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[Make sure to read Joseph Klein’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) bowed to the progressive anti-Israel, left-wing base of the Democratic Party with a disgraceful speech he delivered from the Senate floor last week. Senator Schumer sharply criticized the Jewish State’s democratically elected government under Prime Minister Netanyahu’s leadership for supposedly standing in the way of peace. Senator Schumer called for new national elections to be held in the near term, hoping for regime change in Israel.
President Biden praised the speech. That is not surprising, considering that the highest-ranking Jewish elected official in the U.S. government had provided cover to normalize harsh criticism of Israeli policy towards the Palestinians.
The speech was a cynical attempt to placate the progressive left-wing base of the Democratic Party that despises Israel and to prop up President Biden’s sagging support among the large pro-Palestinian voting bloc in swing states such as Michigan.
Senator Schumer started out his speech on the right foot by pronouncing his “love” for Israel and condemning Hamas’s October 7th horrific terrorist attack on innocent civilians in Israel. He deplored the trail that Hamas left behind of “innocents murdered and raped in heartless cruelty.” And he recognized that it was Hamas, not Israel, who precipitated the civilian death toll and humanitarian crisis in Gaza by using Palestinian civilians as human shields and hiding weapons, command centers, and fighters within and under civilian facilities.
But then, instead of wholeheartedly supporting America’s closest ally in the Middle East that is engaged in a fight for its survival against an evil genocidal enemy, Senator Schumer turned on Israel.
“Palestinian civilians do not deserve to suffer for the sins of Hamas,” Senator Schumer declared, “and Israel has a moral obligation to do better.”
The Senate Majority Leader has it backwards. Palestinian civilians are suffering because Hamas is sacrificing them to achieve its goal of destroying Israel and killing as many Jews as possible. Hamas is sinning against the Palestinian civilians in Gaza as well as against Israeli civilians. Israel, not Hamas, is doing all that it can to save as many civilians in Gaza as possible during a war brought on in the first place solely by Hamas and other terrorists who have been trained, armed, and financed by the Iranian regime.
Moral equivalence has no place in a discussion of how to fight an existential war against what Senator Schumer himself called “pure and premeditated evil.” That was true in World War II in the fight to eradicate Nazi Germany and imperialist Japan. It was true in the U.S.-led coalition’s war to eliminate the global threat posed by ISIS’s Islamist jihad. And it is true today in Israel’s war against the genocidal designs of an enemy who has vowed to repeat the horrors it inflicted on October 7th over and over again if given a chance.
Yet moral equivalence is precisely what Senator Schumer delivered in sharply rebuking Israel’s leadership on the floor of the United States Senate. Schumer not only blamed Hamas and “the Palestinians who support and tolerate their evil ways” for standing in the way of a peaceful two-state solution. He also blamed Prime Minister Netanyahu, who is trying to lead Israel, along with the “unity” government that was assembled after the October 7th attack, in the war it did not ask for against genocidal terrorists.
Senator Schumer claimed that “arguing over which is the worst stymies our ability to achieve peace.” Schumer echoed Israel’s left-wing enemies in the U.S. and around the world in regurgitating the falsehood that Prime Minister Netanyahu “has been too willing to tolerate the civilian toll in Gaza which is pushing support for Israel worldwide to historic lows. Israel cannot survive if it becomes a pariah.”
Where has Schumer been all these years? Israel has been treated like a pariah at the United Nations for decades even though it has offered major concessions to achieve genuine peace that the Palestinian leaders have repeatedly rejected. Israel also unilaterally withdrew from Gaza in 2005, allowing Palestinians to build a prototype of a functioning state. Instead, with Iran’s help, Hamas turned Gaza into a terrorist enclave from which the terrorists have launched their murderous attacks against civilians in Israel, capped by the horrors of October 7th.
“The Netanyahu coalition no longer fits the needs of Israel after October 7,” Senator Schumer proclaimed. “The world has changed — radically — since then, and the Israeli people are being stifled right now by a governing vision that is stuck in the past.”
Where was Schumer in the days following October 7th when Israel’s Knesset approved Prime Minister Netanyahu’s emergency unity government, which included centrist opposition lawmakers? One of these opposition lawmakers is Benny Gantz, who is viewed in Israel as Mr. Netanyahu’s chief political rival in the next election. Putting internal politics aside in the aftermath of Hamas’s attack, however, Mr. Gantz said after being sworn in, “We will act, the enemy will hear.”
