After hospitalizing him for what staff suspected might have been another stroke, Senator John Fetterman has now been hospitalized with “clinical depression”. This comes after the New York Times reported that the newly elected senator had trouble understanding what people were saying and was trying to avoid interactions.
And it’s a safe bet that we’re being told less than half the story.
Fetterman is not qualified to serve. He can’t do his job or any job. He needs extensive medical care and he’s not able to carry out his responsibilities. Whether or not he was aware of that depends on his mental capacity.
Contrary to Nikki Haley’s recent dumb quip, voters are allowed to elect unqualified people, including shambling wrecks, but Fetterman’s doctor and his staffers, not to mention his wife, would have been aware of his real condition and they lied about it to get through an election. Having lied their way this far, the star of Bernie’s Weekend broke down. That comes as no surprise after Fetterman’s debate performance.
Democrats just pushed out Sen. Dianne Feinstein, she showed up to work every day, and maybe she didn’t remember which votes she had cast or who her colleagues were, but she’s still more functional than Fetterman.
During the campaign, Democrats were touting Fetterman as possible presidential material. Now they have to decide whether to try to have Gov. Shapiro replace him or to be stuck with a senator who may at best occasionally show up for work, but offer nothing more than a warm body and a party-line vote.
That’s the mess they lied themselves into.
In the late stage of the Soviet Union, when one elderly leader after another died off in a matter of years, Russians joked that they were “lying in power” instead of sitting in power. Fetterman is definitely lying in power. Who’s actually wielding it, staffers or his wife, is an important question, much as it is with Feinstein, but the only decent thing to do is for him to step down. And for the media to concede that they lied about a politician to win an election.
Most of those things likely won’t happen. Power is difficult to give up. The Democrats are stuck with several House and Senate members who can barely function and a president who occasionally has a good day.
They’re lying in power. In both senses of the word.
What I wonder is who actually voted for Igor Fettertsein? I mean, how stupid do you have to be?
Who voted for Cousin “It?” Gomez and Uncle Fester, for sure.
A comment from a man in New Mexico, where I live, offered a good comment about how, after the last election, New Mexico and Pennsylvania should share the “stupidity” award.
The same people in this comment section think that mass shootings are a result of mental illness, and that we should have more treatments for mental illness in general.
But please tell all of us this guy is unfit to serve while Mrs. Jewish Space Laser is a congresswoman.
The latter smear is a mischaracterization,
Double derp. Fucking retard.
A stroke which causes dementia isn’t considered mental illness because dementia is not considered mental illness.
Some people who commit crimes of violence are mentally ill, while others are simply angry, mean, people who commit crimes out of the hate they have for their victims.
Throughout history, Jews were the victims of the those constituting the latter category. And nowadays the haters have added Christians.
Why don’t you just get to your point? You hate., and you’ll say and do anything to hurt, demonize, mischaracterize, smear, and destroy those you hate. Come on. Bring it.
Mass shootings are a result of leftism, black racism and islam. PERIOD.
You’re so misguided.
Women felt sorry for him and voted for him. Men admired his struggle to come back, and followed the old male adage that you don’t kick a guy when he’s down.
No. Instead you destroy your country. We have a lot of people in congress today because people feel sorry for them. The View is famous for pushing that agenda.
He was sick and so bad, but a democrat. He should not have been elected.
I was just thinking about that, how the current administration has converted doctors into liars.
Some are liars for sure. And thats sad. But not all. The loss of trust in doctors could cost people their health and lives. Just what the left ordered!
The demise of trust in medicine and in science began with the Global warming lie. That the name then changed to “climate change” and the new name was sleepily accepted by the public without raucous laughter finalized it for the left. It signaled to them the hypnotizability of the public.
And here we are.
Thanks Cat! I always enjoy your comments 🙂
Did you know forest fires can be prevented by just raking the forests? Obama said that.
Your trust in science decreased when you started listening to people who are not scientists. Don’t encapsulate what other people think just because you do.
Naw, they did that themselves in service to The Party.
Biden/Fetterman 2024
It’s a no brainer
lolol, thanks Noah, first thing today that made me laugh 🙂
That’s a very sad thought. Nevertheless, if we accepted a current pair of misfits, why not? At least, Fetterman isn’t as giggly…
This is a job for Igor! Bring ’em (brains) back dead or alive.
