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Arguably no issue is less partisan, and more likely to unite people of every political stripe, even in our current state of hyper-polarization, than child trafficking. How could opposition to the cruel kidnapping of children and their forced recruitment into the international sex trade fail to draw unified support from all corners? And yet when a movie comes along that dares to address this uncomfortable topic, this horrific evil, head-on – a movie aimed not only at raising awareness but at inspiring action – the Left curiously rallies to undermine it with partisan smears and ugly innuendo.
Angel Studios’ Sound of Freedom opened last week, a thriller based on the captivating true story of Tim Ballard, a Homeland Security Special Agent frustrated by the lack of effective rescue strategies and prosecutorial authority to help trafficked children in underdeveloped nations. Ballard decided to circumvent the law enforcement bureaucracy to find a more direct, if dangerous, way to undertake the rescue of missing children. In 2013 he founded Operation Underground Railroad (OUR), a U.S.-based nonprofit dedicated to saving children from sex trafficking and sexual exploitation. The organization reportedly has undertaken more than a dozen sting operations. Actor Jim Caveziel brings his passionate intensity to the portrayal of Ballard in the film.
Caveziel, you will remember, is best-known for his astonishing turn as Jesus Christ in the Mel Gibson-directed blockbuster The Passion of the Christ, the movie that opened the eyes of many Hollywood executives who didn’t believe or care that there was a massive audience out there in flyover America hungry for entertainment fare that didn’t trash their faith. Caveziel, openly Christian and conservative in an industry dominated by secular elites, calls Sound of Freedom the most important movie he’s done since Passion.
Now the low-budget film that had been shelved for nearly five years and nearly never saw the light of day has been resurrected and achieved stunning popular success on the Rotten Tomatoes entertainment review site (with a 99% Audience Score) and at the box office.
Just how well is Sound of Freedom doing? John Nolte at Breitbart News writes that “At the close of business Sunday, after only six days in theaters, Sound of Freedom has grossed $40.2 million. Also, over the weekend, it averaged $6,388 per screen, which topped [the latest installment of the Indiana Jones franchise] Dial of Destiny’s per-screen average of $5,760”:
Dial of Destiny might have come in second place with a weekend’s gross box office haul of $26.5 million, and Sound of Freedom might have come in third place with $18.2 million, but Sound of Freedom is doing a better job of packing them in.
Also, Unlike Disney’s Dial of Destiny, which is on track to lose tens if not hundreds of millions, Sound of Freedom is already profitable. Budgeted at just $14.5 million, Sound of Freedom started making millions the moment it crossed $25 to $30 million. And it’s just getting started. With an A+ Cinemascore and the corporate media’s desperate and insulting attacks, word of mouth is all set up to be phenomenal.
So now the Left, which panics when conservatives make inroads into the culture owned by the Left, has determined that Sound of Freedom must be sabotaged with high-profile articles smearing it as linked to the darkest corners of right-wing conspiracy-mongering.
The Washington Post, for example, undermined the movie right in the headline: “‘Sound of Freedom’ is a box office hit whose star embraces QAnon.”
Similarly, the far-Left Guardian put the conspiracy theory smear right up front, calling the “paranoid” movie “the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America.” The Guardian writer downplays the film’s success and sniffs about it benefiting from an “unsavory network of astroturfed boosterism among the far-right fringe, a constellation of paranoids now attempting to spin a cause célèbre out of a movie with vaguely simpatico leanings.”
The unhinged harpies at the feminist website Jezebel too, coincidentally, have written off the film as “an Anti-Child Trafficking Fantasy Fit for QAnon.”
What is QAnon? Good question. I’ve heard of it, but neither I nor any conservative I know could tell you anything about it, except that it is a favorite right-wing boogeyman of the Left. According to Wikipedia (which like every other Big Tech site is carefully curated and patroled by leftist activists, with whom I have personally wrestled when trying to correct misinformation on the site), “QAnon conspiracy theory is that a cabal of Satanic, cannibalistic child molesters are operating a global child sex trafficking ring which conspired against former U.S. President Donald Trump during his term in office.”
So now you know. I don’t know about the cannibalism or the Trump parts, but the part about global child sex trafficking is not conspiracy theory but demonstrable fact and taken very seriously by law enforcement and human rights agencies from the FBI to the United Nations and all points in-between.