Prime Minister Netanyahu himself may have low poll ratings at this time, but Israeli citizens overwhelmingly support the war to destroy Hamas and rescue the hostages that the unity government, under the prime minister’s leadership, is waging. The Israeli people are not calling for another election in the near term to replace Mr. Netanyahu. They have already endured five national elections since 2019. But that has not stopped Senator Schumer from interfering in Israel’s domestic political affairs by calling for yet another round of elections with the hope of booting Mr. Netanyahu out of office.
“At this critical juncture,” Senator Schumer said, “I believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision-making process about the future of Israel, at a time when so many Israelis have lost their confidence in the vision and direction of their government.”
Senator Schumer intimated his support for reversing the long-standing bipartisan policy to provide Israel unconditionally with all the weapons it needs to defend itself if Israel does not change its direction with a government more to his liking.
“If Prime Minister Netanyahu’s current coalition remains in power after the war begins to wind down, and continues to pursue dangerous and inflammatory policies that test existing US standards for assistance,” Senator Schumer said, “then the United States will have no choice but to play a more active role in shaping Israeli policy by using our leverage to change the present course.” (Emphasis added)
Prime Minister Netanyahu’s negative reaction to Senator Schumer’s speech was to be expected. But he was far from alone in criticizing Senator Schumer’s interference in Israel’s domestic political affairs. Centrists also chimed in, most notably Prime Minister Netanyahu’s chief political rival Benny Gantz, who would benefit politically from holding new elections sooner rather than later. However, Mr. Gantz put his country over his own political ambitions when he said that Senator Schumer had “erred in his remarks,” adding that “external intervention” in Israel’s domestic affairs was “counter-productive and unacceptable.”
Senator Schumer turned on Israel during a time of war. The Senate Majority Leader put domestic politics in the United States ahead of the survival of the Jewish State of Israel. As the highest-ranking elected Jewish official in the U.S. government, Senator Schumer provided a semblance of legitimacy to the rhetoric Israel’s critics inside and outside of government have used to demonize and delegitimize Israel.
The Yiddish terms for Senator Schumer’s sell-out of Israel in his speech on the Senate floor is “Shanda,” which means shame!
Shumck Chuer is prostituting himself as the Kapo for the Biden administration.
He believes he must outsquad the squad from the left, to win the next election.
That’s not kid ourselves. This is all Obamanese, leading from the -Behind.
Obiden it’s taking that page from the previous regime.
All of America’s allies are playing this Obiden game. Great Britain, Canada, Germany, etc, etc, etc..
Stabbing Israel in the Back is the actual policy of the woke leftist democrat party now.
Make no mistake about it.
Sadly, Schumer and those of his ilk, have always been numerous among our tribe.
schumer would send his mother to the gas chambers if it made him look good in the eyes of the anti semitic left and the imbeciles and empty suits that inhabit the dc . the jews in congress are the worst of the worst if they dont unequivocally support their colleagues in israel . the left in israel are now paying the price for parroting what the left in the u.s. have been carping on about for years , namely the fiction of a 2 state solution . nothing has changed for centuries , the jews will continue to be a pariah regardless of what they do . because those in charge dont have an answer for the M.E. due to their total ignorance of historical and biblical evidence that israel and the jewish people are the rightful owners of israel . perhaps he would be singing a different tune if his wife was there on oct. 7 and was a victim of the barbarity , but i doubt it .
Have you seen Schumer’s wife?
He’s a she!
Schumer is 73 years old and he has already turned into a psychopathic Stab-Your-Friends-in-the Back traitor,
Schumer is as depraved and berserk as they come.
How the hell can the people of New York vote for him ?
Maybe the New York electorate has also become depraved and psychopathic.
What a disgrace.
Shoemer is a soros wannabe. Soros originally made his money by turning on his own people in Nazi germany.
i have one criticism of what is otherwise a fine article. Klein refers to ISIS’s “Islamist jihad.” This suggests that jihad is not a foundational precept of Islam, but rather a tactic that is employed only by fringe Muslims (i.e. “Islamists”) whose beliefs and actions are at variance with mainstream Islam. This, however, is untrue; jihad in one form or another is obligatory for all Muslims, and it is stated very explicitly in both the Koran and many hadiths that fighting and dying in Allah’s cause is the only sure way to be admitted into Paradise.
