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It has now been nearly two weeks since Dylan Mulvaney, a dude who claims to be a woman and demands that we all play along, became the face of Bud Light solely because of his delusions and fantasies. Bud Light Vice President Alissa Heinerscheid has explained that she took this advertising direction in order to make the brand more “inclusive.” Since then, Americans have enthusiastically flocked to stock up on woke Bud Light and celebrate diversity, right? Well, not exactly. In fact, Anheuser Busch’s bottom line is feeling the pain of alienating its core market.
Rogan O’Handley, whose “DC Draino” Twitter account has 733,533 followers, noted Monday that “On March 31, Anheuser Busch had a $132.38 billion market cap.” That was the day before the Bud Light ads featuring Dylan Mulvaney began to surface. “As of today,” O’Handley continued, “it’s now $128.4 billion.” He concluded: “You know what that means? The Woke Bud Light campaign has already shaved off nearly **$4 BILLION** in company value.”
It wasn’t supposed to be this way. Heinerscheid explained her vision on March 30, just before the Mulvaney campaign went public. “I’m a businesswoman,” she informed us, although that point that would initially have seemed elementary is in doubt now, as she looks a whole lot more like a woke ideologue than anyone who is actually concerned about the bottom line. She continued: “I had a really clear job to do when I took over Bud Light, and it was ‘This brand is in decline, it’s been in decline for a really long time, and if we do not attract young drinkers to come and drink this brand, there will be no future for Bud Light.’” What could be done to save Bud Light, Ms. Heinerscheid? Go woke, of course.
Heinerscheid went on to disparage Bud Light’s existing clientele: “So I had this super clear mandate. It’s like, we need to evolve and elevate this incredibly iconic brand. And my, what I brought to that, was a belief in, okay, what does, what does evolve and elevate mean? It means inclusivity. It means shifting the tone. It means having a campaign that’s truly inclusive and feels lighter and brighter and different and appeals to women and to men, and representation is at sort of the heart of evolution. You’ve gotta see people who reflect you in the work. And we had this hangover. I mean, Bud Light had been, kind of, a brand of fratty, kind of out-of-touch humor, and it was really important that we had another approach.” Yet it seems that, at least initially, Leftists are not rushing out to buy Bud Light, and the customer base for which Heinerscheid demonstrated such contempt is enraged. One video circulated depicting a steamroller flattening case after case of Bud Light.
As Stephen Green explained Monday, Heinerscheid and other Anheuser Busch executives may not be troubled by this massive backlash, as they understand that their products are never going to regain the market dominance they once had and are settling Bud Light into a new niche market that they think will sustain it with steady sales.
Also, they have done what they needed to do to get a high Corporate Equality Index score from the far-Left and Soros-funded Human Rights Campaign (HRC), and that ensures that they will not be subject to media outrage, boycotts, mass defections of employees, and the like. The $4 billion hit may have been worse than Anheuser Busch expected, but they are not the only big corporation that has calculated that the pain of crossing the Left is far worse than the pain of crossing patriots, and they’re unlikely to change course now.
Nevertheless, the massive loss is a welcome sign that patriots are indeed a force to be reckoned with. Anheuser Busch may be banking on all this blowing over and people stocking up on Bud Light for Memorial Day, the July Fourth weekend, and all the rest. Those who reject the Left’s enforced insanity should not have such short memories. Dylan Mulvaney will still not be a woman by the Fourth of July, and Bud Light should still be feeling the market pinch for trying to force us into accepting his big game of pretend.
Fake woman advertising for a fake beer.
Light beers keep the carbs low by fermenting sugar water, not a grain wort.
Not all of the starches (carbs) will convert to alcohol, in a grain wort. Sugar
water will basically ferment completely. No to low carbs left over.
They then add caramel coloring and beer flavoring.
It is kind of an unsweetened form of Zima that arrives in a tanker truck until
moments before canning/bottling.
Fake beer
Thanks for the info. I thought “lite” meant it was lower in alcohol content than regular beer.
I thought “lite” meant lower in flavor, once I tasted it.
I thought it meant diluted with water, 50-50. Guess it’s not even that wholesome.
[Q] What do Bud Lite and sex in a canoe have in common?
[A] They’re both fockin close to water.
At least Bud Lite commercials used to be hilarious; now their only a perverted joke.
What is a grain wort?
“The $4 billion hit may have been worse than Anheuser Busch expected, but they are not the only big corporation that has calculated that the pain of crossing the Left is far worse than the pain of crossing patriots, and they’re unlikely to change course now.”
Which shows that there is no one more naive than a cynic. Philosophy and ideology trump profit seeking. Indeed, the conviction that profit seeking is good and moral is a philosophical, ideological, idea. What ideologies are guiding American businessmen? Altruism and Pragmatism, self-sacrifice and the idea that no long-term principles are necessary or possible. Absolute, objective, and permanent principles are impossible and impractical..
“Most German industrialists were not pro-Nazi prior to 1933; to them almost any kind of regime, including the Republic, was acceptable. Nor were business contributions to the Nazi cause a significant factor in Hitler’s success, which is an IDEOLOGICAL [emphasis added], not a financial phenomenon. (Money makes it easy to disseminate propaganda; it cannot define the ideas to be propagated or determine the country’s receptivity to them.)” – Leonard Peikoff, “The Ominous Parallels: The End of Freedom In America”
Altruism for AB was supposed to be associated with profitability. Profitability is not philosophical it has always been associated with survival’. They just missed the mark by a country mile.