Anyway, Rolling Stone piled on with a sneering hit piece by a keyboard coward named Miles Klee who claims, revealingly, that Caveziel and the other filmmakers have been “fomenting moral panic for years over this grossly exaggerated ‘epidemic’ of child sex-trafficking.” Klee too dismisses the movie as a “QAnon-tinged thriller” “designed to appeal to the conscience of a conspiracy-addled boomer,” and slams its “hackneyed white savior narrative” – even though the real-life Ballard is white (unlike Klee, Ballard has actually put his own life on the line to save kidnapped children – does it matter what color he is? It does to the racist Left).
Klee concludes his hate-filled screed with a lament that instead of making movies about police brutality and climate catastrophes, “the far right turns to these sordid fantasies about godless monsters hurting children.” Try to imagine what kind of a person rolls his eyes about the very real sexual enslavement of children worldwide, a person who calls the child sex-trafficking phenomenon a “grossly exaggerated ‘epidemic.’”
“Grossly exaggerated”? Here are a few statistics from the Polaris Project, a movement to end human trafficking:
- Human trafficking is a $150 billion-a-year criminal enterprise business worldwide
- 27% of human trafficking victims are children
- The United States is #1 in the world for sex trafficking
- More than 500,000 children a year go missing in the U.S. alone
- Over 500,000 online sexual predators are active each day
- As of 2021, there are 252,000 websites containing images or videos of children sexually abused
Similar information can be found on many other sites dedicated to rescuing children from this plight. And yet Rolling Stone not only wants you to dismiss Jim Caveziel and the Sound of Freedom filmmakers as conspiracy theorists so that you will shun the movie and its passionate message on behalf of trafficked children, but also to believe that child sex trafficking itself is overblown, especially compared to leftist shibboleths like the police genocide of blacks and climate change.
Remember, Rolling Stone is the magazine that glamorized the 2013 Boston Marathon bomber with a sexy come-hither cover shot, a terrorist who murdered 8-year-old Martin William Richard among others, and who would have killed many more with his ball-bearing-and-nail bomb if he had positioned it higher off the ground. Rolling Stone is also the magazine that tried to demonize ivermectin users during the pandemic; that suppressed mention of child sexual abuse material in a child pornography investigation because the perpetrator was the friend of a RS editor; that hyped a false story about a University of Virginia fraternity rape in a controversy that nearly destroyed the lives of innocent young men. Rolling Stone is not a serious journalistic outlet; it’s a disgraceful, celebrity-polishing, leftwing activist rag that looks to destroy political opponents first and ask questions later, or preferably not at all.
It’s a magazine that defends pedophiles and child traffickers in order to own “far right” filmmakers. Think about that.
Even before Sound of Freedom hit the big screen, the Left was whitewashing child trafficking. A year ago The Atlantic, another left-wing publication, tried to discredit conservative concerns over child trafficking with a conspiracy fear-mongering piece called “The Great (Fake) Child Sex-Trafficking Epidemic.” “Dispatches from a moral panic” was the tagline.
The Left will hurl paint on priceless works of art, block major traffic arteries, and set themselves on fire to draw attention to their climate change hysteria, but then shrug off concerns about the reality of widespread sexual exploitation of children as a “moral panic.”
The media venom spewed at Sound of Freedom is so vicious and coordinated that one can’t help but wonder: who benefits from targeting the storytellers and heroes who target real-world pedophiles and child traffickers?
Pedophiles and child traffickers, that’s who.
* * *
Send the cultural Marxists protecting child sex traffickers and pedophiles a message: go see Sound of Freedom. Angel Studios has even partnered with a variety of theater ticketing services to provide Pay it Forward tickets to see it. Find instructions HERE for how to claim a free ticket to see the film in theaters.
Angel Studios also has great resources for learning about and joining the fight against child trafficking HERE.
Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior
>>Why is the leftist media targeting a movie about child sex trafficking?
Because it’s THEIR issue to exploit– and use for cover for other nefarious activities, dammit! Christian republican activist will NOT be allowed to ‘appropriate’ it…and actually do something about the problem.
Plus there’s hundreds of government employees who are busy writing reports about it that nobody will ever read.
i don’t think they’ll ever want this issue from this angle. When you have all the power and money in the world and no moral or religious center and cannot be punished, what do you do for thrills?