I have yet to encounter any satisfactory description of what distinguishes an “Islamist” from an ordinary orthodox, mainstream Muslim, of which there are hundreds of millions globally.
The term “islamist’ has always bothered me. The people doing the mass murderer are the devout followers of Islam or the…”heroes” of the islamic world == especially the terrorists who brought down the WTC towers.
I think it necessary for us to do some John Douglas style analysis of our enemies where we step inside their shoes and try to think as they are thinking so we can ward off more attacks by them later. This would require a serious study of Islamic thought which our Leftists will not engage in. The Leftists are psychologically close to the Islamic terrorists and that is why they support them so much.
The left will do whatever it takes to gain more power. Including, imo, treason.
They don’t understand that these ppl think differently than us. “Human rights” mean nothing to ppl who are taught from birth that anyone who is not Muslim isn’t human.
“At this critical juncture,” Senator Schumer said, “I believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision-making process about the future of Israel, at a time when so many Israelis have lost their confidence in the vision and direction of their government.”
I like Senator Schumer as a person but this time he is acting in an ignorant and self-deceiving manner. To believe that the Israeli government led by Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, the brother of the late Jonathan, doesn’t represent the position of Israel in a proper way and needs to be replaced is a sign of self-deception and ignorance to an extremely dangerous level.
My advice to Senator Schumer and his ilks : let Bibi and his colleagues do their work. Stop besmirching their names by referring to them as right wing extremists for defending their country and their people. Don’t practice antizionism ( the highest form of antisemitism ) knowingly or inadvertently.
Chuck-E-Sleaze and his acts of Treason against America and the American People while t heir Partners in Crime the M.S. Media covers up for them
I heard a Scottish politician saying exactly the same things last week on the BBC, even the “we expect better of Israel” there was a woman, Melanie Philips, who tried defending Israel but she wasn’t granted enough time.
There is either a need for Israel to cease or a globally organised propaganda campaign against Israel.
I suspect the latter.
Strip away all group identity markers, like skin color, gender and religion, and what is left is a human being with a basic nature.
Jewishness has nothing to do with Chuck’s being Chuck. Calling himself a Jew is irrelevant.
It’s an excuse.
It’s a political calculation. His birth and circumcision doesn’t certify his Jewishness; just as skin color, race and gender certify nothing moral in and of themselves.
Chuck presents himself as a moral arbiter and uses his Jewish veneer as some sort of validation.
The administration in turn uses him as bait and magnet.
He’s an egotistical person with a twisted, selfish, false prophet syndrome.
He’s also a liar.
He is a man, just a man, who chooses evil over good.
This administration has a lot of ‘Chucks’.
Yes, he’s a liar. But before that he is a sociopath without a conscience and without a sense of justice and the need for survival.
He should be ashamed of himself. But then, he is first and foremost a sociopath.
So, being sorry is not in his dna.
No more talk of elites , ever…These mental midgets are the lowest form of humanity who kowtow to the immoral and tyrannical view that allows terrorism and violence to wear the face of victim…these Lilliputian small people are not able to grasp the difference between right and wrong, between lawful self defense and unlawful ongoing historical abuse by Islam that has not let up for centuries. Even now it is destroying Nigeria, has destroyed much of the Middle east and is working on India and Europe…Are we all just fools to not see the agenda? Is it too much to ask for a smidgen of realism?
Probably, sadly, we probably top out at about 15% to 20%.
Kano Chuckles needs to face an election. Israel is no a client state and they have elections (far too often in my opinion).
Abbas – the dictator of the PA is in the 19th year of a four year term yet Kapo Chuckles is silent on that issue, wonder why
Schumer: “I want to tell you Netanyahu. I want to tell you Israel. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with this awful war. The United States government has six ways from sunday of ruining you if you destroy Hamas. Don’t you dare win this war.”
Never mind that Israel was attacked by Hamas on Oct.7th. Never mind that Hamas has broken every cease fire with Israel. Never mind that Israel has been preemptively attacked by Muslims in every war they have fought. The Democrats just gotta get those Jews.
