Every time you think the Fetterman story has gotten as strange as it’s gonna get, it gets stranger.
Senator Fetterman was checked into a hospital after suspicions that he had a stroke. At this point the media had revealed that he was not capable of following Senate debates or understanding what people were saying.
Then he was hospitalized for a month or so due to clinical depression.
And then, like most loving spouses, his wife decided to go on vacation in Canada. The media is working hard to spin this as normal behavior.
Fetterman recently explained on Twitter she and her kids left Pennsylvania for a family trip to Niagara Falls to get away from the media coverage surrounding her husband’s recovery at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, D.C.
Hey kids, dad’s in the hospital with clinical depression. Let’s dump him and go zip-lining in Canada.
Gisele Fetterman said she and her sons ziplined across Niagara Falls, and the family did other scary things together.
“We talked about lots of hard things and how we will all have to face hard things,” Fetterman said. “About the need to be gentle … with all and with ourselves.”
It’s really vital to get away from all that media coverage by tweeting about your family vacation complete with photos and video.
Life is currently outdoing South Park.
Fetterman’s Step Back Promotes Positive Masculinity – Oberlin Review
Lying in the hospital while your wife is elsewhere seems like the epitome of positive masculinity.
Imagine, just imagine for a moment, that the GOP alternative to this freakshow hadn’t been a TV host who couldn’t decide if he was going to give up his Turkish citizenship or recuse himself from classified briefings.
Just imagine.
Algorithmic Analyst says
I was thinking she would escape to Brazil.
Jeff Bargholz says
“She?” It looks like Fettersteins husband to me. Quite masculine.
roberta says
I was wrong, at a second glance of the forehead I realize she is John Kerry’s daughter.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Yeah Jeff, strange look. I was puzzled by it.
Frank says
Still can’t believe that Fetterman was elected . Kind of a barometer of how much trouble this country is in . After seeing him I returned my gray hoodie back to Costco. Just never would wear it in public ,made me feel creepy.
Mark Granam says
Fetterman looks like Zippy the Pinhead.”Are we having fun yet.”
Christopher Riddle says
With The LibTurd/DemonRats it’s ALL About POWER!!!!”Bite Me”is the”Push-Button POTUS”,and Fetterman makes LURCH look like a Matinee Idol???????????
STW says
To be fair. I’m sure the tickets were non-refundable.
Pip McGuigin says
The sane among us need to refrain from using the term “elected” in references to the pathetically unable creature named Fetterman. The Dims had already installed Biden and they rightly assessed they could install Fetterman. Next? They will install a ham sandwich and not one DC sandwich will complain.
roberta says
Those eyebrows couldnt get any higher without being in its hairline.