The next taboo.
They may instead want us to bow to “pedophiles are a sexual minority .” They will tell you the children can decide to engage as they decide which gender they are today and which body part to have surgically removed.
So, how can they cry for child victims when they pretend the child is a sex object. Cooperative or uncooperative.
All the signs are there in the culture, mocking this film, Disney’s weird sexual trends, drag queens in schools, graphic sexual books in early education…..
I think You, Mo de Profit and Cat are all right. You see the left unwilling to part with ownership of a successful agenda. Mo sees the evil of bloated government appearing to take action, but doing nothing. Cat’s sees the corruption of unbridled power and the internecine views of child as both victim and sex object.
There is nothing new under the sun, and all these ancient evils are unified under a supernatural kind of enduring intelligence with purpose to destroy. Only Satan could sustain that purpose, with so many comprehensive tactics employed over so many generations.
The Christian west, after blessing the entire world with the scriptures and gospel, and all the goodness flowing from these things (orphanages, hospitals, life-saving medicines, scientific technologies to combat food shortages and lack of clean water, etc.) has forgotten God. We no longer acknowledges Him.
Will the God Who stretched out the heavens with His Word, Who never changes, spare us and apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah?
Tell it to the Marines. Lefturds are groomers, Who sponsors Drag Queens and every pervert under the sun? All the while while proclaiming its for “the childrens.” Right. Perverts one and all.
This isn’t hard to grasp . . .
We have a *president who gets a thrill up his leg like Chris Matthews. Sleepy gets his from small children stroking his leg hairs; Chris gets his from B. Hussein who acts like a pampered child.
We have School Superintendents who allow 15 year old girls to get raped by perverted students with a skirt.
We have woke trash fiercely campaigning for chemical castration for young boys or mastectomys for young girls – and doing so without parental knowledge.
We have the entire DNC on board with drag-queen freaks grooming 1st graders, and supplying their libraries with sickening pornographic literature.
So of course chickenshit woke publications take umbrage with a movie that is against child sex trafficking.
Honesty & decency are NOT left-wing values, and the left, as a whole, had one helluva “coming out” party. (Odds are that Child Trafficking will become a plank in the DNC platform during their convention in ’24.)
Yes, you nailed it, Dave … Pedophilia is the Holy Grail of the Sodomite left, the last domino to fall, and over the next 5-10 years we’re going to see it happen, you can make book on it … Which is why any and all opposition to this ultimate perversion — such as this superb movie — must be silenced, no matter what it takes …
The “Sodomite left” is such an accurate description, that I’ll be borrowing that term from you. 👍🇺🇲
It’s interresting to watch the nasty overreactions of leftist publications like WaPo, Rolling Stone and the Guardian. What are they so afraid of? There is an old wisdom that says when you throw a stone at a pack of dogs, the only one that cries is the one you hit. Considering the checkered reputation of the Clinton Foundation in Haiti, the Podesta emails, or for that matter the fact that we’ve not yet seen the guest list of Epstein Island, suggests that something may be hitting uncomfortably close to home.
We know from flight logs that Slick Willie visited Sodomy Island over 20 times.
The lecher wasn’t holding campaign rallies or fundraisers there, so . . .
“ astroturfed boosterism ”
WTF does that mean?
Tim Ballard is a hero and it will be interesting to see which presidential candidate chooses to talk about him first.
I think it meant the film is not really popular. its just a few far far far rightwing nut cases boosting it. Ridiculous language meant to say “Don’t be curious and go see it, since it has emotional impact and you might see children as those you should protect instead of sexualize”
None of the groovy people will be allowed to like the film.
The left are lemmings, dangerous and disgusting lemmings.
Dangerous and often disgusting lemmings, indeed.
Dangerous and ALWAYS disgusting.
Rolling Stone? Why is it still in business? It should have been shut down after the last stunt it pulled with the fake rape story in a college. They must have a ton of money in liability insurance. As for Tsarnaev, that was quite a magazine cover they promoted with the “hunk” on it. Shows what their values are. Rolling Stone editors are welcome to walk around my neighborhood and see the “massage parlors”. But they do not have the guts.
Only those who support grooming oppose the message of this film
That would be the entire DNC and their acolytes in academia, the press, the AFT, and Hollywood.
