**Editor’s note: To get David Horowitz’s and Robert Spencer’s pamphlet “Islamophobia: Thought Crime of the Totalitarian Future,” click here. **
The word “Islamophobia” was popularized by Hamas, an Islamic terrorist organization, operating under several different names in America – most effectively as the Council on American-Islamic Relations. Hamas is part of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is the parent organization of, not only Hamas, but Al Qaeda and countless other Islamic terrorist groups.
The Holy Land Foundation trial was the result of the largest bust in FBI history of an Islamic “charity.” This organization was caught funneling about $12 million to Hamas. These monies were to be used to enable Islamic jihadists to murder innocent civilians in the name of Islam.
During this FBI raid, a memo was unearthed. This memo has become known as the “Explanatory Memorandum.” In summary, the Muslim Brotherhood and a couple dozen of its front groups in America declared a “Civilization Jihad.” In plain terms, the Muslim Brotherhood stated its intention to destroy the US from within, using our own culture, media, legal system, academia, law enforcement, you name it. Unfortunately, most people cannot or will not look at this – and consequently, the plan is moving forward like clockwork. As author Dr. Bill Warner reminded me recently, “_You can wake a man who is sleeping, but you cannot wake a man who is pretending to be asleep._”
Now, as it turns out, not everyone believes in this concept called “Islamophobia.” In fact, there exists a rapidly growing number of Patriotic Americans who see this form of terrorist spin control for what it is. But unfortunately, one of the ways that the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas/CAIR has infiltrated our culture, is by using one of our greatest weaknesses, and that is the fear of not toeing the line when it comes to multiculturalism. Those who do not drink the Kool Aid are called the “Islamophobes.”
You may already have an “Islamophobe” living in your community, or as a member of your family, an elected official, a member of your religious organization or even someone at work. The “Islamophobes” are everywhere, and they are spreading. Here are six ways to spot one:
1 – An “Islamophobe” loves liberty more than they love submission. They know that the word “liberty” means “freedom” and that the word “Islam” literally means “submission.” And just like America’s Founding Fathers, the “Islamophobe” knows the value of liberty and knows it comes with a cost – a cost they are willing to pay, even when those around them neither understand nor appreciate this.
2 – An “Islamophobe” is more interested in the truth than the approval of their peers. They place their own moral intuition and the principles of the American Constitution above the group think of the times. The “Islamophobe” is strong-willed, independent and exemplifies the American spirit. They are unwilling to compromise the political self-determination that this great Republic was founded on, including and especially free speech.
3 – An “Islamophobe” resists passionately any attempt to impose Islamic law (Sharia) onto them. Islamic law mandates the killing of those who leave Islam, the death penalty for homosexuals, second-class status for women, punishment for the crime of being raped (Islamic law calls this “adultery”), it forbids the questioning of Islamic doctrine, promotes slavery, forbids religious freedom and criminalizes free speech. Although the “Islamophobes” are often smeared in the press as being irrational, the truth is that most actually realize that the more obvious forms of Sharia Law are not their most immediate concern. Rather, it is understood among “Islamophobes” that it is “Creeping Sharia” or death by a thousand cuts that Americans have to watch out for and stand against. The “Islamophobe” is always the first to notice when the political doctrine known as “Islam” is being given special treatment in schools, the courts and in the media. The “Islamophobe” is often the first to realize that their own God-given right to free speech is being threatened by the slow and stealth implementation of Sharia Law into all levels of our society.
4 – An “Islamophobe” sees a pattern emerging before the rest of the population sees it, and they don’t hesitate to warn others, even when the social, professional and personal safety consequences come with a hefty price. As David Horowitz pointed out recently, “80 percent of the American public was opposed to getting involved in WWII before we were attacked at Pearl Harbor.” What was it that the other 20 percent were able to see? What was the pattern they were able to identify? An “Islamophobe” sees the writing on the walls and does not sit around passively waiting for our so-called “leaders” to get it. An “Islamophobe” is very likely already a member of organizations such as “Act for America” because they are already taking action at the grassroots level.
5 – An “Islamophobe” is able to tell the difference between Islam, the totalitarian political ideology, and Muslims – who are human beings. “Islamophobes” are not concerned with how Muslims worship. Rather, it is Islamic Law that concerns them, specifically as it pertains to the treatment of the infidel, who is to be subjugated or killed. Contrary to popular opinion, “Islamophobes” do not hate Muslims. In fact the “Islamophobes” know better than most, that no one is more victimized by the brutality of Islam than Muslims. “Islamophobes” look for ways to stop this pattern, so that all people can be free, have dignity and human rights. An “Islamophobe” is often somebody with a big heart, such that they tend to care about people whom they don’t even personally know. The “Islamophobes,” however, do oppose a violent ideology which seeks to subjugate or kill the unbeliever, and they make no apologies for not tolerating such inhumanity. Ironically, “Islamophobes” are often branded as bigots for simply being the ones willing to acknowledge the elephant in the room. And making sure they are branded as such is the job of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Hamas front group.
6 – “Islamophobes” tend to define themselves by what they are for – and not by what they are against. An “Islamophobe” stands for liberty, stands for human rights and cares about our national defense. They are less concerned about complaining about the problems and are more likely to actually do something about it. “Islamophobes” are people of action. “Islamophobes” take the time to read the Islamic scriptures (Koran, Hadith and Sira) and to understand what we are up against. They study the works of Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Wafa Sultan, Sam Harris, Nonie Darwish, Bill Warner, Brigitte Gabriel and so many others. An “Islamophobe” takes the time to understand the ruthless and barbaric Islamic Law (Sharia), which is committed to taking away our fundamental rights. Consequently, many “Islamophobes” have the tools to speak to others, including their elected officials, spiritual leaders, friends and family and even the media, to affect positive social change – and preserve our American way of life.
Do you know someone who might exhibit these traits? Is someone you know an “Islamophobe”? Well now there is something you can do about it. Join them!
If you love liberty more than the approval of your peers – you may already be an “Islamophobe.”
The word “Islamophobia” literally means an irrational fear of the ideology known as Islam. It is misapplied, as this is in fact the intention of the word. Someone with an irrational fear of Islam would more likely make a statement such as, “The future must not belong to those who would slander the prophet of Islam.” And really, what kind of a spineless coward would say something so utterly ridiculous? (Barack Hussein Obama, addressing the United Nations, October 2012.)
Those who are called the “Islamophobes” are generally anything but. However, they are strong enough not to allow cheap name calling to stop them from honoring their moral convictions. The “Islamophobes” are our best and our brightest. These are the people who can see around corners, connect the dots, spot a pattern, and are true to their moral intuition – even when it is inconvenient.
The so-called “Islamophobes” have the courage to speak out. It has been said that “liberty is paid for in installments, one generation at a time.” If you feel in your heart that you are ready to make your payment, to continue the legacy of freedom and liberty that has been paid for dearly by those brave men and women who have gone before us, then now is your time. Now is our time. Be willing to be branded an “Islamophobe.” And if you are already a semi-active “Islamophobe” may I suggest becoming a “Raging Islamophobe.” A word of caution: This could result in some people not liking you. But if that is all that is being asked of us, for now, to stand up for liberty, to champion the cause of freedom – then being labeled an “Islamophobe” is a small price to pay. In fact, to be an “Islamophobe” is an honor.
Freedom Center pamphlets now available on Kindle: Click here.
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