Leftists don’t even make much of a pretense anymore; they don’t believe in the freedom of speech, and they mean to deny it to their political opponents. This is by far the most disturbing aspect of their agenda, for without the freedom to dissent, a tyrant can operate without any restraint whatsoever. Without the freedom of speech, there simply is no free society.
The latest example of the Left’s war on dissent comes from Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Reparations), who has just introduced a bill in the House, the “Leading Against White Supremacy Act of 2023.” Only vicious racists could possibly object to combating white supremacy, right? Actually, the bill is cleverly framed, but like so many other Congressional initiatives, it’s far more insidious than its name would suggest.
The bill is designed to “prevent and prosecute white supremacy inspired hate crime and conspiracy to commit white supremacy inspired hate crime and to amend title 18, United States Code, to expand the scope of hate crimes.” The framers of the bill were thoughtful enough to provide a helpful explanation: “A person engages in a white supremacy inspired hate crime when white supremacy ideology has motivated the planning, development, preparation, or perpetration of actions that constituted a crime or were undertaken in furtherance of activity that, if effectuated, would have constituted a crime.”
All right. But how is it going to be determined whether or not “white supremacy ideology” motivated someone? We have been told repeatedly that “white supremacists,” also known as “domestic violent extremists,” are the biggest terror threat the nation faces today. Old Joe Biden, Gestapo chief Merrick Garland, and the FBI have all said this, and none of them would lie to us, now, would they? But with the Biden administration so eager to portray white supremacists as this massive threat, how can we be sure that administration officials won’t be shoehorning cases into this paradigm in order to justify their claims?
This has already happened. In November 2021, FBI and Homeland Security Department officials increased investigations of “domestic extremists,” reiterating the claim that they are today’s foremost terror threat. The only thing lacking in this scenario has been actual white supremacist terrorists in any significant number. The FBI, however, has appeared ready, even eager to supply them: Whistleblowers have revealed that Old Joe’s pure-as-the-driven-snow feds have been hard at work, pressuring agents to classify cases as “domestic violent extremism” (DVE) when they weren’t, and rewarding them when they do. That’s how you create a white supremacist terror threat.
In light of that, couldn’t Jackson Lee’s bill, if it became law, quite easily become the pretext for the persecution of people who expressed views that the ruling party disliked? The dissidents would be claimed to be operating according to the “white supremacy ideology” and prosecuted accordingly.
Jackson Lee might respond that any law can be abused, but her bill has more problematic aspects than just that. Apparently she envisions criminalizing particular points of view that she doesn’t like, including “antagonism based on ‘replacement theory.’” In October, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-Sinister) said, “Now, more than ever, we’re short of workers. We have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to. The only way we’re going to have a good future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the Dreamers, and all of them, ‘cause our ultimate goal is to help the Dreamers get a path to citizenship for all 11 million, or however many undocumented that are here, and we will be pursuing that in the next Senate, in the Senate, the comprehensive immigration reform.” Was this tacit endorsement of “replacement theory” an example of “hate speech”? Would Schumer be prosecuted under Jackson Lee’s bill?
Even worse, Jackson Lee’s bill would criminalize “hate speech that vilifies or is otherwise directed against any non-White person or group, and such published material.” So “hate speech” that vilifies white people is apparently just fine. On top of that, the very concept of “hate speech” is subjective, and the term is far too often used to refer to speech that is perfectly true and accurate but disliked by the group making the charge. There is certainly nothing in the Constitution about “hate speech” not enjoying the protection of the First Amendment.
Jackson Lee’s bill would be the destruction of the United States as a free society. Of course, it has no chance of passing in this House, but the very fact that it was introduced, and that Democrat leaders didn’t denounce and censure Jackson Lee for introducing it, is ominous enough. In a sane political culture, Jackson Lee’s political career would be over for this bill alone. But there are sane political cultures, and then there is ours.
