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The reconstruction of USAID from an independent terrorist and international leftist funding entity to a subsidiary of the State Department has Democrats involved in the foreign policy apparatus freaking out and desperately trying to get Americans to care.
Here’s Sen. Chris Coons, former ‘bearded Marxist’, taking his best shot at it in the paper of big government.
Trump’s attack on USAID is an assault on Americans’ safety – Washington Post
Coons claims that “USAID’s programs, like all our foreign assistance, play a central role in combating extremism, promoting stability and protecting our homeland.”
The reality is USAID had us sending $600 million to Pakistan, $3.7B to Afghanistan after the Taliban takeover, $2 billion to the PLO and Hamas after Oct 7, and $3.4B to Yemen whose Houthi regime we’re currently at war with.
How does funding Islamic terrorists combat extremism and protect our homeland?
” Our foreign assistance and engagement wins us friends around the world, establishes our leadership and, more important, neutralizes distant threats to the United States well before they put our country at risk,” Coons claims.
“We know that in countries such as Somalia, Yemen and Syria, terrorists exploit security vacuums to develop havens from which to attack the United States and our friends — as the Islamic State did in the 2010s and al-Qaeda did in the run-up to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Our foreign assistance funds are used to train friendly militaries to raid terrorist training camps, to secure prisons where Islamic States members are held, and to provide the equipment needed to screen and keep bombs off planes.”
Sen. Coons is either dumb or lying. He’s confusing USAID with foreign military financing. The vast majority of USAID funds has absolutely nothing to do with any kind of security. It’s money being shoved at foreign NGOs, including the UN, which then provide a cut to terrorists.
It’s not used to stop Al Qaeda, and the best evidence of that are the exemptions provided for doing business with Islamic terrorists.
USAID doesn’t keep Americans safe, it endangers them.
“The Kenyan” (Barack Hussein Obama) famously said, “Elections have consequences.” Now his “woke” lapdogs (like Sen. Chris Coons) are singing another tune. According to the “Bearded Marxist” (Sen. Coons), the Deep State is immune (booster shots and all?) to reform by a contrary-minded president, notwithstanding the president’s constitutional role as head of the executive branch of government. Elections only have consequences, in Deep State logic, when “woke” Democ-rats win. Clearly, Sen. Coons and other like-minded politicians of both parties work for the Deep State, not the voters.
Actually, President Trump fired an enormous amount of deep state criminal scum in less than two weeks. Jack Smith and all his prosecutors, all the January 6th prosecutors, six of the seven top FBI executives, twenty FBI field office heads, including the DC head responsible for the J-6 set up of Maga supporters who were illegally made political prisoners by the D-Bag scum. They didn’t even get show trials. Trump pardoned and freed them along with the innocent “Proud Boys” political prisoners. He’s fired more deep state scum tham that but I can’t remember who else off the top of my head.
Oh, and info on over 5000 FBI agents who were involved in the persecution of J-6 MAGA supporters has been handed over to the DOJ and being investigated. The agents who just pushed papers across desks will likely be spared but the ones who turn up repeatedly in illegal investigations of Trump will be fired for sure and hopefully prosecuted.
The new Attorney General, Pam Bondi, ordered the list her first day in office. Like Trump himself, his appointees don’t fuck around. They act immediately. And like all the rest, she’s loyal to him and his agendas. She represented him in one of his fake and illegal impeachment trials. Talk about a Dream Team. Trump’s cabinet is far and away the best ever assembled. It’s full on war against “woke” left-wing scum and the worst of the Dirtbagocrat criminals.
Coons is a long time supporter of appeasing terror with American tax dollars
I don’t doubt it. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard of that treasonous little worm, Coons. His name sounds familiar. He reminds me of Lil’ Jamie Raskin whining yesterday and today to a tiny gaggle of Minitrue Media trolls that foreigners will “suffer” because they won’t receive billions in free money from USAID, the Snake Department and every other government agency with taxpayer funny money to hand out to promote DEI in countries like Nigeria and Peru who hate it even more than America does. It’s not like any of them would actually spend the money on DEI, they’d just have divvied it up between top government officials and whichever moneyed interests they collude with. And our descendants are liable for all such money because the government is what, over thirty trillion dollars in debt or somesuch? Our descendants are going to be liable for it but they won’t be able to pay it off, either.
No money for ANY foreign country. Israel doesn’t need our money and no other country deserves it.
You’re wrong about Israel. They do need our support. They’re our most important ally in the Middle East and they have to spend enormous amounts of money on defense of their country because of the terrorists attacking them!
Anyone who Finances and supports Terrorists should be sent to Prison for Life and even Longer
Send them to countries like Russia which would imprison them under horrific conditions or execute them.