Now that democrats are normalizing the filth of pedophilia, Bill Clinton can breath easier (although he’s still in recovery over his trips to Orgy Island having stopped so abruptly.)
I saw the movie. Personally I thought it was OK, not a great movie but ok. It was more about Ballard than the victims and the villains. I’ve seen more horrifying child trafficking on Law and Order. They never went nuts over that.
Ballard is the center of movie, showing what anyone who is willing to fight to stop child sex trafficking goes through. The look-the-other way government. Citizens who do not want their corner of the world to be tainted with the truth.
I wonder how many government political bureaucrats are paid to look the other way.
Interesting point. One wonders if or how much the cartels are paying our congresspeople to be allowed to traffic children into this country. Possibly, the found a way to reach Biden and/or Mayorkas. It is so grotesquely obvious. IF only we had a real and actual media.
Many are involved and Its really sickening.
Paul Ringenberg Sr Having been a Speech, Bible, English, Greek and World History Teacher my focus was to assist my students in differentiating between hearing and listening. The debate is not what was heard but that you were unable to listen, to place yourself in the plight of the children, their parents the heroes and heroin. Having directed Jr. and Sr. High Musicals my intent was to demonstrate emotion through the characters that the students could then portray to the audiences. Sound of Freedom “checked all the boxes” and clearly it was about the children!
Why is the leftist media targeting a movie about child sex trafficking?
Need you ask? The Left in this country is neck deep into the practice.
And, notably, these leftist outlets are severely criticizing El Salvador president Bukele for his crime fighting tactic of locking up thousands of thugs that terrorized his nation for decades. Now murders have dropped big time and our media goes after him.
Easy answer. Same reason why the age of consent is lower in Washington D.C. than elsewhere. Democrats know what they like and are prepared to defend it from being interrupted.
Jim Caviezel was blackballed by Hollywood for years for doing the “Passion” with Mel Gibson.
He said he couldn’t get roles for 15 years for doing that movie.
God will be using Sound of Freedom for a purpose.
Everyone from the Mexican director to Mel Gibson to Jim Caviezel to the real life pedophile hunter Tim Ballard are the agents of what will soon be revealed.
The savage and inhuman Mexican drug cartels have infiltrated the US at a very high level.
Many US politicians and bureaucrats are taking cartel bribes.
FBI, DEA, Border Patrol etc………….have been compromised by the cartels.
DEMS overwhelmingly collaborate with the drug cartels.
But there are many RINOS on the payroll as well.
John Cornyn of Texas has always fought like crazy for amnesty and a wide open border.
Things will soon come out showing the US government to be the most debased and predatory hypocrites in modern history.
The politicians who support the sex trade industry and abuse of children, and don’t care what happens to these children, should be ousted from their jobs working in government public service for the people…..They aren’t fit.
Let me also say that Epstein Island and the recruit of young women to be prostitutes for the elites, politicians, and the oligarchs was just the beginning of the human sex trade. This is a Big Big Business for the Corrupt and the Immoral for their own self centered lusts and greed. Anyone who doesn’t want this issue discussed and tackled is guilty of the abuse of young women and children.
Sadly, i believe you are entirely correct. The cartels are ‘invested’ in human trafficking and drug business now here inside this country. If someone tries to stop them, the gov will come after them.
One might also read the two fascinating books by the young defector from North Korea, Yeonmi Park. She describes both her terrible experiences living under the rule of the Kims and her brush with sex slavery in China, also quite awful. When she spoke out about it in the U.S., big name leftist activists (including Hillary Clinton, who praised her and then never got back to her) backed away because so many people in government and elsewhere do so much business with CCP-backed companies.
And Park is also now being smeared by the Left.
I worked trauma in a major downtown hospital in the South for a number of years. I witnessed children being executed by a shot through the heart or head by their handler for not doing as they were told. Over the years, I have been a missionary to several continents and witnessed first-hand the results of the torture of children for not performing as they were ordered. The majority of my experiences occurred over 20 years ago!