Walter Sieruk says
“Hate speech” will then be classified as anything the left-wing says that it it.
For example, the other year, the leftist business Facebook put me on a thirty day ban for ‘hate speech.”
My affront to them that violated their “community standards ” was that I had strongly denounced the mullahs of Iran for brainwashing impressionable Muslim youth into detesting Christians , Jews. and other non-Muslim religious people , to the extent that they want to engage in violent and deadly jihad attacks against them.
That statement of truth what Facebook categorized as “hate speech” and placed me on a ban for a month. In spite of the fact the what those mullahs of Iran say to teach and indoctrinate into the hearts of minds of young Muslims. The words of those mullahs are real hate speech.
So to reiterate “hate speech” sadly is and will continue to be whatever those in power in the leftist-Islamic alliance declare it to be.
Walter Sieruk says
“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”
George Washington
Angel Jacob says
Funny, The law by itself is actually a very clear example of hate speech.
Coming from the very hateful racist Jackson.
Steve Chavez says
So says a BLACK SUPREMACIST from the Congressional Black Supremacist Caucus who funded the Black Supremacist Lives Matter which was all started by the Black Supremacist President who invited Beyonce, a Black Supremacist whose Super Bowl Halftime Show featured raised BLACK POWER fists, to the White House which Ludacris wanted to paint BLACK!
Is me calling them BLACK SUPREMACISTS, hate speech? You know SJL would say it is so isn’t calling someone a White Supremacist, hate speech too?
I’m Hispanic (R) so am I a White Supremacist?
“MLK’S DREAM turned into his worst NIGHTMARE when people are Hired, Appointed, and Elected, based ONLY on the Color of their Skin and not the content of their QUALIFICATIONS!” (SC)
Are Whites discriminated against to place a BLACK in positions? Same goes if they have an (R) next to their name?
NOW “BLACK’S ONLY” water fountains, lunch counters, buses, dorms, Student Unions, and Graduations. Where’s a White ROSA PARKS willing to crash these places and events?
Intrepid says
Sheila Jackson Lee has made a career of racism and white hatred. She has introduced this flagrantly unconstitutional bill before.
After Jose Dementio left the Senate, Lee became the dumbest person in the world to roam the halls of Congress
Kasandra says
Well, Maize Hirono gives her a run for the title.
Redheart says
What do you expect from someone that refers to herself as a “freed Slave”? https://youtu.be/D5qR8w2LEtc
She is the shame of Texas.
Steve Chavez says
BLACK SUPREMACIST ERIC HOLDER: “Hate Crimes Legislation was written for Blacks not Whites!”
Remember the Black Supremacist’s defense of his Son? “This is for Trayvon!” How many Blacks have been arrested for Hate Crimes against Whites?
You can’t FIRE, evict, break-up, scold, honk, bump into, look at, criticize, A BLACK because you’ll be slapped with a HATE CRIME!
THIS COMMENTER wrote against BLM on FB saying “except those Black Lives that don’t Matter in Chicago, Philly, Atlanta, St. Louis, Baltimore, etc…. since there are no tears or protests for them because there is no Democrat agenda! Obama had eight years to help his own Chicago and did nothing. Oprah, a Black Supremacist too, did nothing!” Then the doxxing and calls to everyone they could get ahold of. Then messages to as many of my FB friends. To a place where eye volunteer saying, “You shouldn’t have a racist like this around your kids” AND THEY AGREED!
KenPF says
Note that a Davos participant declared that the U.S. would soon have legislation just like this a day or so ago. It is already on the way to becoming “mainstream”. This is how the left works. One of their more extreme members makes a proposal that ” has no chance of passing” for now. But it will be back again and again until it goes from “unthinkable on its passage through the debatable on its way to becoming the justifiable until it is finally established as the unexceptional.”
