Oh to be a fly on that wall.
Earlier this month, an anonymous Reddit account posted several shocking audio recordings. The recordings seem to contain the voices of Council President Nury Martinez, Councilmembers Kevin de León and Gil Cedillo, and LA Labor Federation President Ron Herrera discussing a wide range of topics of great public interest and being incredibly racist while doing so.
Martinez is the LA City Council president and who was considered a mayoral prospect. She came out of a bunch of woke organizations and LAUSD. She’s as establishment as Kamala Harris. And, if she has her way, on a similar trajectory.
Kevin de Leon was an LA mayoral candidate, after previously running for Senate against Feinstein, he’s got positions with USC and UCLA pushing leftist agendas, and came out of the same woke establishment. Cedillo and Herrera are powerful union players. These are some of the powers that have made LA into the train wreck that it is and they want national office if they can get it.
These are not low-level politicians, they’re the local woke establishment. And in private, they say what they think.
In the recording, Council President Nury Martinez says of Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón, “F___ that guy, he’s with the Blacks.”
The revealing parts aren’t the racial slurs in Spanish, but the matter-of-fact racial realpolitik.
Cedillo: Yeah, that’s called K-Town. Yeah.
Martinez: I see a lot of little short dark people. Oxacan, Korean. Not even like Kevin, little ones. I was like, I don’t know what village they came from, how they got here, but
Herrera: I get what we have to do, right? Just message to create distincts that benefit you all. And the future too…
Martinez: If he resigns, hold on, if he resigns, and the African-Americans look at this as a hostile takeover because he’s gone. We’ll have to figure that S— out because politically they’re gonna come after us.
De Leon: Yeah, but can i say something right now. And this is what I call the coso se llama is the movie, the uh Wizard of Oz effect, and what I mean by the Wizard of Oz effect: you’re at the side of the curtain, is like this big voice, like thousands, but then you actually pull the curtain is that you see the little wizard
You know what? It’s the same thing.
Herrera: All right, it’s real simple. You got 100 people, right, 52 of them are Mexicano, I feel pretty good about it, about my chances of beating your ass
Cedillo: Twenty-five or so are black and the 25 blacks are shouting
De Leon: But they shout like they’re 250, when there’s 100 of us
There’s the unapologetic colorism. And the naked truths about the racial dynamics of political power behind all that wokeness.
The politicians in question are being forced to apologize. Mike Bonin, as repulsive a creature as any of them, is calling for their heads. But who’s kidding whom? Behind the scenes, black politicians and Asians are likely to be just as racist, if not more so when talking about their opposite numbers.
The rainbow coalition is a tribal power struggle, not that different from Iraq or Afghanistan.
This is what it’s like when the cameras are off and the pols feel safe talking to their own kind.
Honsesty sure isn’t refreshing from people like that. The white people who self identify as hispanic are the worst of the bunch. They use a fake ethnicity for personal gain at the expense of America and our society but hold the more “authentic” hispanics like the brown Oaxacan shorties (they really are) in contempt while they use them for personal gain. They’re “hispanic” chauvinists but bigoted against darker “hispanics” at the same time, and they’re bigoted against so called anglos too. Scum.
I like the little, dark, illegal aliens who’ve come here for economic benefit a lot more than these “woke” LA parasites and their ilk. At least if you give an illegal a job to do, he’ll do it. They don’t lie incessantly to everybody but their comrades and build their lives around corruption, either.
Awaiting moderation? Seriously? Oaxacans really are short and dark, you know. They’re mostly of Indio descent. Most of the guys wear cowboy hats though, just like a lot of Indians up here.
White Mexicans don’t see the Indios as white or Hispanic and they aren’t. I sometimes shop at a supermarket where the cashiers are all speaking some Indian laguage called “Zapoteca”.
I once worked with a young woman from Ecuador, she was 100% native Ecuadorean looking, about 5 feet tall, brown skinned, black hair, etc., but boy did she hate the Ecuadoran natives. She disparagingly called them those “Indios”. I never bothered to inquire and figure out why she saw native Ecuadorans as “Indios” (it was the workplace and anybody with any sense avoids controversial topics at work) but she viewed herself as non-Indio. Maybe it was a cultural, class, definition of “Indio” not a race-based definition.
