The only truly consistent thing about Senator Elizabeth Warren, a proud WASP daughter of the Cherokee nation, a working class millionaire and insurance company lawyer fighting for the working class, is her endless hypocrisy and cynical exploitation of other people’s pain.
Here’s Warren at her best. Trying to exploit dead Jewish women she has no connection with.
“We’re not here today because of famous arches or famous men. In fact, we’re not here because of men at all,” she proclaimed to loud cheers. “We’re here because of some hard-working women.”
Warren stood before one of her biggest campaign crowds yet, a block from the site of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, where a 1911 fire caused by hazardous conditions in the sweatshop killed 146 people, most of them female immigrants. The episode became a national symbol of corporate mistreatment of garment workers and led to sweeping labor reforms.
“Female immigrants”.
Funny how Politico fails to mention who they were. They were mostly Jewish and Italian women.
Warren has made it clear that she supports anti-Semites like Rep. Ilhan Omar and yet cynically attempts to exploit dead Jewish women.
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