Remember science? Not the way it is now with the absolute obedience to progressive politics over evidence and common sense, but the way it was back when you were a kid and science was the embraced questioning of everything; remember that? Questioning is no longer allowed, unless it’s of your sexuality after being inundated with left-wing propaganda about how being gender non-binary is not only somehow enlightened, but a real thing. It is not. Most, in fact, of what Democrats inflict on the world are not real things, and even though questioning is no longer acceptable, I have some questions I’m going to ask anyway.
On “climate change” I have to ask how it is we’re supposed to take you seriously when nothing you’ve predicted has come to pass? We’re well past 30 years of 10-year predictions of coastal flooding, yet Florida still exists. In fact, all the 10-year predictions of doom and gloom haven’t happened.
If you were the leader of a cult who told their followers the world would come to an end on Sunday, come Monday morning you’re going to have some serious explaining to do. With the climate change cult there is no similar question, all they’ve done is stop making 10-year predictions and now make 100-year predictions. This isn’t because the data they have is somehow more accurate the further away from its collection you go, it’s because everyone who heard the prediction will be dead when it doesn’t happen.
A 10-year prediction isn’t provable, but it will come to pass in most people’s life. A 100-year prediction isn’t provable, but it’s also not disprovable since it will be long forgotten by the time it doesn’t come to pass. It’s brilliant, actually, if your desire is to simply scare the hell out of people to force them to act. If you’re at all interested in the truth…less so.
So, if we haven’t acted on climate change and the “polluting” countries are still pumping out CO2 like it’s a sport, why haven’t your predictions come true? Why didn’t you try to save Barack Obama millions when he bought his mega-estate on Martha’s Vineyard?
On the trans issue, how did all of you lose every bit of life experience and knowledge you’d accumulated over your lifetime inside of about 15 minutes? You don’t really believe the person next to you at a urinal is a woman simply because they peek-a-boo their privates behind thigh fat, do you?
If trans women are every bit as much women and real women, why do they need the prefix “trans”? If trans women are real women why is it that zero straight elected Democrats have ever dated one? Wouldn’t Bill Clinton have gotten what he got from Monica from one by now? Wouldn’t Hunter Biden, who filmed himself having sex with what sure came off as human trafficked, forced prostitutes have filmed himself having sex with a tucked partner, if only by accident? When the chips are down it sure seems like Democrats do, in fact, know what a woman is. Why is that?
I know you think the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ “community” are “marginalized” and, therefore, are in desperate need of coddling (bit of a white savior complex you have going), but the definition of the word “marginalized” is “placed in a position of little or no importance, influence, or power,” according to (at least until some leftist realizes that’s the definition and they order it changed). Why are the people who have all the protections of cancel culture, who are seemingly every third character on television, tenured academia, and a fascistic political party constantly policing speech on their side “marginalized”? Aren’t we normal people, the ones marginalized by being forced to deny reality?
On the border, I’ll make this quick: Why do you call illegal aliens “migrants”? “Migrants” migrate, it’s right there in their name. The millions of people flooding across the southern border at your invitation and urging aren’t planning on going anywhere; if they aren’t deported, they’ll never leave. They, therefore, are illegal aliens.
Words matter, or so you people who call everyone a bigot who refers to a guy in a dress as “he,” so why don’t they matter at the border? Migrants enter the country for specific work, generally the harvesting of crops, then go home after completion with their pay. Illegal aliens stay, avail themselves of our social safety net – clog emergency rooms, slow down the education process of American kids while costing the system an untold fortune, receive welfare benefits, etc. – and will never, short of a mega lottery win, be a net benefit to society, even if they were made legal.
I guess my question for you is how can people, unable to communicate in our language and largely illiterate in their own, ever contribute as much (forget more) than they take from our country? Why is the fact that their country sucks our responsibility? Shouldn’t they try to fix their own country rather than be allowed to be a drain on ours? And why do Democrats actively seek to implement in this country the very economic system they marched thousands of miles to escape? (That last one is a bit of a trick question, I know, because you’re convinced that, even though it never has anywhere it’s ever been tried, YOU will be the people to finally implement socialism/communism successfully. You won’t.)
