Editor’s note: The following is a brief description of the Freedom Center’s newest pamphlet, “The Shame of Our Schools,” which sheds light on the culture of waste and corruption plaguing America’s Democrat-run inner city school districts. To order the pamphlet, click here.
You’ve heard it so often you probably tune it out–leftwing Democrats claiming that the failure of our inner city schools is the responsibility of mean spirited, tight fisted, and outright racist Republicans who have no qualms about consigning minority children to the social ash heap.
This is the Big Lie of American education. Inner city education over the last half century is indeed a tale not only of failure but of gross corruption, fraud, theft and racist exploitation of mainly poor black and Hispanic kids for political and monetary gain. But it has taken place with Democrats in control of the mayors’ offices, city councils, and education departments and the buck stops with them.
While Democrats were consolidating their control of the inner cities over the last generation, the kids trapped there have fallen further and further behind, victims of political cynicism and the soft bigotry of low expectations. In the inner city educational reality that Democrats have created, hundreds of thousands of children go through twelve years of public education—if they don’t simply drop out and melt away long before—without ever learning how to read, write, or perform mathematical tasks with even a basic level of competence.
Individual lives are wasted while leftwing political machines thrive. The deplorable condition of inner city schools is one of the gravest educational and human tragedies of our time, and it is told with no holds barred by John Perazzo in his new expose, The Shame Of Our Schools. We must challenge Democrat lawmakers to read this disturbing booklet and not feel ashamed and disgusted by what has taken place on their watch.
Among the facts John Perazzo has uncovered:
The Shame Of Our Schools profiles ten of our largest inner city school systems and shows that what they all have in common, in addition to being dominated politically by Democrats, is a record of fiscal profligacy, bureaucratic bloat, and academic catastrophe.
After surveying what can only be called “an educational holocaust,” John Perazzo concludes that the only hope for the kids in our inner cities is an educational Marshall Plan in the form of robust vouchers equivalent to the money spent annually on the public schools that currently imprison them. He writes: “If Camden and Cleveland families received a voucher respectively for $25,000 and $20,000 a year—what is currently spent on the compulsory miseducation of their children—they could find schools that would provide the possibility of achievement and success.”
He notes also that “this goal will not be easily achieved because of the opposition of the Democrat political machines and their union allies that have driven these children into failure over the last generation.” And that’s where we begin our fight.
The Shame Of Our Schools has the potential to change the conversation about our inner city schools and the kids they abuse. If President Trump is serious about A New Deal for Black America, the inner city schools are where he must begin. The reprehensible failure of public education in America’s Democrat-controlled inner cities is the most significant civil rights issue of our day, dooming generations of poor minority children to a lifetime of ignorance and poverty. The Shame of Our Schools is a call to action and it comes not a moment too soon.
To order John Perazzo’s new Freedom Center pamphlet, “The Shame of our Schools,“ click here.
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