The Zapotecs live mostly in Oaxaca. They’re those dark little Oaxacans Nury Martinez hates so much. The food down there is good but then, it’s good throughout Mexico. The best Chile rellenos I ever had were from a food stall in the weeds outside of Teotihuacan. It was really just an awning with a cooking kit underneath. It was a couple of Indio women who made them, I don’t remember what tribe they were from.
And yes, the hatred of Indios in Mexico is based on class. The Mestizos tend to hate them in the states where they’re numerous like Oaxaca, and especially Chiapas and the Yucatan states on the border with Guatemala. They hate Guatemalans, too. The Mestizos resent not being white Criollos and take it out on the Indios. Most Guatemalans have mostly Indio blood, too. The Mestizos in Chiapas have the temerity to curse Guatemalans as border jumpers even though they approve of other Mestizos jumping America’s borders in FAR greater numbers.
Are the Criollos in the USA supporters of La Raza or are they much more like Ted Cruz?
it depends on the individual but Cruz is of Cuban descent. Plenty of La Raza type supremacists are obviously white.
Jeff and I have been pointing this out for years, since we both know what they say in private, etc.
That Nury Martinez twat was forced to resign today, ha haw, but only because of her comments about blacks. She called a rival politician’s son a monkey. The usual racists who pretend to be anti-racists don’t give a shit what she and her cohorts said about so called hispanics, though, and they would care even less if they knew the Oaxacans the Criollo council members referred to were Indians.
I bet Martinez will get full retirement benefits. It must be nice to get fired with a golden parachute. F, I hate politicians as a class.
I heard the recording and it turns out Martinez called the kid “changotito” which is Mexican slang for little monkey. “Chango” is an insult they use for blacks and she said the kid was “bouncing off the walls” of a float and his white father wouldn’t control him. If a white kid were called a little monkey for doing that, nobody would object. That’s how real institutionalized and socialized racism is in America and who it’s REALLY directed at.
Did you catch how cunning she is? Resigned from the ceremonial post as President, which is basically meaningless, but kept her seat on the Council, which pays $207,000 per year 🙂
I hadn’t but you confirm my suspicions. I bet she’ll be more circumspect in future conversations which could be recorded.
I don’t care if offensive and mentally retarded rappers, athletes and actors make heaps of money but it burns my balls that scumbag politicians do, at taxpayer expense yet.
Mexicans and blacks hate one another. The racial spoils systems makes that enmity even more acute. I hope they both win in their conflict.
The Mexicans are winning. They’ve cleared entire “hoods” of blacks and cities like Compton have very few, if any left.
The government favors blacks over all others, of course, but that mostly benefits middle and upper income blacks. Welfare benefits are a joke no matter how many illegitimate whelps a welfare mother squeezes out and only lowlifes accept them to avoid work.
If Mexicans were to come here strictly as legal immigrants and drop their idiotic chauvinism for their shithole homeland, I wouldn’t have much of a problem with them being here. It sickens me that our own government “celebrates” Cinco de Mayo, and it infuriates me to see Mexican flags.
Again? As if I wrote anything racist or bigoted based on ethnicity, or ANY conservative or moderate thinks America should celebrate a foreign holiday and wave foreign flags. It’s not like a called a black political rival’s son a monkey and got fired as the President of the LA City Council..
It was probably a keyword. I had a couple of mine go into moderation.
Mexico is in the hands of shameless white supremacists:
The tribal instinct seems very weak to non-existent in most whites. They are ruthlessly individualistic for the most part. And individualism is good, right and beautiful. Hard work, brains and risk should be encouraged and rewarded no matter color or background. This has been, no doubt, the source of western innovation and prosperity.
But humanity is tribal. It is built into all of us, but to a lesser extent in whites. Diversity is a code word for white genocide, and whites are going gently into that good night where they will have no home and no people.
