Whether the issue is “Climate Change” or ways of dealing with COVID-19 the Radical Left ridicules anyone who would dare to question their positions on critical issues. They accuse those who question them or their claims of not believing in science.
Consider the Yahoo News report that AOL posted on October 26, 2020, Bill Gates slams Trump’s COVID-19 adviser as ‘pseudo-expert’ who’s ‘off-the-rails’ which began with this excerpt:
In a new interview, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates sharply criticized the Trump administration for muzzling experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) while instead listening to White House COVID-19 adviser Dr. Scott Atlas, whom Gates calls a “pseudo-expert” who’s “off-the-rails.”
Atlas, a member of the administration’s coronavirus task force who formerly appeared as a commentator for Fox News, reportedly opposes an expansion of COVID testing and earlier this month posted a tweet falsely downplaying the effectiveness of masks. Twitter later removed the post from Atlas, a Stanford University professor with a medical degree from the University of Chicago School of Medicine.
“We now have a pseudo-expert advising the president,” Gates, the former Microsoft (MSFT) CEO and a leading backer of global public health initiatives, told Yahoo Finance Editor-in-Chief Andy Serwer in an interview that aired on Monday as part of the the news organization’s All Markets Summit.
After the interview, taped on Oct. 15, Gates confirmed that he had made the comments in reference to Atlas, who has opposed lockdowns and co-authored an op-ed in The Hill called “The COVID-19 shutdowns will cost Americans millions of years of lives.”
This article is important for a number of reasons. First of all, Gates demonstrated colossal chutzpah to insult a medical doctor who graduated from a highly respected medical school and serves as a professor at Stanford University, while Gates, himself, never attended any medical school.
In fact, Gates has no degree of any kind!
What then, could possibly qualify Gates to pass judgement on the credibility of a medical doctor especially one with the clear credentials of Dr. Scott Atlas even as he castigated President Trump for challenging the contradictory and morphing advice of Dr. Fauci.
The AOL/Yahoo article stated that Twitter had removed what they claimed was a tweet posted by Dr. Atlas that they claim falsely downplayed the effectiveness of masks.
It is more than a bit disturbing that Twitter censored Dr. Atlas and, in so doing, prevented the general public from benefitting from his perspectives. This should alarm everyone.
About 20 years ago I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of prostate cancer. The surgeon who examined me and told me of my situation was the chief of urology at a major New York Hospital and chaired the department of urology at a major medical school.
However, while he told me that he believed that he could save my life, he urged me to seek out at least one additional opinion so that I would be confident that I was making the proper decision.
I did seek out that second opinion and my medical insurance policy covered that second opinion, because this notion of seeking additional opinions is considered the standard way for people to make certain that they are making proper life and death decisions.
Needless to say, my surgeon saved my life- this a good thing because I have not aggravated my quota yet!
Where science and the Radical Left are concerned, however, not blindly following what their anointed experts proclaim, is an act of heresy.
This flies in the face of commonsense and threatens the First Amendment and all of our freedoms.
In doing a bit of research I found a similar situation that existed in a different country many years ago.
That country was Germany as the Third Reich began taking control of Germany and its population, Jews came under vicious attack. No less a scientist that Albert Einstein was attacked for his work. Scientific America on February 13, 2015 published an important article about the lunacy that transpired at that time, How 2 Pro-Nazi Nobelists Attacked Einstein’s “Jewish Science” [Excerpt].
The article discussed the mass book burnings carried out on college campuses, not unlike the way that Antifa operates today. Books authored by Albert Einstein were incinerated. Here is an important paragraph from this article:
It would be absurd, of course, to suppose that most of the book-burners had given these questions a moment’s thought. The simple fact was that Einstein was a prominent Jew, and his thoughts therefore fit for the bonfire. But Einstein’s theory was attacked on racial grounds. This assault came not by asinine ideologues in the party whose knowledge of science extended no further than a belief in fairy tales about “cosmic ice,” nor from individuals on the scientific fringe seeking official approval and support. It was orchestrated by two Nobel laureates in physics, who devised a full-blown thesis (it can’t be dignified by calling it a theory) on how stereotypical racial features are exhibited in scientific thinking. They were Philipp Lenard and Johannes Stark, and they wanted to become the new Führers of German physics.
Einstein’s Theories of Relativity and his concept of Space-Time were mocked and ridiculed by two Nazi Nobel laureates.
Of course nearly all of Einstein’s brilliant theories have been validated in recent years by scientists and physicists who now have the technological tools to conduct appropriate experiments.
Understandably fearing for his life, Einstein fled Nazi Germany and came to America where, ironically, he helped America defeat Fascism in Germany and Japan and, in so doing, safeguarded freedom for people across the globe.
Today the Radical Left demands obedience to theories about climate change that support their demands for the “New Green Deal” even as some scientists question the validity of the notion that human actions have climatological consequences that must be stopped at all costs.
They seek nothing short of a fundamental transformation in the way that we live and work and these demands can only be justified by claiming that catastrophic climate change can only be averted if we adopt draconian changes.
Science has always been about challenges beliefs and devising experiments to seek the truth.
To cite an interesting example of how highly respected scientists may come to diametrically opposed conclusions consider a pair of articles that ran on the same website (Space.com) on two consecutive days.
On October 19, 2020, that website posted, What’s Happening with Betelgeuse? Astronomers Propose a Specialized Telescope to Watch the Star Every Night.
The very next day, October 20, the website published, Wow, Betelgeuse Might Be 25% Closer than Previously Believed.
The physicists who wrote the first article postulated that because Betelgeuse is so huge and pulsating, it is likely to explode within our lifetimes. They estimated that that star is 700 light-years from earth. This is why they proposed the construction of a special telescope to keep an astronomical eye on that star.
However, if the physicists who published the second article are right, Betelgeuse is 548 light years away. This would mean that the star is not nearly as large or bright as the other physicists believe. This would mean that Betelgeuse is not likely to become a super nova any time soon- at least not for another 100,000 years by their estimates.
This may not seem important to us on our beleaguered planet, but the lessons to be learned is very important.
Experts can and do disagree. The process of questioning is behind all of our achievements. Scientists who serve a political agenda are the scientists who must not be trusted.
Science is supposed to be the tireless search for universal truths and must be unencumbered by political agendas.
Scientists who yield to the political elite betray their professions and should be ignored as the science-fascists that they are.
Voltaire sagely observed that you could determine the intelligence of a person by considering the questions that they ask, the same questions that today will earn you scorn and ridicule by the Radical Left.
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