Senator Coon worries me, he allowed Biden to fondle his daughter when he was sworn in, he speaks with the delusion of a KGB agent, and now giving money thru USAID for Drag Queen story telling is combating Terrorism, Stupidity runs rampant in Washington,
I wonder where Greenfield found these statements from somebody as anonymous and unknown as Coons? I guess if you want find out about a worm, you have to look under a rock.
Happily, the Trump administration has defanged the CIA cut out USAID and cancelled the traitorous support of organizations across the planet aiming to seed America with naarcoterror and sex slavery, as well as corrupting government officials and law enforcement. Next, the administration will break the chain of Communist Chinese parts shipped to Canada and Mexico and partially assembled to gain made in North America import status. It won’t be easy to recover from the evil worked on our republic by the Biden crime organization, but Trump has good help and is moving quickly to defang our enemies. You can tell from the inane screaming from the corrupted elected officials in Congress and the anti-American media that he is right over the target.
Inbred Omar, Lil’ Jamie Raskin and an intrusion* of other Dirtbagocrats went to the USAID building today to perform their usual antics for the Minitrue Media cameras but were turned away, Ha HAW!
Only two weeks and President Trump has been storming through enemy forces in the Dirtbagocrat party like Thor on a mead bender. He’s been tearing up scumbags in Congress, the Minitrue Media, government agencies, government commissions and the deep state.
*”Intrusion” describes the Dirtbagocrat intruders who attempted to grandstand at the USAID building in more ways than one. “Intrusion” is the name of a group of cockroaches.
“Sen. Coons is either dumb or lying.” I’m going with both. Coons is a total nincompoop, really very frightening for our Country.
Rep Coons’ thinking ability is on par with Hank Johnson’s — the Rep who thought Guam would capsize
But more dangerous.
DemocRat politicians are not the least bit concerned about the 90% of the money that is going to terrorists to kill Americans. They are only concerned about the 10% kickback that they will no longer receive. This is what American politics with the Marxist DemocRat party (and their brethren RINOS) has become.
Whatever became of “ millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute!”?
Meanwhile, more and more Americans are becoming disenchanted and disgusted with democrats and their leftist ideology and are looking for another political party to turn to.
Republicans have a once in a life time opportunity to capitalize on the current sentiments about democrats if the RINOs and neocons don’t blow it for them. The neocons won’t overtly blow it (they’re just looking for an opportunity to get into another war) however, the RINOs most certainly will and will do it with alacrity.
So according to the Washington Compost cutting off all funding to USAID is a Threat to America and then these Bottom Feeding Media wonders why they are losing the trust of the American People
Coons is obviously a liar and obviously on the payroll of a jihad organization or multiple jihad organizations. And yes, CAIR is a jihad organization. Coons. Apt name for a little thief.
Good luck with USAID getting never ending, unquestioned and uninvestigated funds for America’s enemies with Musk and Trump on the job. And we all know the snake pit State Department is under their guns. People are reportedly going to jail over this USAID scandal and the fortune that it wanted to send DEI crap to countries who hate it even more than America does.
Hamas seems to be cut off. President Trump reiterated his idea (intention) to have the Psuedostinians relocated out of Gaza and he’s set to do it again in a Press conference after his meeting with Netanyahu is over, which is live right now. He said it to reporters in an impromptu setting when he signed another slew of America saving and improving Executive Orders this morning, he said it when he was sitting with Netanyahu before their meeting and he’s saying it again now after their meeting, along with harsh criticism of Hamas and its 10-7 atrocities.
Netanyahu was SMILING before their meeting and I bet he smiles again when he speaks soon.
President Trump praised Steve Whackoff along with the people who deserved it, which annoys me. National Security Advisor, Mike Waltz, Secretary of Defense, Pete Hegseth, and Secretary of State, Marco Rubio deserve it, Whackoff doesn’t.
Netanyahu is smiling and genuinely praising his buddy Trump right now. And he’s the first foreign leader invited to the White House by Trump, which was deliberate. Netanyahu reiterated that Trump is the best friend Israel has ever had and that if Trump could accomplish so much with Israel and domestically, imagine what he could do in 4 years?
Good times for both countries.
I see another America and Jew hating troll has joined the regular three. I guess you have nothing to smile about. Eat it, ha haw!
Americans are the enemy.
The Deep State enjoys universal support to destroy Americans.
That’s why they hate pro-lifers, Christians, and Catholics.
Some of us have been telling you this for years.
US AID supports murderers, pedophiles, terrorists, baby-killers, and sexual perversion.
And anyone else who hates us.
Anyone who cannot see that now – is either our enemy or a potato.