I have more questions, of course, but these are just a few I have for those Democrats out there living their lives looking down their noses at those of us who simply won’t obey them. (We never will.) I don’t expect leftists to answer because the answers are obvious, but to know them would require curiosity and the ability to think critically for themselves, and Democrats simply lack the tools.
Dr2xFour says
Left and Right the lack of intellectual curiosity is astounding.
We know the truth. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck…. IT IS A DUCK!
2 genders! Male and Female!!!!.
If we only captured this one argument so much of this rotten house of cards would collapse.
To our everlasting shame what we did to our children during this period of history will define us forever.
As long as we draw breath our story isn’t over. We can stop this. Will we?
Self examination time….. open your trousers and take a peek…..
Penis…. Yes!
Balls….. not so much.
I make herein, forthwith, going forward, here and now….
National Reclaim Our Balls Month!
It is a dream I have.
internalexile says
Stop being so testy? Cough.
Kasandra says
The benefit of being on the Left is to never be held accountable for the multiple harms you cause or to have to answer such questions.
BLSinSC says
The TRUTH of the matter is that the DEMOcrats GET AWAY with their INSANITY because of their INSANE base!
Spurwing Plover says
The Union of Concerned Scientists and the Center of Science for the Public Interest(CSPI)like the rest of them their concerns and purely political not scientific
Chief Mac says
When I lived in California – over 2/3 of drunk drivers were illegal aliens and this was 10 years ago
Justin Swingle says
Feinstein spent years pushing for ‘cheap’ labor illegals on behalf of her BIG AG donors despite the fact that one-third always ended up on welfare.
As soon as they cross the border the anchor babies start coming along with 18 years of welfare.
Immigration Studies (CIS) finds that about 72 percent of households headed by noncitizens and immigrants use one or more forms of taxpayer-funded welfare programs in California — the number one immigrant-receiving state in the U.S.
“The Democrats had abandoned their working-class base to chase what they pretended was a racial group when what they were actually chasing was the momentum of unlimited migration”. DANIEL GREENFIELD
Anne says
The Brits did the same thing, they brought in cheap labor and changed the graphics of their nation, they are now outnumbered by muslims that don’t adapt to their way of life, and with more violence in their cities. The US is no different now due to the fools in both parties that only care about getting re-elected, their power, wealth, and being part of the global One world government, and the clueless who vote for them have also helped the disastrous changes.
geoff mizel says
The Left, “FASCISTIC SOCIALIST”/American Marxism and their GAGGLE are 100% committed to THE INSANE, Corrupt, Delusion, Fraudulent, THE BIG LIES, very Destructive IDEOLOGY. THE IDEOLOGY will ALWAYS have the ENDS justify the necessary Means to achieve their Goals. The IDEOLOGY is nan advocate of the NEW WORLD ORDER which is the “fundamental transformation of the World into a UTOPIAN which NOTHING more than a DYSTOPIAN Nightmare. George write 1984 to point this basic FACT is their Reality.
The EVIDENCE, Facts, Data and STATS is EVERYWHERE for anyone is curious and will do the Research. The current #46 administration as well as obama and his administration are prime “true believers” of this “fundamental transformation.”
IGNORING WHAT? is directly in front of you through your Sense and turning to your Emotions and FEELINGS ONLOY emboldens their GOALS. They have corrupt Science, the definition o Sex, Sovereignty while destroying Common Sense, Logic and Reasoning. Teaching and Information have become Indoctrination through Propaganda.
The Fox has entered the Hen House and is eating at his will.
DENIAL is defined as A refusal to grant the truth of a statement or allegation; a contradiction. We MUST stop being the 3n monkeys of See no EVIL Hear no EVIL Speak no EVIL. If not, 1984 will be the NEW 2023/2024 and beyond.
Spurwing Plover says
My mom told me that we never had all these illnesses like we do until they started a llowing these illegal aliens in without their vaccines