Senator Elizabeth Warren rebounded from her Cherokee lies by releasing an endless series of fake plans for everything. Few of these plans are what a reasonable adult would call a plan.
If I have a plan to travel to Wisconsin, that’s not going to be a vision statement or a goal statement, or even just a vague timetable, but a budget and a step-by-step proposal to go from California to Wisconsin.
Warren’s plans are usually vision and goal statements, with some vague policy plans thrown in, and general timetables that make no sense, like her call to force the military to have zero carbon emissions in a decade, a plan that could only be accomplished by abolishing the military, and which comes with a bunch of self-nullifying hedges.
Her Medicare-for-All plan was really Bernie’s plan, which she recently discovered is politically damaging because of its tax hikes. And her repetition that she’s only going to respond to costs, not tax hikes, haven’t held up. Now a crack team of crack economists is trying to help her do math.
Internal and external economic policy advisers are trying to help Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) design a way to finance a single-payer Medicare-for-all health-care system that would place every American on a government insurance program.
Warren has promised more details within weeks, but her team faces a challenge in crafting a plan that would bring in large amounts of revenue while not scaring off voters with big middle-class tax increases.
The proposal could cost more than $30 trillion over 10 years. Complicating matters, she has already committed all of the money she would raise from a new wealth tax, close to $3 trillion over 10 years, to several other ideas, including child care and student debt cancellation. This has limited the Warren campaign’s options for finding additional sources of revenue without affecting middle-class Americans.
Short version, Warren promised pie-in-the-sky, never had any idea for how to pay for them beyond some muttering about taxing the rich (and her taxes won’t bring in anywhere close to the revenues she’s promising), and now a bunch of economists are trying to keep her scam alive.
I’m sure they’ll succeed.
All they have to do is carry the trillion, borrow more money from China, raise taxes on stuff that involves a small number of people, play Mafia accounting games with the economy, assume a whole bunch of things that won’t happen, bank on 10% growth, and it’s easy.
Warren, who opposed single-payer in her 2012 Senate run, said her Medicare-for-all financing plan has been “months and months” in the making.
Months and months.
You really want to turn over the country to somebody who spends months and months trying to figure out how to pay for the stuff she already proposed.
I’m going to buy a Ferrari now and I’m going to spend months and months figuring out how to pay for it. And then I’m going to break into your home in the middle of the night, announce I’m a Cherokee and am claiming reparations.
Sorry, did I prematurely leak the Warren plan?
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