_______Father Richard John Neuhaus
THX 1138 says
If this is how the Left works and succeeds then the question to ask is why is it that the conservatives aren’t morally intransigent like the Left? Why do the conservatives lack moral certainty, intransigence, and the unrelenting will to push back against socialism and fight for capitalism?
The answer is the conservatives share the same fundamental moral code as the Left, the moral code of altruism and self-sacrifice. From this moral code you can only get statism and tyranny. The conservatives say “We want to keep Medicare”, the Left says “Well if Medicare is good then Obamacare is better”.
“In any conflict between two men (or two groups) who hold the same basic principles, it is the more consistent one who wins…. If the “conservatives” do not stand for capitalism, they stand for and are nothing; they have no goal, no direction, no political principles, no social ideals, no intellectual values, no leadership to offer anyone.
Yet capitalism is what the “conservatives” dare not advocate or defend. They are paralyzed by the profound conflict between capitalism and the moral code which dominates our culture: the morality of altruism . . . Capitalism and altruism are incompatible; they are philosophical opposites; they cannot co-exist in the same man or in the same society.” – Ayn Rand
Algorithmic Analyst says
Society collapses without free speech, because those who know the solutions to various problems aren’t free to share them.
Spurwing Plover says
Excuse me but aren’t t hey suppose to UPHOLD, PROTECT & DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES ? I suggest she pay close attention to this
A. Kresse says
What we need is a law prohibiting stupid people occupying public office.
James Stagg says
You couldn’t get the law passed with the current Congress.
saf says
How very sad the lengths people will go to in order to popularize themselves… only she is not .. has not… nor ever will be popular. Her hate towards others speaks volumes of her being. Prayers alone can open her eyes to what she has wrought in America. A communist .. a hater… a racist of the worst kind. and yes she is loved by the communist left in this nation
Onzeur Trante says
Now that she got her message out maybe she will shut up. Because that can’t happen here, or can it?
James Stagg says
It is difficult to shut a mouth that large. Besides, she needs her 15 minutes of fame for her campaign in 2024. Pray for the poor fools who vote for her!
Tershia says
And who will be the arbiter of what HATE SPEECH is?
This is insanity put forward by one of the ace racists in the US, who is trying to keep herself relevant so that she can continue to make a living off tax payers.
People like her should be grateful that they are descendants of slaves, otherwise they would still be picking marog and herding cattle in the African bush, from where they were captured and sold to the slave traders by their own African forefathers.
Ken Fuller says
The poster child of the Progressive Left: stupid , vicious, treacherous and seething with anti white racism
Idi Amin I’m a pantsuit
Cam says
Whites had better wake the fucc up ….We are The Minority on This Earth , and yet , White Men created everything in this technological World .
Blacks and Women in Power are The Enemy , as well as The Euro Royal Pedophiles and Jew Central Banking Families .
We need to deport all illegal invaders and their kids born here illegally , all open border supporters and all lgbtq satanic bad DNA sub human Demons and their stupid supporters that think homosexual Pedophiles deserve rights . They all need to be aborted , isn’t that what women love to do …kill
cosMICjester says
Thank Helios & the orange buff00n this nonsense will be thrown out by SCOTUS. ORCs u can’t live w/ em & u can’t em to their wakandan utopia in the dark continent. I suggest reparations of a check for 10k & a free trebuchet ride in Africa’s general direction
Harvey R says
Let’s say that I say, “I hate Sheila Jackson Lee” and someone somewhere else unknown to me says, “I hate Sheila Jackson Lee”. Did I/we just commit a crime???
Andrew Blackadder says
I recently overheard a young white American girl spew this sort of garbage out and so I asked her if she is aware of the FACT that 95%, or more, of the things she uses in her daily life were invented, created, or discovered by Caucasian MEN and can she please inform me of what male Negroes and the women of that Race have invented, created or discovered that has made the people of the World thankful..
If these morons continue to call me a white supremacist then I am going to start thinking they really do believe I am indeed superior to them as they keep telling me so.