The statistics may not impress anybody currently living in Chicago or Los Angeles, but the level of violent crime in once-placid Sweden has risen so steadily over the last few decades, with bombings, car burnings, and machete attacks now as familiar fare as meatballs and lingonberries, that Norway’s state TV website, which ordinarily deep-sixes such unpleasantnesss, recently ran an unusually long article on the topic. Noting that Swedish elections were scheduled for September 11, it reported that crime, which only four percent of voters considered a big issue in 2014, was now cited as a major concern by more than ten times that number.
Unsurprisingly, the NRK article managed to go on about violent crime in Sweden for 2300 words without using any of the words that are key to understanding the problem – among them Islam, immigration, and disastrously failed integration policies. Nor did it mention that, as I wrote here last month, the September 11 elections would mark the electoral debut of the Nuance Party (Partiet Nyans), which is devoted to promoting all things Islamic – from building more mosques and permitting niqab everywhere to criminalizing the criticism of Islam and opening the floodgates even more widely to Muslim immigration.
As I also noted last month, the Swedish elites, who’d previously been perfectly sanguine about their country’s ongoing Islamization and the high crime levels that have so far had a relatively minor impact on their own tony neighborhoods, were reacting with panic to the advent of the Nuance Party, whose founder, Mikail Yüksel, has ties to an Islamist movement called the Gray Wolves. This party’s appearance on the scene marks a sea change: for decades, Muslims constituted a voting bloc that helped prop up Social Democrats’ power – which was one of the absurdly short-sighted reasons why the Social Democrats were loath to limit immigration. Now, however, the nation’s Muslim population has grown so large – and has turned an increasing number of urban areas into veritable Muslim enclaves capable of electing members of their own communities to local offices – that they’ll soon no longer need to ask for, or even demand, what they want: they’ll be in a position to take it.
Which shouldn’t surprise anybody. Critics have long warned – and have been demonized for doing so – that Sweden’s irresponsible approaches to immigration, social services, and crime control were leading it down a road to disaster; if the Nuance Party were to gain a foothold on September 11, it might well suggest that the final corner had been turned and that the finish line was in sight.
Well, the numbers are in, although they took a while to count. Not until Wednesday evening did Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson concede that the left-wing parties, including her own Social Democrats, had won three fewer votes than the so-called “bourgeois” (non-socialist) parties. And according to Swedish Television, the Nuance Party seems to have done very well indeed in some key city council elections, winning 30.9% of the vote in the Rosengård district of Malmö, for example, and 25.2% in the Västra Hisingen district of Gothenburg. Not bad for a fledgling cabal of Jew-haters and jihad fans.
And at the national level? This part is interesting, too. During the last decade or so, even as the Muslim voting bloc has demonstrated its increasing strength, the number of Swedes who, resisting official propaganda, recognize this development as alarming – and cast their votes accordingly – has also grown apace. Hence the incredible success of the Sweden Democrats (SD). Founded in 1988, the party opposes mass Muslim immigration and candidly addresses Muslim crime, self-segregation, welfare exploitation, and contempt for Western values. SD is anti-EU and pro-NATO, supports Israel and the relocation of the Swedish embassy to Jerusalem, and (imagine that this even needs to be said) opposes child marriages, forced marriages, and polygamous marriages.
In its early years, SD was the constant target of vilification by the media, which called its members racists, Islamophobes, even Nazis. The major parties, which regarded SD as a gang of pariahs, used various machinations to keep it from the levers of power. But eventually SD grew too big to exclude. In 2019 the cordon sanitaire that kept it out of the insiders’ club broke down when the Moderate leader Ulf Kristersson entered into talks with SD leader Jimmie Åkesson. The next year, for the first time, SD won seats in the Riksdag, Sweden’s parliament, its 20 seats (out of 349) making it the nation’s sixth largest party.
