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In London these days, if you’re lucky enough not to be hounded on the street by mobs of virulent pro-Hamas protesters, you just might find yourself assaulted by a gaggle of arrogant Chinese Communists. At least, that is, if you make your living by playing boogie-woogie on public pianos.
That’s what happened the other day to British piano man Brendan Kavanagh, whose YouTube channel has 2.4 million subscribers. Until this dustup occurred, I was unfamiliar with him. He comes off as a totally easygoing type, a middle-aged bloke who enjoys his music, loves sharing it online, and doesn’t take himself too seriously. In brief, a free spirit.
Alas, there are people moving among us in the Western world who, far from being free spirits, are agents of the planet’s largest terror regime. The other day Kavanagh was livestreaming while tickling the ivories at St. Pancras Station in London – on a Yamaha upright donated to the station, as it happens, by Elton John – when a half-dozen or so of them approached him. They were all wearing identical red scarves and carrying small Chinese flags.
At first it appeared as if one of them wanted to play the piano. But no: she said something in broken English about a “disclosure form” and about recording for Chinese TV. Then one of her male comrades told Kavanagh to turn off his camera, insisting that it was the group’s “right” not to have their images recorded. Kavanagh replied, firmly but pleasantly, that “we’re in a free country…..We’re not in Communist China.” To which the young man shot back: “Sorry, this is racist now!” And when Kavanagh’s hand grazed against one young woman’s flag, the Chinese guy exploded: “Don’t touch her!”
Suddenly he’d become a totalitarian commissar, giving orders and expecting to be obeyed. Kavanagh, to his credit, refused to back down, and even dared to say: “Are you in the Communist Party?…You’ve got a Communist flag in your hand.” In reply to which the commissar accused him of “discriminating a different country,” told him to “educate yourself,” and again hurled the word “racist.”
Summoned by the Chinese group, two cops turned up. One of them, a middle-aged woman named Kerry, told Kavanagh to turn off his camera. He refused, as was his right. Kerry then parroted the Chinese group’s claim that their right to privacy required him to turn the camera off. She even contended that it was wrong of him to declare, apropos of the freedom issue, that “we’re not in China”: “You can’t just say things like that!” she said, wide-eyed, as if the outrageousness of such a remark were self-evident. But Kavanagh replied with some home truths: “This is a free-speech issue.” The flag of China? Yes, it is indeed “a Communist flag.” (Imagine if they’d all been carrying Nazi flags.)
And yes, the UK is indeed supposed to be, as Kavanagh put it, “a free country” – although the behavior in recent years of British courts and of police officers like Kerry has seriously belied that assertion. Hundreds if not thousands of decent U.K. citizens – notably Tommy Robinson, Laurence Fox, and Harry Miller – have been arrested (and worse) simply for expressing opinions, usually about Islam; and since October 7, British cops have given free rein to violent pro-Hamas demonstrators while ordering law-abiding counter-protesters to put away their Union Jacks.
If it’s impressive to see people like Tommy and Laurence Fox standing up for ancient British liberties, it’s even more impressive to see a musician like Kavanagh respond in exactly the right way when caught off guard by a group of would-be tyrants – and when treated like a troublemaker, shortly thereafter, by a policewoman quick to prioritize Communist sensitivity over British freedom.
After Kerry finally gave up and walked away, Kavanagh sat down at the piano and played, quite merrily, “Sheik of Araby.” I was half surprised that she didn’t take him in on charges of Islamophobia. I guess she didn’t recognize the tune.
In the days that followed, Kavanagh’s video went viral; last time I checked, it had garnered over nine million views and 90,000 comments. He was interviewed about the incident by Piers Morgan and TalkTV’s Mike Graham. And he received heaps of support from around the world – especially Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Japan. Meanwhile the CCP bombarded YouTube with demands that Kavanagh’s videos – and the interviews with him – be taken down.
