During the 2008 election, the Obama campaign dropped Robert Malley as an adviser over his work with Hamas on behalf of George Soros’ International Crisis Group. Once in office, Obama brought back his old buddy into the National Security Council.
Malley (pictured above) then became the lead negotiator for the sellout deal to legitimize Iran’s nuclear program.
Despite vocal criticism from Iranian dissidents and the country’s freedom movement, Biden chose Malley as his special envoy to Iran. Even as Robert Malley continues conducting outreach to the Islamic terrorist state on behalf of the Biden administration, his son works at a pro-Iran organization tied to a key figure in the Iran Lobby.
Robert was the son of Simon Malley, an adviser to PLO terrorist leader Yasser Arafat and the founder of a Communist party in Arafat’s native homeland of Egypt. Blaise Malley represents the third generation of the family’s leftist radicalism being used to prop up Islamist movements.
The son of Biden’s envoy to Iran spends his time undermining American efforts against Iran.
Blaise Malley is listed as a full-time reporter for the Quincy Institute run and funded by key figures in the pro-Iran movement. His most recently article agitates against further American involvement in the conflict against the Iranian-backed Houthi terrorists in Yemen whose motto is, “Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse to the Jews, Victory to Islam.”
Iran spends an estimated $20 million a year backing the Houthis. Their ability to hold parts of Yemen is crucial to the terror regime’s ambitions for the region. America’s first strike against the Houthis was actually in response to their cruise missile attack on the USS Mason.
The Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft was founded by George Soros and Charles Koch. Its donors include a roster of leftists and their foundations including the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Barbara Streisand, and Frank Giustra: the billionaire at the center of the Clinton Foundation scandal involving the sale of Uranium One to Russia.
The executive VP of Quincy however is Trita Parsi: a dual Iranian-Swedish national who founded the National Iranian American Council. NIAC, described by critics as the ‘Iran Lobby’, has been accused of violating tax laws and the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
Quincy’s board includes Francis Najafi. a wealthy Iranian real estate developer who is also a major funder of NIAC, and Amir Handjani, the exclusive broker for an American company doing business with Iran, and a Quincy Institute fellow, who also appears to be a donor.
Masih Alinejad, the Iranian-American dissident journalist targeted for kidnapping by the regime, tweeted that, “NIAC and Quincy are the Russia Today of the Iranian Regime. They spend all of their time defaming critics of the Islamic Republic, myself included. When the regime attempts to kill us they’re either silent or mealy-mouthed. ”
As an envoy, Robert Malley is in theory supposed to represent American interests. At a minimum, close family members of Biden’s envoy to Iran should not be employed by an organization that has a vehement pro-Iran agenda and ties to pro-Iranian financial interests.
But Blaise, who was nurtured by the same Islamist-internationalist network, who served as a managing editor at the Journal of Middle East Studies and wrote his thesis on “Is a Left/Right Coalition on Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy Feasible” is just the latest incarnation of the Malley family which seems to have been bred to undermine America and support its enemies. It’s only a matter of time until Blaise rises through the think tanks and then into the government.
And Blaise is benefiting from some of the same connections that followed his father around.
A recent letter in defense of Robert Malley fumed that, “those who accuse Malley of sympathy for the Islamic Republic have no grasp of – or no interest in – true diplomacy”. It was signed by, among others, Trita Parsi’s brother, a board member at NIAC, Amir Handjani, a board member and two fellows at Quincy. How better to dispute the accusation that Malley is on Iran’s side.
The difference between father and son is that the elder Malley is embedded within the government and has to be a bit discreet, while the younger Malley is free to do his best Tokyo Rose impression in the virtual pages of any publication that will run his propaganda.
In The American Prospect, a leftist publication, Blaise Malley warned that “Iran’s leadership may also have lost trust in an American government”, suggested that the Islamic terror state might be “keeping the door open to improving relations with the United States”, but cautioned that “it would be a mistake to assume that Iran doesn’t have a say in the deal’s future as well.”
Iranian propaganda could hardly be any more clearly packaged.
In The New Republic, Blaise Malley claimed that sanctions on Iran had killed 13,000 people despite the fact that food and medicine are not sanctioned. Malley quoted a Quincy official complaining that America had sanctioned Iran and “we won’t guarantee to lift the sanctions if they go back to doing what we wanted.”
“No good has come of trying to isolate other authoritarian countries, such as Iran, North Korea, and others,” Blaise Malley whined at the Washington Examiner.
Forget isolating them abroad, the question is how do we isolate them at home.
Foreign agents for Iran, Qatar, the Muslim Brotherhood and the entire network around them have overrun D.C. and the media. And top government officials are complicit in the corruption.
As Iranians protest for freedom in the streets, Robert Malley and the pro-Iran influence networks have been caught up in the backlash. Malley was forced to apologize for a tweet that he described as “poorly worded”. And NIAC, Quincy and their circle have tried to reject allegations that they are part of an ‘Iran Lobby’ by offering some concerned noises about the protests.
The Malley family has come a long way since the French Interior Minister stated that Robert’s father and Blaise’s grandfather was issuing “genuine appeals to murder foreign chiefs of state”.
But while the presentation may have changed, the underlying content remains the same.
The Biden administration is maneuvering to appear to condemn the Islamist regime’s brutal crackdown on the protests while covertly supporting it. But it’s hard to maintain that illusion when the son of Biden’s envoy to Iran is pushing Iranian propaganda for the Iran Lobby.
Thanks for the expose, I never even heard of most of these people.
Isn’t it strange that leftist elites are desperately trying to break up the traditional family whilst looking after their own.
Of course this happens in business but if a family member is incompetent the business and family suffer.
In government it’s the taxpayers who suffer.
It should be illegal for a family member to be employed in the same area of government.
