Scotland, as I noted in the past, under the lefty SNP is even more pro-migrant than the rest of the UK.
By the summer of last year, Glasgow had the highest number of housed refugees in the UK with almost 10% of the “asylum seekers” setting up shop in the Scottish city. The overflow of refugees, many of them from Pakistan, Iraq, and Afghanistan, has brought in government money, but also violence and crime. By the 2011 census, a fifth of Glasgow’s population was non-Scottish.
In 2007, Bashir Ahmad became the first Muslim member of the Scottish Parliament for the SNP from Glasgow. He was followed by Humza Yousaf, his former assistant, who became the first Muslim cabinet minister holding down the justice portfolio and took his oath of allegiance in the Scottish Parliament in Urdu. Jahangir Hanif, a Glasgow SNP councilor, was caught teaching his children to fire an AK-47 at a training camp in Pakistan, near Kashmir.
The SNP’s Islamic squad came through the Muslim Brotherhood’s local outlet, the Scottish Islamic Foundation. And the SNP generously funneled money to the SIF in recognition of their support.
The SIF’s boss, Osama Saeed, who has cheered a return of the Caliphate, was an adviser to former First Minister Alex Salmond, the SNP’s dirty leader, who ran Scotland into the ground.
Salmond is currently on trial for assaulting 10 women.
Meanwhile the SNP’s next prospective leader is off track for sending inappropriate messages to an underage boy, but the migrant agenda continues unabated with the Scottish Parliament moving to allow refugees to vote.
The Scottish Parliament has passed a bill extending the right to vote to all foreign nationals with permanent residency, including those granted refugee status. They can now vote in local elections as well as the national Scottish Parliament (in the U.K., Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland hold some amount of autonomy through devolved legislatures, not too dissimilar from federalism in the U.S.). They will also be able to stand for election themselves.
Scottish Cabinet Secretary Michael Russell said “This Bill (…) reflects the reality of modern Scotland: a nation committed to robustly meeting our duties to the treaties that safeguard our human rights, that welcomes those who seek to join our society, and gives a democratic voice to the most marginalised in our communities.”
You can guess yourself who the refugees are and whom this will benefit. Aside from the SNP.
This makes the political agenda behind bringing vast numbers of Muslim refugees to Scotland manifest. Soliciting the votes of refugees now becomes an open goal. It’s no longer a conspiracy theory. It’s policy.
As refugees become open political players, their key demand, aside from more benefits, will be more refugees, and their ability to vote will leverage the political pressure needed to more drastically transform Scotland in an even shorter time.
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