Thank God, that we’re back
Couldn’t take another four years, that’s a wrap
I can take a bath in your tears, that’s a fact
You got lipstick all on your beard, you’re a man
That is cap, that is cap, cap, cap, cap, cap, cap, cap
You pretendin’ you’re acceptin’, that’s a act (that’s a act)
You hear pap, pap, pap, pap, pap, pap, pap
If you want our freedom, come and take it back, bet you can’t[Verse 2: Barr & MacDonald]
They tried to cancel me and say that I’m a racist
Got a mean hook, they can’t get me with that jab (with the jab)
Try and take away my rights to go and say this (woo!)
Well listen up, ’cause this granny’s going bad (goin’ bad)
With the facts, facts, facts, facts, facts, facts, facts
Why’d they try and turn Becky into Dan? (that’s a man!)
You get pap, pap, pap, pap, pap, pap, papped
Screw Eminem, bitch, I’m Roseanne (That’s Roseanne)[Bridge: MacDonald & Barr]
If you mad about it, go and cry about it
Shave your head and wear a shirt that says you’re woke
If you can’t handle all the facts and make up lies about it (liar)
Say goodbye to Joe, your daddy’s coming home (coming home)
The controversial MacDonald is actually Canadian but his music has been labelled “MAGA rap.” His 2024 single “Facts,” you may recall, featured Ben Shapiro in the Daily Wire founder’s rap debut (strange times, indeed) and hit #16 on the Billboard chart. Less than 24 hours after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump last July, MacDonald released the single “You Missed” in which he slammed the Left:
They burnin’ the country down with their progressiveness
It started with changing what gender is
Then graduated to you’re racist if you think that your life matters and your skin don’t have melanin
They don’t want peace they want skeletons
They want men to pretend that they’re feminine
They don’t want an election, they got so offended by freedom that they just tried killin’ the president
I used to think that thе woke were misguidеd, but now I can see that they’re evil
Twitter is angry that Trump isn’t dead? You know got shot? Innocent people
Thought y’all were tolerant? Thought we were equals?
I thought you valued how everyone feels?
Then why are y’all celebrating an attempted assassination like you’re part of Antifa?Biden can’t stop him, he don’t have the energy
Y’all wanna kill the man trying to fight for a better tomorrow by makin’ him Kennedy?
I tried to give y’all a chance, like, “Maybe the left isn’t nuts,” I was wrong
‘Cause y’all are exactly as crazy as every conservative person I know said you were all along […]
But y’all are so triggered that you’re pullin’ triggers at presidents
Y’all the terrorists when you’re armed
Roseanne Barr is, or was, not a staunch conservative, to say the least. In her profile at the Freedom Center’s online encyclopedia of the Left, Discover the Networks, one can read an unsettling litany of her outspoken far-Left positions and contempt for conservatives. In 2011, for example, she sided with the Occupy Wall Street movement and declared that banking executives should be put to the guillotine. In 2012 she ran for President on the Peace and Freedom Party ticket with Code Pink anti-American activist Cindy Sheehan as her running mate. About the religious conservative leadership of the Chic-Fil-A restaurant chain, she tweeted, “anyone who eats Shit Fil-A deserves to get cancer that is sure to come from eating antibiotic filled tortured chickens 4Christ.” During the Trayvon Martin shooting controversy, she tweeted that she wished Martin had killed shooter George Zimmerman instead, and she doxed Zimmerman’s parents for harboring him.
She recently told the industry rag Variety, however, that “I’m not a party line person for anyone or anything except myself.” She admits that “The Trump administration regards me as a loose cannon, which I am… I am a loudmouth comedian, so I understand it.” And in a recent interview with Variety, Roseanne blasted woke Hollywood elites. She (correctly) declared,
Hollywood has made itself irrelevant to the American people. If they want to survive, they should work with the new president. American people elected him in an overwhelming victory. They should get back in touch with [them] and make some money, which I don’t know if they do or not ’cause they’ve proven to be ideologues rather than [business people].
She added (also correctly),
Does anybody in [Hollywood] like America or the people who watch TV? Because the people who watch TV would really like to see a show where working-class people win against the enemies of America.
Barr, who had been unceremoniously cancelled by Tinseltown years ago for comparing Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett to a cross between the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes, claims she has a TV comeback in the works. She told Variety,
It will contain] very offensive ideas and a lot of swearing. I live with my daughter and her husband and their six children on a farm. And they have goats running through their house and stuff. It’s based on my life as a farmer in Hawaii. They save America with guns, the Bible, petty crime and alcoholism. It’s kind of like the Coen brothers thing.
“If Hollywood doesn’t buy it, then I’m just gonna make it myself,” she vowed.
Why not? These are strange times. Anything is possible, and Hollywood is not the entertainment gatekeeper anymore.
Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior
That’s the weirdest ditty I ever read.
We said stupid thinks when we were children, but most people grow up. You just lowered the public discourse by an IQ point.
I know you’re stupid, but what am I?
Someone put out aa song STOP GLOBAL WHINING and one of Last Years popular songs TRY THAT INA SMALL TOWN
“Try that in a small town” is a good song. Funny lyrics, too.
I live in a Small Town Etna Ca a population of about 900
I looked Etna up on Google maps. I’ve been near there on Highway 5 but I’ve never been on the 3. It’s beautiful. All the country is beautiful up there. And I saw an Etna Brewery and local coffee house on the map. It’s got to be nicer than San Jose, where I live. It’s drug and crime central here. The worst in all of Santa Clara County, which is quite large and has a lot of cities. Small breweries are great. Craft beer is the best of all and it’s hard to come by in San Jose. Local coffee houses are great too. Starbucks donates to BLM and other scummy organizations so I don’t go to them or buy their coffee at the supermarket. And mountains and forests beat the hell out of the park full of derelicts, druggies, criminals and loonies a block from my house. There are redwoods here in the city, though.
We have Farmers Market every year from mid May to mid October and sell Organic Products Meat Fruit and Vegtables and we have a Rodeo on the First Sunday in May and we have lots of Forestland and PCT hikers each Summer
There was a time when the message came out of the story, now the story is the message.
Roseanne is pretty brave!
I think she just doesn’t give a shit.
if it appeals to younger people that’s just fine – the message is what counts – the messenger is of another generation than baby boomers
I have a soft spot for independently minded disruptors, especially those with a sense of humor. If you ask someone like that, “what do you think?” you may not get the answer you want, but it will be an honest answer.