Who were the members of this Chinese contingent that tried to intimidate Kavanagh? Another YouTuber, Mahyar Tousi, managed to identify three of them. The guy who’d gone ballistic turned out to be Newton Leng, a consultant for the Financial Times and a member of the Confucius Institute – a CCP front – at University College London. The woman whose flag Kavanagh had dared to touch was Adelina Zhang, who “hosts Chinese state-linked events in the UK” and whom Tousi showed in photographs cozying up to top UK politicos Jeremy Hunt and Theresa May. (Still another YouTuber established that Zhang was a former journalist at the CCP’s China Daily.) And the young woman who’d first approached Kavanagh? That was Mengying Liu, an “influencer” on WeChat.
Liu later posted a video online explaining that she and her comrades were at St. Pancras to film a cutaway for Communist China’s big TV gala celebrating Chinese New Year, which this year falls on February 10. The hosts of YouTube’s “China News” noted that this massive annual spectacle is (naturally) a CCP production, and that the Chinese government should have requested permission to film a segment for it on British soil – just as a British camera crew would have had to request permission to film a TV show in China.
After watching Kavanagh’s video, one of the “China Show” hosts commented: “We have now seen Communist Party censorship in action.” Chinese operatives around the world, he pointed out, have, like Newton Leng, been quick to equate anti-Communism with racism – a ploy that, they’ve discovered, works like a charm on Westerners. The charge of racism, the host recalled, was widely leveled during the pandemic at people (recall how Trump was savaged for it) who so much as dared to mention that the virus had originated in China.
On January 27, Kavanagh returned in triumph to the piano at St. Pancras. After declaring his support for Hong Kong and Taiwan, he sat down and performed “Blue Suede Shoes” with special lyrics: “One for the money, two for the show, CCP, you can go, go, go!”
In and of itself, needless to say, this episode was scarcely of earth-shaking significance. But it drew attention to a few things worth pondering. First, it underscored the fact that all too many British police officers these days seem not to understand the concept of individual freedom and are quick to act like the Stasi at any suggestion of “Islamophobia” or “racism.”
Second, it reminds us that covert CCP activity is not inconsiderable in the Western world. No, Leng & Co. seem not to have been up to anything terribly iniquitous – this time, anyway. But innumerable other CCP tools have been guilty of serious skullduggery. Recall Dianne Feinstein’s chauffeur who turned out to be a Chinese spy. And Eric Swalwell’s own spy connection. And all those Chinese exchange students at U.S. universities who’ve been caught stealing research results and Chinese scientists at American high-tech companies who’ve smuggled trade secrets back home.
Third, Kavanagh’s story makes it clear that if you don’t cooperate with CCP apparatchiks, they can transform in a split second from polite and mild-mannered – indeed, positively beaming and giggling – fellowmen into the kind of dictatorial thugs that you can imagine hauling you off to a basement cell somewhere for a thorough beating. The moment when Leng screams suddenly at Kavanagh, barking an order like a Gulag guard, offers an unsettling reminder of the dark reality of the Communist mindset – and of the chilling world, largely unknown to almost all of us in the West, that exists within China’s borders.
Finally, this minor episode inevitably brings to mind the major issue of the last few years: the Big Lie about the Wuhan wet market, which was repeated endlessly by scientists, politicians, and journalists who were desperate to hide the truth about the Wuhan lab. We still have no idea how the CCP got so many people around the world to keep its secret. Exactly how much money has it spread around in Western corridors of government and media power? Who else, other than the NBA, Nike, and – of course – our current cadaver-in-chief, is financially beholden to the CCP?
Darren says
I have a feeling the CCP owns many more politicians (at all levels) across the globe than we dare to imagine.
Mo de Profit says
The British political establishment has zero opposition, they all, 100% of them, sing from the same communist hymn sheet.
Net zero
Mass immigration
WHO pandemic response
Sustainable Development goals
fsy says
I saw this coming in the ’80’s as all our money headed over there in return for cheap junk. Too bad the West didn’t deal with this in its beginning stages when Mao first took over, and before China became nuclear. Maybe it’s still possible to support a revolution there; the problem is that our own intelligence agencies are completely compromised.
From the tiny bit I have read about Chinese history, it seems that they had many socialist type revolutions over the millennia, and of course, they all turned quickly into totalitarian empires. I think China today is in about the third or fourth generation of the Mao Dynasty.
