The great thing about progressives is that they’ll let you do whatever you want to do, as long as it’s exactly what they want you to do. That goes for all kids of all ages.
Imaginary conversation:
Dept. Store Santa: “What do you want for Christmas, little deplorable?”
Child: “I want a Nerf gun, Santa.”
Dept. Store Santa: “Listen you bitter-clinger brat, spawn of white privilege. I won’t enable your aggressive, racist, neo-colonialist tendencies, so you can grow up to be a MAGA- hat wearing, NRA-member, schoolyard shooter.”
Now, what actually happened.
Sabella DeCarlo took her 5-year-old son, Michael, to a mall in Norridge, Il. where he got a symbolic lump of coal from a Surly Santa when he said he wanted a Nerf gun for Christmas. “No, no guns,” Woke Santa growled, whereupon the child burst into tears.
Mom explained that Mikey was asking for a toy gat. Pere Noel was unmoved. “If your dad wants to get it for you that’s fine, but I can’t bring it to you,” Father Christmas declared.
The incident (which got Santa sacked) reflects the left’s anti-gun mania. It’s also virtue-signaling for progressives — much like a Black Lives Matter yard sign — their way of saying, “I’m so opposed to America’s gun culture, that I won’t even countenance children playing with squirt guns.”
Liberals want kids to grow up with a deep-seated fear of firearms, so they’ll support any type of gun control, no matter how absurd. Both of Biden’s top picks for HHS Secretary believe “gun violence” is a health issue.
During the campaign, Sleepy Joe told us Bepo O’Dork (“Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15”) would be in charge of gun policy in his administration. Biden himself disclosed that 150 million American lives were lost to proverbial gun violence since 2007 – and that doesn’t count those slaughtered with Nerf guns.
Leftists argue that with America having a gun-homicide rate much higher than that of other developed nations – and after Parkland, Orlando, Columbine and other mass shootings – it’s irresponsible, if not downright dangerous, for parents to let their scion have Super Soakers.
By the same twisted logic, with roughly 40,000 Americans dying on our highways each year (and 4.4 million more seriously injured), it’s criminal for parents to let their children play with toy cars, especially when they crash them into each other.
It’s true; gun ownership is widespread in the United States – and thank God for it.
According to Pew Research, 40% of households report having one or more firearms. Gunowners include 39% of men (22% of women), 36% of whites (24% of blacks) and 41% of Republicans (16% of Democrats). What do you call a Democrat who owns a gun? A heretic.
Our so-called gun culture is one reason America has never had a Hitler, a Stalin or a Pol Pot. Go Wolverines!
Everything snowflakes tell you about guns is wrong. Rates of gun ownership have soared since the early 1990s, while crime rates have consistently declined. (Defund the police will doubtless change all of that.) Only a miniscule number of the privately owned guns in America are used in crime. Most are in the hands of hunters, collectors and those concerned about their safety.
Gun control is voodoo crime control. Since liberals aren’t allowed to hate criminals, they hate the instruments of crime instead. They stand reality on its head. Instead of a person with evil intent using a gun, it’s as if the weapon somehow shapes behavior.
Progressives’ hatred of guns borders on maniacal. So, a St. Louis couple was indicted in October for pointing guns at Black Lives Matter protestors who’d broken into their gated street and were shouting obscenities at them.
The husband and wife, both lawyers, said they felt threatened by the mob. (Imagine, feeling threatened by these gentle souls.) After the wave of urban anarchy that’s swept the republic since the death of George Floyd – all of the property destroyed, brutal assaults, arson and murder – the middle-aged attorneys are singled out for special attention by a prosecutor elected with Soros money. Self-defense will not be tolerated!
Their sins are two-fold: They stood up to the Black Lives Matter Marxists and they used guns to defend themselves. Maybe that’s one reason the left hates cops so much – they use guns to defend the rest of us from progressives favored constituents. Hence, defund the police. Instead of mace and chokeholds, let them use social workers to subdue suspects on PCP.
Instead of a Nerf guns, Hasbro should manufacture Nerf Molotov cocktails, along with Nerf bricks and Nerf clubs. That way, kids could play Antifa/BLM rioters. The Woke Generation would love that.
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