They don’t want to defund the police for themselves. They want to defund the police for you.
Obnoxious celebrity John Legend kept pushing police defunding. “We have to say that there are better solutions than more police and prisons,” he insisted.
Not when it comes to his luxury car being stolen.
John Legend almost had his Porsche stolen, according to cops, who say a man hopped in the luxury sportscar while the singer was inside a recording studio … and then got arrested.
The LAPD tells TMZ … John’s Porsche was parked outside a Los Angeles recording studio Monday afternoon when a man walked up to the vehicle, opened the door and hopped in. We’re told the guy sat in the car for awhile, looking for the keys or another way of starting the car.
When the cops found the guy, he took off running. After a brief foot chase, cops took him into custody.
The suspect was taken to jail and booked for a felony — attempted grand theft auto. He’s being held on $85,000 bail.
So much for, “We have to say that there are better solutions than more police and prisons.”
The car wasn’t actually stolen. And it sounds like the guy had zero shot at stealing it. Nonetheless, he’s held on bail and locked up while the thugs robbing small businesses blind keep being let out.
Why? Well it helps to have a Soros DA in your pocket. In this case, George ‘Let Em All Go’ Gascon.
The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office has taken an interest in a case in which singer John Legend almost had his luxury car stolen this week in what some prosecutors in the office are calling blatant special treatment for a high-profile supporter of District Attorney George Gascon.
In a Wednesday email to prosecutors, which was obtained by Fox News, John Harlan, the DA’s acting head deputy, said he wanted to be kept in the loop about the case.
“News outlets are reporting that an unarmed person was arrested for attempting to steal John Legend’s Porsche somewhere in Los Angeles – case potentially due today,” the email reads. “Please be on the lookout for this case,” Harlan wrote before asking got be notified via text message along with two others if the case appears in the DA’s records.
This comes after a parade of the parents of crime victims blasted Gascon for not giving a damn and for setting criminals free to destroy more lives.
A mother in Los Angeles County says she feels “sick” after learning that special circumstance charges against three of the men accused of murdering her 20-year-old son and throwing him off a cliff were dismissed Friday under new District Attorney George Gascon’s sweeping reforms.
Investigators have said Julian Andrade was repeatedly beaten and stabbed until he lost consciousness. The suspects, believing he was dead, drove him to the mountains in Azusa to dispose of the body. Realizing he was still alive, the suspects stomped on his head.
They threw his body off a cliff, according to investigators, but still heard him struggling. One suspect allegedly climbed down to attack the 20-year-old again.
But John Legend’s Porsche, now that’s a priority. Lock that guy up. To be fair, if he’d stolen George Soros or Netflix CEO Reed Hastings’ cars, they’d be getting the electric chair five minutes after being taken into custody. California has the best pro-crime justice system that lefty special interests can buy.
Time for Soros to lose his American citizenship and returned to face war crimes trial
Yeah, that’s the way it is. Defunding policing for the general public, while the Democrat elite get heavy police protection.
Too bad the guy didn’t take a dump in the driver’s seat or pee in it while he was there. His public defender could argue it was just vandalism.
Form vigilante groups or leave.