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BLM isn’t what it used to be. There’s less money to be made when some drug dealer get shot by cops. But the LA wildfires are big news and so Al Sharpton and Ben Crump, the lawyer behind so many of the BLM cases, are in town. That’s obviously not good news for anyone except for their bank accounts and whoever makes Al’s suits.
The Rev. Al Sharpton will visit Pasadena on Thursday to lead a memorial service and a rally for victims of the Los Angeles fires. Accompanying him will be attorney Ben Crump, who represents families of people killed in the fires, along with several relatives of the deceased.
A rally. But of course.
“The wildfires scourging Los Angeles these last few weeks have been a devastating humanitarian and natural disaster,” Sharpton said in a statement Friday. “People have lost their homes, their memories, and ultimately their lives to this devastation, while some have sought to use this horrific event to score political points. This Thursday, I will join with attorney Crump to bring the community together to mourn those we have lost and galvanize them to recover, restore, and rebuild.”
If anyone knows about using a tragedy to score political points, it’s the Rev. Al.
Sharpton’s organization cited a recent UCLA study that said Black residents in Altadena were disproportionately affected by home losses in the Eaton Fire.
Wildfires destroy homes. Black people hardest hit.
So why are Al and Ben in LA? It’s not for the funerals. It’s for the ambulances. Crump is suing Edison SoCal on behalf of what his press release calls a “black angel”. And I imagine they’re looking to get in as many of the payouts from the lawsuits as possible. That is Rev. Al’s religion after all.
Doe anyone really care what the worlds oldest race hustler has to say about anything, anymore?
Californians will if they manage to get large payouts from SoCal Edison. Their electric rates are already outrageous, just think of what they will become?
Hey Al, paid your taxes yet?
Al Sharpton and Ben Crump have arrived on the scene of the Los Angeles fires. Things are sure to get hotter than July, now that Amos and Andy are in the house.
Holy mackerel, there, Andy!
I loved that show. Used to watch it when I was a kid 🙂
A worthy successor to Marcus Garvey 🙂
Sharpie is better called Making Gravy.
Garvey. That Douchegro used to dress up in a costume that looked liked something Napoleon wore. He claimed it was modeled after revolutionary Jamaicans but it wasn’t. And he came up with that “pan African” fake flag that racists still use. As if Africa has ever been pan anything, much less all black. And he was from Jamaica, not any colonial territory in Africa with blacks in it.
This is a variation of “disparate impact.” Disparate impact is based upon two assumptions: 1) that people are the SAME in every way but skin color and 2) equality is sameness in all things (excepting skin color). The western Christian application of equality means “before God and under the law.” Nothing else.
“Disparate impact” is a reality of merit. Merit is goodness or excellence entitling one to high regard or honor. Merit spread unequally both within and between all racial categories. The inequality within all racial groups is greater than the inequality that is between them. This truth should offend no one. It is not even an ugly truth.
One can only imagine Al standing beside Jesus on Judgment Day, and our Lord and Savior saying, “I know you not.”
Yeah, old St Peter will send him downstairs.
You have to watch this. A little old but timeless.
The presenter did a very good job.
Sharpton, a lying racist anti white, anti American race hustler, should be in jail, He will never let a crisis be wasted so he can make some money.
The interesting thing about Sharpton is that without exception, every black I know can’t stand him and calls him an attack dog for white liberals who loathe blacks who left the democrat plantation and dare to think for themselves.
Plus, his head looks like a shriveled raisin.
Oh c’mon!! Al “not so Sharpton” is a no good lying ignorant mutt and a jackass too.. The homes that burned in the fire areas were owned and occupied by the wealthiest people in L.A. county and 95% of them were liberals.
Al “not so Sharpton’s audience must be the illiterate mutts who don’t live in California and know nothing about Los Angeles.
A simple demographics study of L.A. county will bare out what I’m saying. Alas, I seriously doubt if an illiterate mutt has ever heard the word demographic let alone knows what it means.
Yeah, as if Pacific Palisades and Malibu have large black populations. Those are some of the most expensive cities in the country. They ain’t Watts or Inglewood.
Translation of Sharpton: Stop electing the Democrats and policies I endorse that have turned CA into a tinderbox.
Al Sharpton, pastor of the “First Baptist Church of 50 Bucks”.
Ben Crump, the “Turd that won’t flush”.
Allstar Tag-Team Race Hustlers.
Anyway that he can make few Million Bucks and rake in the Money just like it is with Jackson and the rest of the Soap Box Bunch
Al Sharpton is definitely a DEI hire – BLM, antifa all DEI –
Any place the “Reverend” Al goes the authorities should just arrest him for gross interference and fraud.
Sharpton may have a point. If you apply the principles of thermodynamics, someone with dark skin would absorb heat at a greater rate than someone with light skin. Hey, I’m just talking science here.
A far-left area is the most fertile ground for the kind of plunder that Rev. Al has devoted his life to. But hasn’t he made his pile at his age? Still, mau-mauing charges his batteries, makes him feel young again.
Greed never quits. I always used to wonder “Why don’t they just kick back after they made their pile?”
I suggest that Al (The Baby Buzzard) pass away instead of pass our way.
Let somebody else put up with his garbage bag of lies.
Sharpton has become notorious for trying to start Riots which is more reasons he should be Excommunicated
What’s Sharpton and BLM gonna’ do in L.A. ?
There’s nothing left for them to burn down…..