The Demsheviks: the party of Gotta Get: Jews, Netanyahu, Putin, Trump, white supremacists, conservatives. Catholic nationalists, pro-lifers, climate change deniers, insurrection deniers, haters, racists, patriots, mothers, fathers, grandparents, and anyone who disagrees with their twisted ideology.
You got that right!
No surprise. Schumer’s been been selling out America his whole life.
Schumer’s shame? That Jew-hating Jew has no shame!
Couldn’t have said it better. He’s shameless!
scum-er, nogo-nadler & sniffer joe: keep sucking muslim dick & swallowing
I’m sure that when Schumer meets Joe Biden, Linda Sarsour, Rashida Tlaib or Ilhan Omar he is so obsequious he is reminiscent of Chaim Rumkowski (“Eldest of the Jews of the Lodz Ghetto”) meeting Heinrich Himmler. He probably imitates Rumkowski by meekly asking, “May a Jew speak?”
Schumer is looking stoop backed these days. His evil character and shamelessness are asserting themselves in his physical appearance. How appropriate that so soon he won’t be able to stand up straight.
He must think he looks intellectual wearing those cheap CVS reading glasses.
Just as his fellow antisemite (who also claims Jewish ancestry to deflect her OBVIOUS Jew hating) Alexandria Ocasio Cortez thinks that eyeglasses make her seem more intelligent.
He definitely is a bottom feeder like most crabs or crawdads.
What should we expect from a Torah-REJECTING SATANIST who is PROUD that he has a LESBIAN “Rabbi?”
“I believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision-making process about the future of Israel (America!) at a time when so many Israelis (Americans!) have lost their confidence in the vision and direction of their government.”
I call for new emergency elections for all of Congress, especially the Senate!
Enough of these career traitors masquerading as Americans!
Shanda indeed!
What should we expect from a Torah-rejecting Satanist who has a LESBIAN “Rabbi?”
Shabbat Parashat Zachor is coming up, in which Jews remember the unprovoked Biblical attack in the desert by Amalek. This year, we can also reflect on the modern Amalek, Hamas and its allies, including sellouts like this Schumer.
This sleazy reptilian has no shame.
It’s hard to not HATE this scumbag schumer. I cannot stand even the sight of him. He rates right up there with snake shit.
Add Jamie Raskin. A face only a mother could love.
A mother opossum.
He deserves a different name… Upchuck!
“Palestinian civilians do not deserve to suffer for the sins of Hamas,” Senator Schumer declared, “and Israel has a moral obligation to do better.” Since when has a people not taken the hit in a war their “leaders” started?
Anyone remember Dresden?
This, of course raises the question, especially after seeing the street behavior of celebrants in Gaza on October 7-8th, who can be considered a “civilian” in Gaza? The street participants beating an unconscious kidnapped woman with pipes as she lie in the back of a pickup? Children, taught to hate Jews, and knowledgeable in use of gun and knife before they reach their teens? The mothers who raise them?
Several hundred civilians joined the Hamas butchery of their free will to commit the barbaric anti-civilizational acts of horror. No one in Gaza, not none, should be spared from death. None of them merit living in or even near a civilized nation. None. They gleefully started this, let them reap their just reward.
Actually, the “Palestinian people” (the Arab mutts claiming to be “Palestinians) DO deserve to suffer. Not only did they elect Hamas by a 70 percent majority, they were in the streets cheering the satanic butchering, torture, and baking of babies in ovens by the subhuman Muslim garbage they sent to attack Isreal. So, I have zero sympathy for Palestine, or their suffering, They chose it, and earned it. As for Hamas, KILL THEM ALL! Why are their leaders still breathing?
Schumer and the Demonrats are evil. They should be treated with the same disgust as Hamas, and they deserve the same fate. Period.
Schumer needs to have a gag placed in his big mouth. Preferably permanently.
How sad to see a once great nation turn against the birthplace of the Messiah to embrace the slaughter of those who gave us the Word of the Living G_d.
What good can come of this?
See Genesis 12:3
.I will make you into a great nation,
I will bless you,
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.
3 I will bless those who bless you,
I will curse those who treat you with contempt,
and all the peoples[b] on earth
will be blessed[c] through you.