I recently flew Alaska Airlines in the very last row, squashed by the guy leaning back in front of me, with no place to lean back myself except into the bathroom. I couldn’t work. I couldn’t breathe. I hallucinated that I had been abducted by aliens. But no, it was just a plane trip.
So I can completely relate to this story.
Humble CNN contributor and possible 2020 Trump opponent, John Kasich, who, as he likes to remind people, is the son of a mailman, though that’s not the most common “son” associated with his name. And, like Sheila Jackson Lee, he knows where his place on a plane is.
Both John Kasich and fellow first-class passenger Julie Klausner were expecting to depart on an Alaska Airlines flight, New York JFK to San Fransisco, when the flight crew was informed that they had to transport a pilot for duty reassignment. As this pilot was desperately needed elsewhere and, due to union rules, must travel in first class at the front of the plane, John Kasich, who was in the front row seat in first class, was asked to relocate to an available premium economy seat. There were no empty first class seats.
John Kasich was the governor for the US state of Ohio for eight years and also ran against current US president Donald Trump in the 2016 Republican primaries before the general election.
However, what appears to have happened is that he simply moved to another passengers seat in first class. When the real passenger arrived, Julie Klausner, found her seat stolen and in an odd situation.
Team no one, here. Except that, apparently, Kasich is as much of a pleasure to be around in person as he is on TV.
The ordeal actually started in the Alaska Airlines lounge at JFK airport in New York, where Klausner said she heard Kasich talking loudly on his cell phone, bragging about his recent deal to become a contributor with CNN.
As Klausner waited for her seat, she said airline employees told her Kasich was rude to them and, in a bit of irony, they mistook him as a politician who worked for Republican President Donald Trump. (Kasich is a vocal Trump critic.)
“Just having interacted with him or interacted near him, I never met anyone so douchey and obnoxious and just dripping with disdain for people who in his mind aren’t as important as he is. I hope he – I don’t know. I hope he goes away forever. He sucks.”
There’s bipartisan support for that, apparently.
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