Makes sense. At least if you occupy the parallel universe in which Brennan Center and libertarian intellectuals decide that crime is only a problem if we pay attention to it and that it’s mostly caused by their lack of preferred economic policies and too many police.
The general public, when suffering from high crime, is unlikely to be convinced by this Orwellian academic nonsense in which justice is crime and crime is justice.
But LA DA George Gascon, backed by George Soros and Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, is going to do his best to appeal to his base, Bernie Sanders supporters who lived in gated communities and think anyone poorer than them must be racist.
Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon on Wednesday said rising violent crime in the city is the result of “bad policies” that “over-criminalize communities.”
Overcriminalize is a lefty term coined to make enforcing the law sound bad. They think that arresting muggers and thieves is overcriminalization which is why they’ve fought to “decriminalize” shoplifting and mugging elderly Asian women.
“To create a safer community, absolutely we have to hold people accountable, but we also have to understand that we cannot do business as we always have and think that we’re going to get any safer because the reality is that the problems we have today [are] the result of many of the bad policies that over-criminalize communities without really looking for a path forward to create the reduction of crime, the prevention of crime.”
You reduce crime by reducing criminals. You prevent crime by preventing criminals from having the opportunity, the motive, and the means to commit those crimes.
This isn’t complicated. It’s the wheel of criminal justice. Gascon and other Soros proxies keep trying to invent the wheel while spouting gibberish.
If Gascon wants to theorize that more social services will help reduce crime, he’s welcome to run for an office where that would be in his scope. Instead, he dismantled the criminal justice system while insisting that more welfare will make crime go away.
It hasn’t and it won’t.
As the Recall Gascon campaign continues, he’s sweating and wondering if his social justice billionaire backers can save him again.
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