The concept of achieving profit and seeking gain, of rational self-interest, of the personal pursuit of happiness and personal flourishing has nothing to with philosophy? You are dead wrong.
“What is the nature of that superior world to which they sacrifice the world that exists? The mystics of spirit curse matter, the mystics of muscle curse profit. The first wish men to profit by renouncing the earth, the second wish men to inherit the earth by renouncing all profit. Their non-material, non-profit worlds are realms where rivers run with milk and coffee, where wine spurts from rocks at their command, where pastry drops on them from clouds at the price of opening their mouth….
On this material, profit-chasing earth, an enormous investment of virtue—of intelligence, integrity, energy, skill—is required to construct a railroad to carry them the distance of one mile; in their non-material, nonprofit world, they travel from planet to planet at the cost of a wish. If an honest person asks them: “How?”—they answer with righteous scorn that a “how” is the concept of vulgar realists; the concept of superior spirits is “Somehow.” On this earth restricted by matter and profit, rewards are achieved by thought; in a world set free of such restrictions, rewards are achieved by wishing….
And that is the whole of their shabby secret. The secret of all their esoteric philosophies, of all their dialectics and super-senses, of their evasive eyes and snarling words, the secret for which they destroy civilization, language, industries and lives, the secret for which they pierce their own eyes and eardrums, grind out their senses, blank out their minds, the purpose for which they dissolve the absolutes of reason, logic, matter, existence, reality—is to erect upon that plastic fog a single holy absolute: their Wish.” – John Galt, “Atlas Shrugged”
Hello again THX – and all. Have you ever read Kipling’s “The Gods of the Copybook Headings”? Only he addresses this problem in poetic terms. Sadly, he appears to buy into the idea “the world” is enforcing strongly, that we are all evolving, rather than in a continuing fall from a perfect state..
But, if Genesis is the true history of us, as it claims to be (and as I believe), then isn’t the whole world system we are living in founded on a lie – the first lie ever told, in Eden?
Pt 2
More Objectivist gibberish from our very own Lecturer in Chief. Do you think anyone actually reads your garbagio.
Is it any wonder you are despised and rejected.
Pt 1
More Objectivist gibberish from our very own Lecturer in Chief.
Is it any wonder you are despised and rejected.
What? Nothing about Lutherans and Hitler?
If I spent time reading all of your overblown repetitive gibberish I would never get anything done
It’s not just Heinerscheid, though. I doubt that other AB execs didn’t know about, and sign off on, this ridiculous marketing ploy. But they all went to elite schools, hang out with similar people and, essentially live in the same bubble. And it is a bubble that includes lots of corporate America. (See, e.g., Gillette’s “toxic masculinity ad.) They’d all have done better finding a copy of “Putney Swope” and watched the part where a motivational psychologist flies in on his black helicopter and tells them how to market beer.
I’m still scratching my head wondering how essentially denying female, womanly existence and that a man can be a woman if he wants to; and steal their sports and competitions and scholarships, is in any way “inclusive.”
We are all wondering the same thing.
The same way “diverse” is and marxism is “liberal” and “progressive.” It isn’t, it just sounds good.
“Anheuser Busch may be banking on all this blowing over”
And they may very well be correct. When people boycott a product often times it lasts maybe a week, possibly a little longer. Eventually, the backlash will “blow over” and people will gravitate back to their chosen products. The problem with boycotts is they don’t last long enough. There is some short term pain, but it all goes away.
Look at the NFL and all their woke BS the caused fans to boycott them. We heard all the news reports of loss of revenue from tv, attendance and merchandise. However, it was short lived and NFL fans went back to supporting football.
Anheuser Busch isn’t gaining a niche of mentally ill clientele that make up 0.2% of the population. They are banking on their customers coming back.
But, people are brainwashed as I’ve had heated debates with liberals who stated I needed therapy. To which I would respond “So, I’m able to make the distinction between a man and woman and I need therapy, but a biological male that thinks he’s a woman doesn’t need therapy.” I never get a response back.
idk. Those I know don’t watch NFL and most other sports anymore due to all the woke BS. . And were lifelong sports fans.
Looks like t hey just blew in big time and now they feel the Backlash
How can Bud Light Vice President Alissa Heinerscheid not “fall on her sword” over this fiasco, and perhaps resign with the parting words, “to hell with this woke nonsense”…?
Falling from 132 billion to 128 is definitely a loss but does not support go woke go broke unless the trend continues dramatically. Ideology can still prevail. Company execs may just have to order the cheaper $128 bottle of wine at lunch instead of the $132 bottle. Big deal.
I understand it’s their “wokeness” rating with investment companies that pushes seemingly sensible corporations in to dancing with lunatics. NOT any concern what heir customers may think!
Hey Budweiser, how about shutting up and concentrate on making real beer?
gee why didn’t the communist woke run out to buy the beer??? Same reason cheeze-its aren’t flying off the shelves!!
I think a boycott of AB should have started once they sold this American Beer Company to a Belgium Corporation while they were trying to show just how American they really were which was of course is a huge LIE.
Now they have a fake woman promoting their fake Beer.
As least in Belgium they do make some really good Beers.