I watched the movie last week and saw that it implicitly “glossed over” what truly happens to these children. The movie was OK and worth the watch but the reality of the brutality and cruelty beset upon these young, poor human beings is unimaginable for most. I would assume that the creators of the movie know that it is more than most people could fathom or mentally digest…
I think about what I dealt with every day and wish I knew of a solution. Some people say that God will deal with it. However, I had a friend tell me once to “Believe in God but row away from the rocks.” That is it in a nutshell. God bestowed upon us the knowledge of the difference between right and wrong and how we should deal with it. It has and always will be our own societal responsibility for allowing this to happen.
I commend the efforts of Tim Ballard and those like him. But, it is a mere ripple in the pool of darkness. Satanism has infiltrated our World, unknown to decent people due to propaganda and censorship, to such a degree that I can only see a complete implosion of this World as we know it as the answer. Those who were elected and selected to serve our society are mired up chest deep in this debauchery and I believe they will pay a heavy price for their sins. Our society was groomed into a false sense of security by these mongrels until it has evolved to the level that it is today and cannot be hidden anymore. We were led to believe, especially here in the U.S.A, . that “all is well”
By the Grace of God, this World may get to experience a new beginning.
Such wisdom. Thank you, sir, for sharing that.
We saw the movie too and also believe the makers deliberately glossed over much of the reality simply because it is so gross and unsetting. John Steinbeck, one of my favorite American writers, wrote of your message in East of Eden and made your point that we humans choose between good and evil, it is our choice. Personally, i, myself, believe that we will eventually face another punishment like that of Sodom & Gomorrah except our’s will be the tectonic movement of the subduction of the Pacific Plate benearth the Cascadia Plate along the west coast from Vancouver to SF. Experts estimate everything will be destroyed west of I-5. Sometime in the next unknown years.
Charles: I had the 1st feelings as you. After talking to friends I think the movie was “wise”.
If the movie showed the real gore of the slave trade most people would be repulsed, go into denial and tell their friends not to watch the “gorrrry” movie.
Why the Left holds this film in such distain may be that it isn’t their children, therefore it doesn’t exist..
Not every democrat is a pedophile but every pedophile is a democrat.
Nothing at all like the rest of the leftists junk they have turned out in Hollywood(Avatar,The Butler, Southside with You Etc.)this is the kind of stuff that really gets the leftists panties In a bind
Won’t be much longer before every democrat in America is associated with pedophilia, either directly, or by the stereotype of simply being a member of the pedophile party.
Conservatives MUST exploit this to the detriment of the left (and to save our children, of course). We must master the technique of ridicule, and pile it on, and we must continue to work to shut down these companies. Last I checked, Target is still in business. This is not acceptable (although a friend of mine who commutes past a Target here in Bucks County, PA, tells me there is never more than a car or two anymore in their massive parking lot).
I oppose the Left, but ridiculous comments like these simply hold conservatives back.
Got tickets and going to see it today.
Meta platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, & WhatsApp are used by more than half of the crimes committed by human trafficking and sex exploitation in Florida.
“global child sex trafficking is not conspiracy theory but demonstrable fact and taken very seriously by law enforcement and human rights agencies from the FBI to the United Nations and all points in-between.”
Looking at the numbers which I estimate to be grossly under estimated not sure the “taken very seriously” is accurate.
FBI / United Nations targeting everyone of a conservative Christian bent instead of going after sick, twisted, demented, perverts.
Did I miss anything?
Maybe if the movie was titled “Sound of Democracy™” the leftist wingnut media would be more friendly towards it … ??? ;-))
We are seeing the Satanic Upside-Downing of our culture. This child sex trafficking is one of the worst things we’ve seen using children as pawns and slaves. This movie delves deep into the recesses of the dark Underworld where these children are held as slaves and abused in every evil way. Thanks to those who made this movie and exposed what greedy, immoral politicians, globalists, Hollywood elites, and others who are making money off this sex trade are doing. They tried to cover up for 5 years this evil to stop the truth from coming out . The Prophet is big on sex trade, and the U.S. has become one of the worst countries to allow it.
The negative signs are undeniable that we are witnessing a falling away from moral truth, lawlessness, and spiritual discernment in our society by letting this continue. The abuse of children is a big motivator for people who are sick of it and want it stopped. Everyone should feel outrage, and never be complacent, it could be your child!
Mr. Tapson: You say that “no issue is less partisan, and more likely to unite people of every political stripe,” and in one sense you are correct. But that sense is the “conventional” Dems v. Reps sort of partisanry of which far too many Americans are accustomed to think. If we shift focus to the other, genuine sort of partisanry that prevails today — the Establishment v. Private Citizens variety — things are no longer so clear.