2 Kings 4:
11 And it happened one day that he came there, and he turned in to the upper room and lay down there. 12 Then he said to Gehazi his servant, “Call this Shunammite woman.” When he had called her, she stood before him. 13 And he said to him, “Say now to her, ‘Look, you have been concerned for us with all this care. What can I do for you? Do you want me to speak on your behalf to the king or to the commander of the army?’ ”
She answered, “I dwell among my own people.”
You must be living under a rock.
What is that supposed to mean? That Irish Americans get snockered on St Patrick’s Day and Italian Americans celebrate Columbus Day instead of fake “indigenous day” because they’re tribal chauvinists?
Good insights. I first noticed something like that when I was in India.
It is true. I always thought that was the irony of all this anti-white hysteria. Whites are perhaps the only group in the US that doesn’t really have a race-based, tribal identity. This makes us an easy target. We won’t fight back.
”California is going to be a Hispanic state,” said Mario Obeldo, former head of MALDEF. “Anyone who does not like it should leave.” And MEChA’s goal is even more radical: an independent ”Aztlan,” the collective name this organization gives to the seven states of the U.S. Southwest – Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas and Utah. So why would the Rockefeller and Ford foundations support such groups? Joseph Farah tells the story in this issue of Whistleblower.
Whoever doesn’t want CA or the entire Southwest to become just another Latin American shithole should throw Mario Obeldo out along with MALDEF and MEChA. They need to become Americans or leave, not the other way around.
5. “The Race” gives mainstream cover to a poisonous subset of ideological satellites, led by Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan, or Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan (MEChA). The late GOP Rep. Charlie Norwood rightly characterized the organization as “a radical racist group … one of the most anti-American groups in the country, which has permeated U.S. campuses since the 1960s, and continues its push to carve a racist nation out of the American West.” MICHELLE MALKIN
La Raza was so blatantly racist it had to change its name to “UnidosUS” to mislead the public about its supremacism. MEChA is so racist it can’t refer openly to mythical chicanos and Aztlan, which are both in its Spanish and English names. “Chicano” in its name has been changed to the even more ridiculous and offensive “chicanx,” which so called chicanos hate even MORE. Soon the racist and supremacist term “Aztlan” will have to be dropped from its name. Can’t offend blacks and whiteys who’re gay or trannies, don’t you know.
If the Mexicans ever try to take control of other Latino communities their going to get slaughtered. The Puerto Ricans and the Dominicans who are generally taller and more muscular than the Mexicans despise them, they beat them up, and rob them all the time. They disparagingly call call them the “Bigheads” because supposedly they have big heads. Life in the ghetto.
Mexicans take over neighborhoods through sheer numbers and unity.
And they aren’t crybabies like the Muslims.
Previous generations of immigrants did not believe they were
racially superior to Americans. That is the view of La Raza Cosmica, by Jose Vasconcelos, Mexico’s former education minister and a presidential candidate. According to this book, republished in 1979 by the Department of Chicano Studies at Cal State LA, students of Scandinavian, Dutch and English background are dullards, blacks are ugly and inferior, and those “Mongols” with the slanted eyes lack enterprise. The superior new “cosmic” race of Spaniards and Indians is replacing them, and all Yankee “Anglos.”
Reverse reality wishful thinking by Vasconcelos.
What a revolting philosophy, if you can call it a philosophy.
Yeah, xenopathic chauvinism is very revolting for anybody with morals. It reminds me of islam, in a way.
Unidos US, for those who are not familiar, is the current incarnation of the “National Council of La Raza”, which bills itself as “the nation’s largest Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization”. Hardly a MAGA front group.
This simply demonstrates the ugliness and group judgmentalism of every group. If you only see. people as groups and judge them accordingly you will be a hater. no matter what color you are.
This is the problem with thinking that seeing people as groups is good. It is not – in fact it is the worst way to view other human beings.
The Holocaust was caused by grouping people (Jews) and assigning a value to them (bad). If all Jews are bad then maybe it is OK to murder them. This is the result of group judgmentalism.
See people as unique individuals, not groups, because that is that they truly are. Only by judging individual character instead of skin color will we ever get past group hatred.