The day after Christmas, Gustavo Perez Arriaga, a false-documented illegal whose real name may be Paulo Virgen Mendoza, gunned down Newman, California, police officer Ronil Singh, a legal immigrant from Fiji. Outgoing governor Jerry Brown ordered flags flown at half-staff and issued a statement extending condolences to Corporal Singh’s wife and the “law enforcement officers across the state who risk their lives every day to protect and serve the people of California.”
No official statement emerged from California attorney General Xavier Becerra, who supports the state’s sanctuary law, SB 54, whose author Kevin de Leon was also silent. California senators Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris issued no official pronouncement and neither did incoming California Gavin Newsom. That may provide a clue about Newsom’s approach to crime and illegal immigration but for establishment media, it’s all about the optics.
“His visuals are certainly unassailable,” wrote Tad Friend in a November 5 New Yorker piece headlined, “Gavin Newsom, the Next Head of the California Resistance.” Newsom is “tall and lithe and still boyish at fifty-one, with teeth that Tom Cruise would envy and hair lacquered with Oribe gel.” In San Francisco he was known as “Mayor McHottie,” by women and gay men alike, according to wife Jennifer.
During the campaign, Newsom “sported his trademark look: a white Ermenegildo Zegna shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a blue Tom Ford tie. It was also his hero Bobby Kennedy’s look—the Bobby Kennedy who visited Cesar Chavez in the Central Valley fifty years ago, when America was breaking apart over Vietnam. Newsom seeks to embody Kennedy’s grainy glamour, to provide moral clarity in a bewildering hour.”
True to form, on June 5, 2018, fifty years after Sirhan Sirhan gunned down Bobby Kennedy in Los Angeles, Newsom said he was “inspired by his legacy.” Newsom duly quoted Kennedy that “there are people in every time and every land who want to stop history in its tracks. They fear the future, mistrust the present, and invoke the security of a comfortable past which in fact never existed.”
The same day, University of San Francisco political science professor James Taylor told the San Francisco Chronicle “Gavin Newsom’s real ambition is not California’s governor seat, it’s the presidency of the United States.” In the meantime, as governor of California, he draws inspiration from Jerry Brown, who in Newsom’s view had the greatest political mind “in our lifetime.” On the other hand, he wasn’t exactly a man of the people.
During his first term, Californians were literally being taxed out of their homes and in 1978 they responded with the “People’s Initiative to Limit Property Taxation,” also known as Proposition 13. Brown opposed the measure in apocalyptic terms but after it passed in a landslide he proclaimed himself a “born-again tax cutter.”
That was never true, despite Brown’s talk of a flat tax during one of his three failed presidential runs. In his final terms, Brown showed he was a born-again tax hiker, leaving California with the nation’s highest income and sales taxes. And from the start Brown was champion of big government.
He backed powerful unelected bodies like the Coastal Commission, which managed to combine Stalinist regulation and mafia-style corruption. Brown empowered the government employee unions that now shout “this is our house!” outside the state capitol.
During the 1990s Brown supported “single payer” health care but he now finds that plan too expensive for California. Newsom, on the other hand, sees “no reason to wait around on universal healthcare and single-payer in California.” So with its high taxes, volatile revenue system, bloated bureaucracy and massive pension debt, the state could easily wind up as Calizuela, with higher rates of violent crime.
In 1976, governor Jerry Brown refused to extradite AIM militant Dennis Banks, who fled to California after a courthouse gun battle in South Dakota. So it was Jerry Brown who pioneered the sanctuary state, and before he left office he showed his true colors on crime.
During his final weeks in office, the state Supreme Court denied seven of Brown’s clemency requests as an “abuse of power.” In late September, Brown ignored testimony from victims and signed SB 1391, which bars prosecution of juveniles as adults, whatever the gravity of their crime. Under this law, juvenile murders will serve only until age 25. This will be a huge incentive to criminals, particularly MS-13, which has already murdered 14 in one California town.
Gavin Newsom’s silence over the shooting of Ronil Singh shows how “governor McHottie,” with his Tom Cruise teeth and Ermenegildo Zegna shirts, might deal with violent criminal illegals. Another Brown legacy item will be easier.
The state DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) has registered more than one million false-documented illegals to vote but won’t say how many actually showed up at the polls in November. DMV boss Jean Shiomoto has conveniently retired and Democrats tasked the audit to the department of finance, controlled by the governor, with results due in March, 2019.
The California DMV has come to mean Deliver Mexican Votes. That will be a factor in 2020, whether or not Gavin Newsom seeks to become President McHottie. As Newsom said last June, “America’s future is still being defined by California’s present.”
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