Let’s get one thing out of the way.
When you exploit children in political protests, pitting them against politicians, you are the bad guy.
Not the person you record in a confrontation with the kids. You.
The same goes for illegally transporting kids across the border or exploiting kids for political purposes in any way. It’s wrong. Period.
Unless you’re a soulless monster. Or a leftist. But I repeat myself.
I have no sympathy for Senator Dianne Feinstein. And the viral video of leftist child abuse, starring “child activists” (there is no such thing, the term means the same thing as child soldiers) and Feinstein reacting to them as if they were adults, instead of the puppets of child abusing adults, is pure folly.
It’s also a reminder to leftists like Feinstein that her ideology has no stopping point and that means that sooner or later, its own people will become the victims of its cynical tactics and political stunts.
Senator Feinstein was fine with these sort of stunts when they were being inflicted on Republicans. It’s less fun when proponents of the Green New Leap Forward inflict it on them.
Why bother arguing about the feasibility of banning airplanes and cows, when you can just use child soldiers?
The media ratifying this behavior and pumping up child abuse is truly repulsive, but is there anything the media does that isn’t?
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