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People already complain that Congress doesn’t actually legislate. Sen. Elizabeth Warren has a solution, just get rid of the Supreme Court decision striking down ‘Chevron deference’ and just turn over legislative power to the administrative state.
Warren in typical fashion rants about “corporations” and the “far right” while using random buzzwords like “transparency and efficiency”, but eliminate that nonsense and the core of her argument is that “expert agencies”, which translated into English means government bureaucrats who always maximize the interpretation of their powers, should be able to define the limits of their authority, not judges.
The right name for the Warren/Sanders proposal would be “Put Foxes Back in Charge of Henhouses Act.’
Usually, fake populist lefties cloak their government power grabs in class warfare, designated victim groups, and some sob story, but there’s nothing like that here. Just paeans to the “efficiency” of government experts deciding how much power they have just like in every dictatorship.
Congress should be giving up its power to legislate and just turn it back to a whole bunch of agencies that were never envisioned or would have been deemed acceptable in the era of the Constitution. And, along the way, Warren and Sanders, would also like to seize power from judges to review what bureaucrats do.
The idea would be to prevent people from being able to sue the government and win. You could also call it the “You Can’t Fight City Hall Act of 2024”.
Warren wants to redistribute power from Congress and the judiciary to the bureaucracy. She wants to tear down any checks and balances holding back the power of the administrative state. And she wants to leave the people helpless in the face of alphabet soup ‘expert’ agencies to maximize “efficiency” so the proverbial trains run on time. And all of this is advocated by politicians and media who yammer about “authoritarians” while having a purely authoritarian agenda.
The underlying question is simple, do people want to invest more authority in…
- Themselves
- The courts
- Congress
- The bureaucracy
You really have to admire the media for making it seem like anyone, if the question were put to them, would choose door number four.
Excellent insights, thanks Daniel !!!
These people are literally statist totalitarians
Unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats would be the ultimate Ruling Class. No thanks.
In the same way that Biden reminds me of my drunk uncle at the family reunion, Warren reminds me of my crazy aunt.
Warren IS the pot that calls the kettle black.
You have a crazy aunt?
One of mine is a leftist like my mother and another is conservative and normal But I avoid my family members.
Our unelected and enormous bureaucracy is a real problem.
Another excellent article. Thank you. Clearly, there is a conflict of visions to which many Americans seem oblivious. One vision is the vision of the Founders. They left a legacy that includes: a complex Constitutional republic; laws that apply to all equally; government whose sole duty is to protect natural rights while limiting its own powers; and transfer of power into the hands of We the People–self-government. In contrast, Progressives have given us the Administrative State, the idea that the “sagacious” among us should rule. The views articulated by the senator merely underscore that arrogant idea–why bother to have representative government when unelected bureaucrats and autocrats can rule more decisively, in a “Democracy,” one allegedly designed for the people, as in Socialist People’s Democracy?
“…the core of her argument is that “expert agencies”, which translated into English means government bureaucrats who always maximize the interpretation of their powers, should be able to define the limits of their authority, not judges.” This proves beyond any doubt the fact that Elizabeth Warren is a blithering idiot. The administrative state has been doing exactly what she wants for almost 50 years since the Federal Senior Executive Service was authorized by Congress to be set up in 1979. Congress was told then that these senior bureaucrats would become politicized and they have, and predominately in favor of the Democrat party. These are the people that have all the Federal regulations drafted & implemented many of which have fines and prison penalties for not being complied with. Congress used to perform this function.
AKA: The Managerial State
Pocahontas’ picture is telling, Daniel. It perfectly illustrates the Prog dream of strangling freedom.
As we no longer function as a constitutional republic, Senator Warren’s proposal would be the logical next step. This is the outworking of the ultimate goal of progressivism. We need to be just as ruthless and dedicated. We must be comfortable seeking power and using it to destroy the Left. They are not playing by the rules, but have obliterated the rules. There is no compromise that will allow us to live in peace with them short of our total destruction – a thing they ardently seek.
Cool video. I like the song, too.
Way to rock Kynarion.
Power is the motivation and this move certainly aims to take a giant chunk in one single bite and give them the ability to utilize it to counter any future interference.
Let’s call it what it is: The Deep State. Federal Agencies filled with unelected bureaucrats with more power than they deserve, and lacking any legal constitutional authority. A tyrant is still a tyrant no matter how fluffy their feathered headdress is.
Does that ugly bitch, Warren, have more than two smelly jackets? It’s always the dull red or blue one over a black pantsuit that probably smells like ass. She’s disgusting. What sort of evil mutant could vote for her? I don’t believe she keeps getting elected by voters, just vote fraud. like so many Dirtbagocrats.
Well you can see the total coup now! The elities and the oligarchs are the same the world over who want to change society into their One World bureaucracy….they are ready to do anything to get it.
Like doing High Dive into a Shot Glass ora Tripleback Sommersault into Damp Hankerchief
What part of “…preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America”, is it these blasted ignorant tyrants do not understand.
In order to save our constitutional republic, Warren wants to reject the very first line of said Constitution (following the preamble): “ALL LEGISLATIVE POWERS HEREIN GRANTED SHALL BE VESTED IN A CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, WHICH SHALL CONSIST OF A SENATE AND A HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.”
In a mature nation, she’d immediately be expelled for violating her oath of office to protect and defend the document she is trying to trash.
This Dumb Cluck would Trust a Fox the Guard the Henhouse put aa Lit Match in Charge of Dynamite
No matter how many times you have to deal with it…….Warren’s stupidity is astonishing….
Faucahontas not want to do job anymore. Pay big wampum to unelected bureaucrats. She sit and smoke peace pipe with other leftist loony tunes. What we elect her to do?
Dum dum dumm dumm
Dum dum dumm dumm
When she states that all power should be handed to bureaucrats, does she mean bureaucrats appointed by Republicans or bureaucrats appointed by Democrats? I think she is delusional to think that governance can be separated from politics.