Lightbringer says
Back in the early ’50’s, Curtis LeMay recommended that we bomb the bejabbers out of Communist China, trying to get at its leadership and what little infrastructure that the Japanese had left intact. It might have worked, but it soon became too late. It’s far too late now, so we’ll just let their own brilliant ideas destroy them. They are headed toward an even worse population implosion than we are, so let’s just hold steady for a generation or two and let them destroy themselves.
fsy says
I hope and pray that you are right, but “holding steady” for a minute or two is getting to be a big deal.
Sword of The Spirit says
And the moo slims own all the rest. More than likely the Socialist DemoCraps in USA, Europe, and everywhere else are being paid by both the communists and the moo slims at the same time.
Kasandra says
They even have a name for it: “elite capture.”
VOWG says
I saw that last week. The arrogance is astounding. The police need to be educated on freedom not Chinese B S.
pepperspapa says
Let’s not forget Nancy Piglosi who gathered a group in Chinatown SF to allege Trump was a racist over the Covid origination. Trevor Louden’s books on Congress and its membership who are aligned with communists and Islamists should be an eye opener to Americans. But most are so brain washed and want to be known as “good people”.
Steve Chavez says
CHINA: “We Capitalist Pigs now… you the Commies! hahahahaha! hahahahahaha! hahahahahaha!”
CharlieSeattle says
Stupid confrontation the chinks instigated. Self deport and just GTFU!
Mo de Profit says
The British police are required to have a university degree before being recruited.
Nuff said.
David Ray says
Ah! I did not know that.
I had been wondering what the deal was with the mass psychosis of liberal stupidity permeating throughout their police/bobbies.
Robert Gibson says
And the Chinese minders are crawling all over the Universities
Larry Andrew Singleton says
“The British police are required to have a university degree before being recruited.”
Say what?
And added note; No offense but I’m really not happy with these comment features. Either getting nailed for my comments being too long or too short.
Mo de Profit says
We have been told for years that China is a totalitarian communist dictatorship and that the Chinese people are helpless.
The whole world has Chinese people and every single city has a China town.
Are they all waiting for the communist regime to instruct them to rise up?
Since the communists broke their agreement with the uk over Hong Kong millions have left, we can only hope they left because they don’t want communism.
Joe Esposito says
Standing up and pushing back is the only way to stop these Terrorist anti freedom threats all over the world.
fsy says
We all need to be brave like Mr. Kavanagh and give him whatever support we can.
Edward Teach says
I’d have knocked that Chi-Com Trash OUT.
Lightbringer says
You’d have gotten thrown into jail for it, over there. And you’d have face piracy charges, too, Blackbeard!
Chaya says
Theres an important aspect to this touched upon here. These apparatchiks smile, giggle “ connect” with you on social media, at your job, or neighborhood but can transform in a flash to Nazi prison guards. So, who are your communist or Islamist neighbors, really? The smiles are manipulation as is all they do. We fall for it over and over. It is time to stop fearing being called names and call some names back.
And please wake up.
Lightbringer says
They call you a racist? Who cares? The proper answer to that charge is to politely suggest, “Oh, shut up.”
CB says
I’m not that polite.
Hannah Katz says
Funny but regardless of where they come from (Mexico, India, China, Somalia, etc.) these folks always seem to want to transform the US, UK, etc. into the place they fled.
When we travel internationally we have found it works best to be polite and conform to the norms of the countries we visit, rather than trying to order the locals around like serfs. Maybe the ChiComs should try that.
Domenic Pepe says
Obama Rama Lama Ding Dong has always been very devoted to ” … transforming America … “
Steve Chavez says
This is an LMAO because China has Facial Recognition and there are cameras everywhere. Any group larger than four is flagged as a threat.
Maybe this guy could play a few tunes on Tiananmen Square.
Look at videos of China though. Amazing modern bridges. Apartment buildings built in ONE DAY which are made off site and stacked like Legos. Bullet trains. New buildings and cranes everywhere. A massive military build up. They’re buying land for mineral rights all over the world, especially Africa where they blackmail the countries by offering to build infrastructure in return for favorable votes at the UN.