Statistics should show the anomalous nature of this happening by chance, same thing with political families such as the Clintons, Bush, Trudeau, Kennedy, all must be corrupting the system somewhere.
Yeah, I was reading about nepotism in the British Empire during the 1800s recently. Quite interesting and instructive for understanding current USA.
Bidens Rouges Gallery of the worst kind. Biden must have made his selections from the bottom of the dumpster
Marg bar Georgy Schwarz
BTW how did a Syrian born in Egypt get an English name?
Seeing as there are more groin shots of Hunter flittering about like Monarch butterflies with wings from a urology text, it can’t be blackmail.
Can it be a simple market phenomenon of being outbid?
If any entity is evil Joe Biden and all leftist, communist democraps will rush
to support that evil up to and including the destruction of our Constitution
and bill of rights. Invasion floods over our borders and is aided with billions
of our tax dollars for millions of illegals. America will surely be lost with the
government as it is and those RINO’s hiding to strike with their corrupt claws.
Dark days ahead, pray for divine intervention. we have been sold out.
For Biden, read OBAMA, THE friend and protector of IRAN. And who never should have been President, not being a born American but Kenyan, whisked off to Indonesia for 10 or so years then to Hawaii to get American nationality , then to Chicago under the roof of a COMMUNIST couple, for ” education “.
Depressing but not surprising, the evil never ends.
Naturally, Tehran is calling all the shots” in Washington DC because Joe Biden owes that tyrannical Islamic America hate Islamic regime of Iran much. For it had an insidious and sinister part in the 2020 election fraud and hoax in third November.
Therefore, Biden is their tool and stooge, so he strives for appeasement of those tyrants of the oppressive Islamic regime of Iran. Those in power in that “mullah regime” have and do and will continue to use their puppet president” Biden to fulfill all their Islamic goals.
As those tyrants in power in Iran now have information about how they aided Biden in his cheating and unethical selfish ambition to get into the Oval Office of the White House and masquerade as a real, genuine US President.
In other words Joe Biden doesn’t want to have this information that those Iranian tyrants have on him to get out to the American people and also the other nations of the world about his despicable and illegal way he because “President.” Call it blackmail on Biden, if you want to , it is very fitting term.
So now in the year 2022 that that “mullah regime” with their stooge and useful idiot to archive they want to obtain on their Islamic agenda.
One of the many reliable sources that will confirm this is the video documentary TRUMP CARD by Dinesh D’ Souza.
That villain and impostor “president” Joe Biden is harming the Iranian people by and supporting aiding and supporting vicious and malicious oppressive and even murderous tyrannical Islamic
of Iran is continuing to do so.
Likewise. is also at the same time Biden is helping ab extremely hostile anti -American tyrannical that hates the United States and the American people.
The ancient Greek philosopher Plato also wrote, “The price good man pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
The one of the reasons that Joe Biden had lifted sanctions on Iran and removed that band of terrorist thugs in uniform the IRGC off the terrorists list is because Biden was aided by those Muslim tyrants of Iran had actually meddled and interfered in the American presidential election by supporting the Biden bid for the Oval Office during the election year of 2020.
Therefore in part, because of that Islamic tyranny of Iran with its meddling and interfering as much as it was able to do.in the 2020 general election Joe Biden is now sitting in the Oval Office of the White House masquerading as a real US President. [1]
Likewise, Biden will do nothing at all of any actual effort value about the brutal, cruel vicious tyrannical Islamic regime of Iran with all the malicious and even murderous oppression of the Iranian people.
[1] The video documentary TRUMP CARD by Dinesh D’ Souza.
That despicable bogus US “President,” Joe Biden is such a heinous abomination as much as he is also wickedly demented. For as a stooge, tool and useful idiot of those in power in that tyrannical Islamic .
This he has proven, repeatedly, this time by attempting to support that Islamic tyranny with $1.1 billion of American taxpayers money.
Moreover, that brutal, cruel oppressive malicious and murderous Islamic regime of Iran, which denies the Iranian, people their basic natural human rights.
The Iranian people are right and righteous by engaging in bitter and strong protests against those cruel malicious and murderous tyrants in power of that cruel and oppressive Sharia based dictatorship of that Islamic regime of Iran.
In other words, those vicious despots of that horrendously horrific Islamic regime have provoked the people excessively too far.
In addition, the people who trapped in and forced to exist in the Islamic dictatorship of Iran might not know about the intellect philosopher John Locke, but his ideas do apply to them. For Mr. Locke taught that any good government has the duty to ensure the security and safety of its citizens. Yet when a tyranny is the people in the tyrannical government do have every natural and ethical right to overthrow that terrible and oppressive tyranny/ government.
Joe Biden is so despicably evil that he favors that anti- America, anti-Israel. hoax of a “deal’ which gives that vicious and hostile Islamic regime Iran everything it needs to construct and obtain nuclear missiles , all the while that Islamic tyranny murders many of the Iranian people who are engaging in protests in Iran because that dictatorship denies the basic human rights and reasonable freedoms that they should , by nature have.
Furthermore that treasonous weak and feeble minded Biden has lifted more sanctions and likewise given more concessions to demands of that arrogant aggressive hostile tyrannical Islamic tyranny of Iran that despites America so much that one of the titles that it gave the United States is “The Great Satan” and one of its main theme is “Death to America.”
Indeed that “mullah tyranny” would be glad the destructions of the US to the degree that Iran’s regime is a “spirit” of a jihad, “holy war ” against America.
Therefore Biden by lifting sanctions on Iran and even making more concession to it horrible old Joe is “giving aid and comfort to the enemy in a time of war.”
So Biden is clearly treasonous villain against the United States of America, even much worse than Benedict Arnold
You are awesome!