“No brainer.” good one. I missed it the first time I read it because I have a tendency to take idioms without considering them. Altough itvwa also a double entende.
Very clever.
Look how many in the medical community lied about Covid. Lying about the health and mental capacity of Fetterman was small time compared to their Covid lie.
In addition, did Fetterman really win? Could that many people in PA have voted for him? Of course, many did, but what was the scale of the fraud involved to get him across the finish line?
It was probably close to the level of cheating that put Joke Biscum in office. And Warlock in Georgia. No way did he beat Herschel Walker. I don’t believe he won his first election, either.
These scum are ruling us without our votes.
Why our entire population MUST demand VOTING ID, ONLY PAPER BALLOTS & ONE DAY OF VOTING. Just like in good old times here and currently in France and in many other European countries our fake liberals adore so much. Otherwise, the elections must be TOTALLY IGNORED & CONSIDERED ILLEGAL. Period..
I totally agree.
Re: Georgia election: There were many Georgia Republicans who – while they liked and admired Herschel Walker – nevertheless thought him not a suitable candidate for US Senator. This makes me suspect Democratic tricks played into the GOP primary., which of course, Walker won. Of course, my suspicions couldn’t be proven, but we have to remember who our enemy is, and what his goals are: our destruction as a nation.
Mentally Disabled is a qualification for the left.
Undoubtedly. They are already hollowed out and ready for the puppeteer’s hand.
He’s lucky he lives in the U.S. If he lived in Canada, he’d be euthanized.
Unless he were the prime minister. Euthanasia is for the ordinary citizen. He wouldn’t even by told about it because he would think it applied to the youth in Asia.
John Fetterman received many endorsements, practically all from leftists or leftist-backed organizations, among them the Council for a Livable World, founded by Leo Szilard, the Hungarian-born nuclear scientist and alleged Soviet spy. The CLW has long supported progressives who agree with their objective of nuclear disarmament.
What is really amazing is how never the news media interview voters of why they voted for a certain candidate. This was pretty common during the 1990s especially during Clinton’s reign and his scandal with Lewinsky. Now with someone with a functioning mind ckuld clearly see that Fetterman should not have been voted in but funny how the media does not interview anyone thag voted for him.
Its becoming more obvious by the day: our corrupt elites totally purposely are installing the most unqualified or/and compromised actors like Biden or Kamala or Fetterman, and so many others. Why are they doing it? Like any seasoned criminals, they want to manifest their omnipotence, especially, after WE ELECTED TRUMP.
Daniel: “The Democrats are stuck with several House and Senate members who can barely function and a president who occasionally has a good day.”
A “good day” for Biden means he is in relative control of his faculties due to medication or some other factor. But woe betide America on such days, as Biden then has increased agency to wreak havoc upon all of us with his destructive policies.
I’m sure you mean, BO’s destructive policies. This is his 3rd term and the 3rd and final chapter in “Fundamental Transformation.” Joe the puppet decides nothing. God help us all.
Bo couldn’t handle a wet dream. He isn’t in control of shit and never has been. He’s always been an empty suit.
I’m reminded of Chris Rock’s comment about Mayor Marion Barry, “This man got reelected with a record that would’ve gotten him fired from a job flipping burgers at McDonald’s.”
And yet he still managed to beat the GOP candidate Trump supported. But hey, maybe control of the Senate isn’t that important, right? Losing two Senate seats in Georgia worked out great in January, 2021. (If you were a Democrat looking to accelerate the country’s decline.)
In fairness to Trump, Hershel Walker was a “really great” candidate Trump supported.
Sorry, I thought it was April 1st. But let’s put the guy who got spanked by Sleepy Joe, whose successful campaign strategy consisted of staying out of the limelight.
You don’t learn anything the second time you get kicked by a donkey.
That was all election cheating. We all know Joetard Bidumb didn’t beat wonder kid Trump.
“Senator Fetterman Seeks Treatment For Depression After Realizing He’s A Senator.” – Babylon Bee
I see another sequel coming, starring Fetterman and Biden – “Night Of The Living Brain Dead”.
You would think his handlers and puppet masters could have obtained a shirt which fitted.
We need to stay out of Pennsylvania until we find out more. They voted for him, I think.