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There are two ways society can reduce crime and violence.
1. Maintain a strong sense of moral values and mutual trust. Create and socially enforce codes of conduct. Quickly suppress any groups that dissent from maintaining these standards. Give people the confidence to believe that they will be treated decently and fairly. And that there will be consequences for those who don’t.
2. Lots of police and prisons
If you don’t have the former, you’ll have to settle for the latter. That’s what we see in crime statistics in rural vs urban areas.
Lefties have done everything to shatter the value systems and trust networks of American society, and then empowered criminals while disempowering the criminal justice system. After having shattered both options for maintaining some sort of livable society, they bemoan the consequences as if they’re someone else’s fault.
Why are Americans shooting strangers and neighbors? ‘It all goes back to fear’ – Washington Post
“It”. How did this “it” come about? Why are people afraid?
Half the country believes it has nothing in common with the other half and barely views it as human. Mass media, popular culture and the internet have been used to drive people crazy. And then the pandemic made them even crazier. The criminal justice system was dismantled leading to a massive crime wave.
So why are people killing each other? Must be the existence of firearms.
America’s Toxic Mix of Guns, Concern Over Crime and Fearmongering- Washington Post
Ah, it’s the fearmongering. If only we could get rid of that and limit people to reading non-fearmongering outlets like the Washington Post.
America’s Tragedy is it Culture of Fear – Armed with Millions of Guns – Daily Beast
No worries that we have a social fabric that has been torn into a million pieces or so many people are angry and afraid, it can all be solved by moving around some inanimate objects. They’re the only real problem here.
Shattering a society makes it violent. The Left shredded the bonds that tie a nation of diverse and very different peoples together. Violence is the inevitable outcome coded into human nature. The Left’s answer is to feed even more divisive identity politics while blaming inanimate objects.
If we want a society where people don’t violently dehumanize each other, we might start with a government that doesn’t make such dehumanization, in the form of equity, into its primary mission.
The Left is responsible for gun violence? How? Woke culture is to blame? Trans people are to blame?
Your ascribing of causation here would be funny if it were not so reprehensible. What were the murder statistics during the Reagan years?
Here’s a statistic Mr. Greenfield here will not bother to mention: most gun deaths are suicides. Homicides by firearm are up from the 2010s, but still below their height during the Reagan years (is that when America was great????). But suicides by firearm are way, way, way up. Are these evil criminals? Removing gun from households exponentially reduces the probability of a person successfully killing themselves. Do you give a crap?
You have supported Donald Trump since 2016 and you claim the other side has failed to “maintain a strong sense of moral values”? You are so full of it.
lulz… gun deaths are the highest ever seen at this point in history. Ever. The spike in gun violence in the late 80’s and early 90’s coincided with the crack epidemic in black communities and the hundred-fold increase in crack dealers and pushers. The global leftist polices being enacted and pushed worldwide is part of the spreading global evilness that ushers in the end of humanity. You do know that, don’t you?
Going soft on crime as the left wing Democrat ideologues incessantly promote, has given rise to a huge wave in crime in US major cities. Taking guns away from law abiding citizens is definitely not the answer. Stronger law enforcement and punishment for crimes committed gun and otherwise will serve as a deterrent.
The left’s attempts to destroy our country did not ebb while Reagan was president. This social maelstrom began in earnest several generations ago; at its center is the radical left, and the ignorant who blindly follow. To use the Reagan years as a comparison is disingenuous.
In some cases, perhaps in many, limiting access to a firearm through responsible gun ownership methodology would reduce these types of suicide (search: APHA Reducing Suicides by Firearms). Ultimately, the right to own a gun for self defense must take precedence over attempts to reduce suicide by firearm. This is a reality, especially so in a society under assault by the left.
You want to ban guns so people don’t commit suicide?
Just make sure you also ban ropes, chairs, most medications and bridges.
You’re not out to ban guns to stop suicides, but to have a monopoly on violence. Stop lying and adm,it that.
Good point, the left generally supports assisted suicide or whatever it is called.
Yes. The left is so worried about suicide, that it’s euthanizing depressed teenagers in Canada
Thank you for admitting that your side is always inflating the number of incidents of “gun violence” (there’s no such thing, by the way) by throwing in suicides. Now try to get your dim-bulb brain to understand this concept: my right to defend myself (which means owning firearms) cannot be held hostage to unfortunate souls who, for whatever reason, have decided to kill themselves. If they do, they do, but they’re not going to take my life along with theirs by taking the only practical means of self-defense (guns) I have away from me.
I know it will be a strain, but try hard to think and not merely repeat the idiotic talking points of the Left.
Five tranny mass shootings since the illegitimate Biden regime came about. So yeah, trannys are a threat. What are those freaks? .03 to .06 of the population? That means they’re proportionately the worst murderers there are. Not even the negroes can compete with that statistic.
Eat it, lefty scum. You people are the bane of the Earth….AND YOU KNOW IT. Learn to wear men’s clothing, you weirdo. Men in women’s clothes are freaks.
Maybe we also ought to remove all of the cleaning products from households — those can be dangerous, you know! And what about all of the medicines that Americans use, of which acetaminophen is arguably the most dangerous? Oh, and sugar, of course. Sugar makes people fat and that’s dangerous! Sounds like you really have the health and safety of the American people at heart.
As to suicides, let’s face it — if there had not been a gun handy, whoever wanted to die would go across the street from his nearest elementary school and buy himself a fatal (LD-250) dose of fentanyl for a few dollars. Less mess to clean up, too.
Street criminals often favor knives and such, so taking guns away from law-abiding citizens actually increases the edge street criminals have over law-abiding citizens.
Historically, Muslim males often spent their youth mastering knife fighting and such, so they were particularly adept in such arts. Like the murder of Bob Lee in San Francisco, stabbed to death by a crazed Muslim. Best to avoid close encounters with Muslims, as they are liable to have a knife, and be psycho enough to use it on you.
Stop and Frisk is necessary, of course, to reduce the incidence of knife crime by street criminals.
>>Street criminals often favor knives and such
Precisely what’s happening in the U.K. and Australia where guns were taken away…and Muslims allowed to flood in.
Knives are very dangerous. A guy can stab you up before you can stop him. Best to just start swinging the second you sense aggression.
Jeff, at our ages, best to start shooting, not swinging. Most of us are too old for that.
Good point, LOL. I keep meaning to conceal carry illegally but I never seem to get around to it. I’m pretty good with my fists, though. I always beat the gutter scum.
Hey look! A fiery but peaceful car.
It is the goal to destroy public confidence to the extent that the public demands that government step in. Unfortunately when government steps in, the results will not be to our benefit. 1917 Russia all over again.
Lenin and Hitler emptied the prisons of the most violent malefactors after telling the citizens that they could not own guns or, in Russia at least, knives or other potential weapons as well. The citizens, now reduced to the status of sheep in a slaughterhouse, begged for protection. And the kindly, mustachioed wolf appeared at just the right time to rescue them from danger.
I read Trotsky’s whole book about Stalin. Quite revealing. I even have it in my book pile to read again but I don’t think I can face it 🙂
Violence increases in a society when traditional moral values are torn asunder including the family and there is a complete breakdown in law and order
You can add to the the relentless pushing of a sense of grievance and entitlement in especially the black community and you’ve got quite a volatile environment.
Sort of thing you have to see. Convince Americans to not commit mass suicide when they discover they are lizard rapist victims, and to army up. There’s a Universe, I split it a couple years ago into many duplicates, and I’m pretty sure I can fix it.