Consider this: they who lust for power are also, by a very large percentage, lusters after other things: money, sex, food…and vulnerable, exploitable victims. Who are the customers of the traffickers? Who is protecting them from scrutiny and legal consequences? And in what well-defined sector of our society do we find them?
There’s a plain and obvious reason no customer of Jeffrey Epstein or Ghislaine Maxwell has yet been brought to book.
These girls were teenagers, many of them very experienced. They were not “children.”
Teddy Bear who was named by the cartels was a young boy and so was his sister…..THEY WEREN’T OF AGE., THEY WERE CHILDREN, AND THEY WERE KIDNAPPED FROM THEIR LOVING FATHER. and sold into slavery. Go see the. movie before you make statements that aren’t true!
We all know what the politicians are allowing because of money and greed, but we will never forget this child sex trafficking, and the harm it is doing to children.
The Leftists and their propaganda media are demon-possessed.
The website “Vigilant Citizen” has many articles on the cutting edge artwork and high fashion of the pro-paedophile elites.
The child in the picture being held by his Father in the picture above, was rescued by Tim Ballard, border agent, and other friends who are against child sex trafficking. They called him by a stage name Teddy Bear. He and his sister were both kidnapped from their father and sold. They were both under age, and it was against their will!
A friend and I went to see the Indiana Jones movie on June 30. There was no more than 10 to 15 people in the theater. We went to see “The Sound Of Freedom” a week later and the theater was essentially full. The latter was a far better movie in every respect. It’s popularity will grow by word of mouth and it will be far more profitable than Indiana Jones. While “The Sound of Freedom” is depressing and occasionally very violent it’s message is uplifting and the ending brings a smile to your face. Child trafficking is an unconscionable evil that must be fought at every stage of its evil process. This movie will increase the public awareness and compel good hearted politicians to act against the unconscionable evil that is child trafficking.
“Pedophiles and child traffickers,” that’s for sure. Trannies and all the “we’re coming for your children” rainbow people hate “Sound of Freedom.” Because it exposes their evil.
Ordinary gay people don’t support the child sex traffic but the activists do, especially the tranny ones, and they need to be legally executed.
Because the media is traitorous, immoral and getting paid to support the Marxist Cultural Revolution. Except for independent media, most media have cowardly.
A Rite of Passage to belong and stay a member of the elite in Government, Power and Money is by participation in child sex and even sacrifice.
The average person hearing that will go into denial, cannot accept such raw reality.
The Sound of Freedom shows the surface (not raw) experience of the slave trade without exposing the powers that benefit. That makes the movie accessible to the average person.
The Left protects the elite of Government, Power and Money and cannot accept massive numbers of people being exposed to this field of the elites.
“Amazing testimony from financial elite insider” – Ronald Bernard
I believe the next cultural hurdle Democrats and their leftist allies plan to remove is pedophilia. The left is always a step ahead on the culture war and as the battle is being lost at the moment to draq queens and Transvestites, the next plan is outright making pedophilia legal.
Of course the MSM hates this movie and wants it stopped. The movie shines the light on THEM- much like a silver cross and light shines on things that live in the dark of the night and destroys them- Follow the money trail on this issue- do we actually think the Deep State that is Washington will ever lift a finger to stop this??? NO- too much money- If we thin the Covid “Scamdemic” was bad- this is worse- the bad guys always want the money- no matter how many people have to be injured or die
The left is screaming against this film for the same reason that Epstein was murdered and his list of people who abused children on his island has never been released.
The degenerate pedos are in positions of power in all aspects of society, and they have no qualms about doing whatever they feel is necessary to hide their abuse of children from normal people.
The pedos deserve what is coming for them.
This movie, Sound of Freedom is the Number One Movie in America. Obviously people care about the subject and the evil that is destroying children and selling them into slavery for profit. More and more people are sick of the depravity we see from the Woke.
I think everyone knows damned well why the elites feel threatened by this topic.
President Trump tackled this child sex trafficking issue, open borders, and abortion, and made them one of his top priorities, and that shows He has priorities straight! Hes not bought and paid for by the elites, and the globalists who are doing and promoting wicked things.