“We will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like beer and righteousness like a visit to Hooters.”
The former Confederate territory of San Francisco had been considering slavery reparations, sadly the meeting to discuss payments to people based on skin color in violation of the Civil Rights Act had to be put on hold for the best of all possible reasons in keeping with the great traditions of civil rights, as the San Francisco Standard reports.
San Francisco’s landmark hearing to discuss reparations for the city’s black community has been postponed by more than a month because Supervisor Shamann Walton took a nearly weeklong vacation to party in Colombia and is experiencing flight issues getting home.
Tuesday’s reparations hearing had been almost two years in the making after Walton authored a resolution in early 2020 for San Francisco to study harm done to the city’s African American community. A committee was formed, and it has met more than a dozen times since February 2022. The board and members of the public were scheduled to discuss a plan from the committee that has numerous suggested steps to implement reparations.
Walton, who is the lone black member of the Board of Supervisors, told The Standard in a text message that he went to Colombia for a birthday trip. He posted a picture on his Instagram account Sunday at a Hooters restaurant in Medellín. The Standard captured a screenshot before it disappeared.
It’s not the worst possible reason a public servant could be held up in Medellín, but the real question is do the taxpayers of San Francisco get some reparations for their public servants partying in Colombia and missing meetings? Even if the meetings are about taking their money and redistributing it?
Rev. Amos Brown, who served as one of the 14 people on the African American Reparations Advisory Committee, was shocked to learn the reparations hearing was being delayed by Walton‘s vacation to another country.
“I’m stunned,” Brown said in a phone interview.
He added, “Well, still, there need to be reparations for the people’s sake. The black population in this county is on life support.”
Does Walton seem to be on life support? He seems to be getting paid and having a good time.
But we mustn’t be too judgemental. Hooters is based out of Atlanta. Maybe Walton was just pursuing some private reparations.
Anyway, we probably shouldn’t be talking about this. Walton has a hair-trigger on accusing people of racism.
Shamann Walton, president of San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors, was mocked for likening the closure of John F. Kennedy Drive in Golden Gate Park to the Jim Crow South, including by fellow African Americans who call his accusations of segregation silly.
Everything is racist, except Shamann.
Board of Supervisors President Shamann Walton was admonished by a Sheriff’s Office official last month after being accused of using a racial slur while berating a black cadet at a City Hall security checkpoint, according to documents obtained by The Chronicle.
Walton, who is also black, acknowledged using the slur “a few times” when he became frustrated about having to remove his belt to go through a metal detector June 24, according to a memo by Undersheriff Joseph Engler.
“President Walton became very angry with Cadet [name redacted], who is African American, and said, ‘It is N-words like you that looks like me that is always the problem,’ referring to the security protocols as some ‘N-word shit’ several times as he yelled at Cadet [name redacted],”
I think that cadet needs some reparations. As does the Colombian Hooters.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Tragicomic absurdity.
My own little tangent is that this is a disguised continuation of race war, blacks against whites, from the British colonial period, etc.
Jeff Bargholz says
We all like hooters, right? I know I do. I suck them every chance I get.
Charles Casaburi says
Before we debate the benefits of reparations first we have to determine if they would be beneficial at all.. does anyone really believe they would save the money for their kids college education? What happens when blacks come into a lot of money now? According to William Woodson a 1960’s black civil rights leader when black athletes get huge multi million dollar salaries & sign on bonuses within 5 years of retirement from sports more than half of them end up in bankruptcy court. All the money goes to whores drugs & wild parties. It takes a fair amount of self discipline & hard work to be an athlete the results in the general black population will likely be worse.
Steven Brizel says
Reparations don’t solve high crime rates caused by dysfunctional families which lead to gang ,membership, and the view that only excelling in athletics and misognistic music is the way to economic success
Racklefratz says
“Reparations” aren’t even relevant. Blacks may have clearly demonstrated that they can’t bring themselves to assimilate into decent, productive society, but the solution to that isn’t lack of money, it’s their own lack of any modicum of desire to do it. They could if they wanted to – they just don’t.
So now comes demands for “reparations”…”reparations” from whom? Reparations from people who weren’t even ALIVE during “slavery, and paid to people who ALSO weren’t alive during “slavery”. It’s just another attempt on the part of our lackluster black population to shake down the white population – put another way, it’s a SCAM.
Mark Smith says
I’d love to give you reparations but I’m still waiting for my reparations from the Saxon pillage of England, the Norman Conquest, and the Roman Empire.
Kynarion Hellenis says
We need to get back to basics. The government has no authority to redistribute money or property from one class of persons to another. There is no duty of one class of persons to support another and bear its burdens. This is unconstitutional on its face.
Charity reaches into its own pockets.
Buddy the Cat says
There are no N…..s on planet Earth and there never have been any N…..s on planet Earth. There are plenty of people who qualify as idiots though and San Francisco appears to be a capital.
Buddy the Cat says
Or is it spelled Capitol?
Lightbringer says
Capital is a city or area of government; capitol is a building where government functions take place. The latter word is derived from the Capitoline Hill in Rome, where the Temple of Jupiter was used for government meetings. So either word is correct for your purposes.
Spurwing Plover says
Reparations for all those who lost their stores and places to those mobs of Uncivilized Beast the Rioters. Looters, and Arsonists and those who instigated them should be made to day the price and spend time in Prison
CowboyUp says
Draw up the law, but allow a little typo. Everywhere it says “Reparation,” substitute, “Repatriation,” and these bozos will never notice until it’s too late. Then SanFran can be rid of everyone that steps forward to claim theirs.
Lightbringer says
If San Francisco is serious about slavery reparations, they ought to focus on the only people who labored as slaves there and pay the descendants of those Chinese who were somehow fortunate enough to live long enough to procreate.
Algorithmic Analyst says
San Francisco is about 20% Chinese, one rarely hears about that, but it is somewhat startling seeing it first hand in Chinese areas of the city.
Stevan Baker says
Josh Ko9ehn….buddy…..if you feel so guilty about the supposed racist treatment of blacks in San Francisco….why don’t you pay them. I didn’t do jack to them and I quite frankly resent your use of the term “WE” when referring to this supposed racism that you suggest was uniquely showered on the black community.