How far do the double standards have to be pushed before even Chief Justice Roberts has to admit that this is a farce and that the only governing legal logic here is that leftists are entitled to do whatever they want and conservatives have no right to do anything.
After lefties created sanctuary states like California and banned local law enforcement from working on immigration enforcement in any way, even to the extent of notifying ICE that illegal alien criminals had been detained, or honoring their detainers, what would happen if a state decided to similarly ban participation in gun control enforcement?
The Biden administration just answered that there may be sanctuary for his illegal alien voters, but no sanctuary for gun owners.
The Department of Justice has today filed a lawsuit to prevent the State of Missouri from enforcing House Bill 85 (H.B. 85). Signed into law in June 2021, the Missouri law declares five categories of federal firearms laws “invalid” and deters and penalizes their enforcement by federal, state and local law enforcement officers. The government’s complaint seeks declaratory and injunctive relief prohibiting enforcement of H.B. 85 and further clarifying that state and local officials may lawfully participate in joint federal task forces, assist in the investigation and enforcement of federal firearm crimes, and fully share information with the federal government without fear of H.B. 85’s penalties.
Yet somehow state and local officials in California may not participate, or assist in the enforcement of immigration law and fully share information with the federal government without fear of California’s penalties.
Nice Constitution you have there, it would be a real shame if something happened to it. Right?
Thus far it’s been determined that states don’t have the power to enforce immigration law, when they want to, but have the power to ban law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration authorities. Now those some lawfare folks have to explain why states also don’t have the power to do for federal gun laws what they did for federal immigration laws.
Apparently, the Supremacy Clause covers gun control, but not border security. Was there any American legislators or jurist until around 1972 who have proposed something that the government has the power to compel local law enforcement to violate the Second Amendment, not an actual constitutional power of the federal government, but cannot enforce immigration laws, an actual power.
The Supreme Court case on this one ought to be fun.
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