Since then, as Sweden’s Muslim population has risen and Muslim street violence has exploded, SD has grown steadily. In the 2014 elections it won 49 seats, becoming Sweden’s third largest party. In 2018, it remained in third place with 62 seats. And after last Sunday’s election it will have 73 seats, becoming the country’s second largest party after the Social Democrats, who have 108 seats. Once the numbers had started coming in, even the mainstream Swedish media felt obliged to declare that SD – which they still despise – was the day’s big winner. In some places, SD’s numbers were nothing less than spectacular, for a country where eight parties are represented in the Riksdag. In nineteen of 290 municipalities, it’s the top party. It got its highest percentage of the vote – 42.7% – in Sjöbo, a town of 20,000 with sky-high crime rates owing to the proximity of the Muslim-heavy crime center of Malmö.
This explosion of support for SD is another thing that shouldn’t have surprised anybody. But it did. Just as New Yorkers, Los Angelenos, and San Franciscans still vote for the Democrats who’ve turned their cities into crime-ridden hellholes, urban Swedes continue to form a reliable voter base for the Social Democrats. As the editors of Expressen wrote on Monday, the Social Democrats tried to turn the election into a referendum on SD, arguing that no decent Swede would vote for such a party. It was, in other words, Hillary on the 2016 campaign trail all over again, calling Trump supporters “deplorables.” Or north London snobs saying that only a bigoted “Little Englander” would vote for Brexit.
But on Election Day, instead of trouncing SD, Sweden’s leftist parties were handed – just as with Trump and Brexit – what Expressen called a “real shocker.” In an editorial for Aftonbladet, Lovisa Arvidsson spelled out what should have been blindingly obvious a long time ago: “If you take the bus out of a city, onto the country roads and into smaller towns, people’s voting patterns change.” If the big city is likely to be “a strong social-democratic stronghold” with pockets of support for the traditional “bourgeois” parties, out in the boonies the proles are in the tank for the Sweden Democrats. Drawing the obvious comparison to Trump and Brexit, Arvidsson insisted (as the media feel obliged to do) that part of SD’s appeal is pure racism, but also called on political leaders to understand why SD attracts voters “who live far from power” but who’ve been harmed by the policies formulated in the nation’s power centers. It’s time, she argued, to stop ignoring these voters and start taking their grievances seriously.
She’s right, of course. To be sure, Sweden isn’t the only Western country whose big-city elites have backed policies that harm those countries’ ordinary citizens while benefiting foreigners. But Sweden is a case unto itself: its decades-long mismanagement of immigration and integration, which will almost certainly bring down Sweden as we know it, is a cautionary tale for the whole world. On Wednesday, AFP quoted an Iraqi immigrant who said he understood SD’s big win. “Burning cars, shootings….People get sick of it. I have many friends who are immigrants and still voted SD.”
SD’s electoral success proves that more and more Swedish voters – rural ones, anyway – can read the writing on the wall. But Swedish politicians? Not so much. Appearing on TV after the Social Democrats’ big loss, veteran journalist Willy Silberstein turned reality on its head by claiming that in the U.S. after Trump’s win, and in the U.K. after Brexit, “racially motivated violence rose noticeably,” and that SD’s win would have similar consequences. Although it looks as if the non-socialist parties will wind up with a slight edge in the Riksdag over their socialist counterparts, it’s unlikely that they’ll allow SD, which is now the largest party on their side of the aisle, to form a government. Indeed, they’ll almost certainly attempt to put together a “bourgeois” government that excludes SD. In other words, the fools who run Sweden seem determined to keep ignoring its ongoing downfall for as long as they can.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Bruce, excellent article. Thanks for keeping us informed about what is going on in Scandinavia.
H.R. Holm says
We have had a quite similar growing problem in the U.S. since the 1970s, only at the behest of largely one ‘endemic’ ethnic group that has collectively played to a particular political party lock, stock, and barrel, and in turn are constantly fed the burning poison assertion that they remain ‘victims’ of the historical ethnic majority, with this party enacting supposedly corrective policies and generating constant propaganda that in turn play to this supporting segment of the electorte This, despite the government, civic, and private sectors bending over backwards since around 1970 to make up for past ‘sins’, and attempting to erase grievances, with the objective of achieving what is today called ‘equity’, a word that has been hijacked to mean vengeance and get-evenism. This supposedly still-oppressed group and their majority co-runner allies have for all practical purposes taken control of the national and many state and local governments, with the result of allowing members of their ‘group’, shall we say, to run and rule the streets of the bigger cities with and in mayhem, with no criminal justice consequences for almost any crimes committed. Thus does the U.S. seem to be slowly on its way to its own version of apartheid, with a dwindling ethnic majority perhaps doomed to de facto subjugation and oppression, all sanctioned by that segment of the population and their associate left-wing political enablers who know only their vengeful whim of the moment, coupled with their very literal ‘law of the jungle’ approach to satiating it.