“COMO?” We are paying for that so this proposal: TO HELL WITH CHINA, ASIA, MIDDLE EAST since they stab us in the back everyday! BRING FACTORIES TO THE AMERICAS, from Canada all the way to Argentina. HELP OUR HEMISPHERE! There is plenty of oil and surely Americans, as in all of the Americas, can make Nikes and IPhones just as good at our enemies. Maybe if they have jobs there, they won’t come here!
Mo de Profit says
If those Chinese buildings are as good as the products WE buy made in China, they will fall down as soon as they are used.
Fritz says
Built pretty much like the Ronan Point tower blocks, but with poorer quality concrete. The Soviet versions were uninspired, badly laid out but are at least still standing, the Chicom ones are being built as part of an investment bubble, and 8 times out of 10 nobody will move into them, so they don’t care how they are built.
Lightbringer says
Very impressive. And who will run China in a generation? In two generations? You can be sure it won’t be Chinese, since they will have made themselves extinct with their one-child policies. Mao was such a genius (not).
Intrepid says
The Chicoms are trying to shut down free expression in London by stifling a pianist.
Imagine what will happen when bands start playing outdoors again when spring and summer comes in this country. The Chicoms will have to import a whole army of Confucius Institute. losers and faux cultural commissars who will try to shut down anything that doesn’t venerate Mao.
Wait a minute. They already have their army here because of Biden’s open border. Hey Xiden….try that in a small town.
John says
They weren’t communists
They were rich capitalists.
Kynarion Hellenis says
“Racist!” It now means almost nothing except “I hate you and can control you with my magic word.”
If we keep this up, we will lose our words and the ability to think.
David Elstrom says
Just another example of what Mark Steyn ( calls Wanker Cops who “police everything except crime.”
Kasandra says
Calling people “racist” and telling them “educate yourself” sounds like a Western Leftist on campus. Well, at least they have the lingo down pat.
internalexile says
Did Fang Fang make bang bang with Swallwell’s wang wang?
Ed Snider says
Who would suspect Chinese commies of being arrogant, those representatives of “the Middle Kingdom”, self-appointed interlocutors between heaven and earth?
JTwig says
The way Leng kept yelling for him to stop touching her, even after Kavanaugh stepped back and noticeably had his hands nowhere near the female, was clearly an attempt to create a false but dangerous situation for Kavanaugh. It was an attempt to make not only the passing crowd think he was assaulting a female, but any nearby law enforcement. I bet it was also an attempt to create a narrative they could use to condemn Kavanaugh once the video went online and to make it easier to demand it be removed.
MuggsSpongedice says
Here’s the link to the YouTube video:
Police Called To Stop Filming During Piano Livestream
Gordon says
We already have these people in America. They’re called Democrats.
JC Davis says
UK is far from a ‘free country’. When citizens can be arrested and tried for silently praying in your mind near an abortion clinic you’ve lost your freedom. Glad I saw the world when much of it was free. Not so much anymore.
JS says
The Chicom’s did this on purpose with approval from their gov’t. Expect more of this type of behavior from them in order to break us down. The video is disgusting. To think that Brit policewomen tried to censure Branden is unthinkable. Spmeone follow up to see if she was fired.
Doug Mayfield says
One of the weirdest aspects of communism and those who wish to enslave us on behalf of communism is the apparent lack of cause and effect between violence from communist sympathizers and the nature of those on whom they inflict the violence. Here’s a guy who’s just playing the piano and the CCP thugs go ballistic on him. What does piano playing have to do with the CCP, politics, etc.? But if you think about it, it makes a bizarre kind of sense. What communist supporters demand is absolute unthinking obedience, blind silly obedience to every aspect of communist imposed tyranny. Anything that is of value to anyone is targeted foe destruction because it might distract people form concentrating on obedience to the party and communism. Remember Russia under Stalin and China under Mao violently punishing anything of value. I’m glad this guy stood up for what is right.
Spurwing Plover says
America has got to pull out of the United Nations and move the whole rotten lot to China without America and to revoke all China land Ownership in America and ban them from buying any more Property in America and same with Gates to He shouldn’t be allowed to own all that Farmland
Mark Dunn says
News from fly over country. Last week Nine Chinese nationals, pretty sure they weren’t Nigerians, were arrested, in Oklahoma City, for selling illegal marijuana. We have had two other violent incidents, with Chinese nationals, and illegally grown operations.