David Ray says
These cosseted leftist politicians should be forced to spend six days & seven nights in these islam shitholes.
Those cloistered pockets of islam are called “No go zones” for a reason.
When elitist pricks are confronted with annoying reports of sky-rocketing rapes, they smuggly tell the ladies to “dress more moderately”. Any leftist prick that says such bullshit should be forced to wear a burka.
Mo de Profit says
“after Trump’s win, and in the U.K. after Brexit, “racially motivated violence rose noticeably,”
Oh it certainly did rise, BLM and Antifa violence is racially motivated, any white person in the cities in the UK are now treated appallingly by the majority immigrant population and if that’s not racially motivated I don’t know what is.
Intrepid says
*****Feel free to copy and paste this timeline………………everywhere******************
The Muslim Population time bomb
As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens.
At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs.
From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. For example, they will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature halal on their shelves along with threats for failure to comply. At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves (within their ghettos) under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islamists is to establish Sharia law over the entire world.
When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. In Paris, we are already seeing car-burnings. Any non-Muslim action offends Islam, and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam , with opposition to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam.
After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues.
At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare.
From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels.
After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some State-run ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these nations drive out the infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim, such as has been experienced and in some ways is on-going in Bangladesh — Muslim 83%, Egypt — Muslim 90%, Gaza — Muslim 98.7%, Indonesia — Muslim 86.1%, Iran — Muslim 98%, Iraq — Muslim 97%, Jordan — Muslim 92%.
100% will usher in the “peace” of ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ — the Islamic House of Peace. Here there’s supposed to be peace, because everybody is a Muslim, the Madrasses are the only schools, and the Koran is the only word, such as in: Afghanistan — Muslim 100%, Saudi Arabia — Muslim 100%, SomaliaMuslim 100%, Yemen —Muslim 100%..
internalexile says
I still wonder why gay people everywhere are not more upset about Muslim violence against them. Bawer has been writing about this since the 1990s, but he is the only one of note, apparently.
Seekers says
Well, Robert Spencer, Debbie Schlussel and several other realists, though not gay, have denounced the scourge of Muslim attacks.
stevenl says
Perhaps the are afraid!
Daniel says
I believe this is nothing compared to Canada.
stevenl says
The socialists are strong believers of “La method Coué”! Your wishful wishes become reality, regardless of merit or wisdom!
Valerie and Roland Priddle says
Bruce thanks again for shining a bright light in dark places, including dark places of the liberal mind. We’re on the opposite side of the aisle from you on certain matters but we greatly value your writing, from While Europe Slept onwards. Keep up the good work. Roland
Margo says
What I don’t understand is why people, mostly democrats, keep defending and supporting muslims when muslims say, “we are taking over your country” as they say it in Denmark. They say, “We have lots of children, you have one or two or none. In a few years we are taking over.” Sweden’s cities are already feeling the Invasion which manifests itself by huge increase in crime. England some time ago I read that there were entire families on welfare and had been for years and years. They do NOTHING for the countries they invade because their plan is to bring sharia law and their dominion of women to all of us. They are primitive, evil, they kill their own children and wives for nothing, and here the democrats can’t be more supportive of them. Why democrats commit suicide like that? Don’t they care for their kids’ futures?
Cat says
Interesting! If Sweden had vote fraud like the US apparently has they could have pretended the SD party lost. I guess the multi-party system
allows for other types of manipulation.
I wonder why elites in any nation with Muslim immigration feel secure that there’s a future for the elites’ protected neighborhoods and their role as ruling class. .Short sighted? Or so do they think they’ll escape to somewhere else when the time comes? IDK
Victoria says
Outstanding գuest there. What happened after? Good
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