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This new Glazov Gang episode features Robert Spencer, the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His latest book is Muhammad: A Critical Biography. Follow him on Twitter here.
Robert discusses “I am 100% Certain Muhammad Didn’t Exist’, reflecting on The taboo truths about the myth.
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[Watch whole interview: CLICK HERE.]
And make sure to watch our Special 10-Part Series on The Fight for America and The Hidden Agenda Behind the Plandemic.
[1] Tormented Demons at Trump’s Inauguration – When you can’t disguise your seething rage.
[2] How the Left Burned a City Down – And it’s ok as long as the fire chiefs are lesbians.
[3] Chris Burgard: What Really Happened to Andrew Breitbart and Phil Haney?
[4] James DiEugenio: The JFK Assassination Chokeholds – the empirical evidence revealing the inescapable proof that there was a conspiracy. Also: What might be in the classified JFK assassination files that Trump promises to release?
[5] Naomi Wolf: Covid’s Dancing Nurses – Who Were They Really? – Inside the haunting world of totalitarian death rituals.
[6] Naomi Wold: Covid Vaccine and Munchausen Syndrome – Sacrificing oneself on the altar of utopian ideals.
[7] Attendees Speak at Frontpage Editor Jamie Glazov’s Evening – Heartfelt Words From Supporters.
[8] Jamie Glazov’s talk on his new book, Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.
[9] Dr. Naomi Wolf: Covid Vax & Sexual Intercourse: The horror that Pfizer knew – and tried to hide.
[10] Dr. Carrie Madej: Horror – Covid ‘Vaccine’ Vials Under the Microscope.
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Fascinating topic, thanks Robert, thanks Jamie !!!!!
If he didn’t exist, the crazy arabs would have to invent him. They hijacked portions of Christianity and created Islam.
Christianity and Judaism, and the ignoramuses got both wrong.
Have we heard from the terrorists at the terror org CAIR about this?
I’d like to know what Dougie Hooper and his butt buddy Awad have to say about it.
“Awad.” What’s his first name? “Swallows?”
This is the same argument about Christianity in the books “Creating Christ: How Roman Emperors Invented Christianity” by James S Valliant and Warren Fahy, “Creating Christianity – A Weapon Of Ancient Rome” by Henry Davis, and “Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus by Joseph Atwill.
Very interesting THX 1138, do you think that Jesus was an invention ? What is your opinion about it ?
Were the Pharisees involved in this conspiracy? Maybe the Philistines? A lot of potential links make a conspiracy web stronger. Remember Jesus had long hair, which is almost enough evidence right there.
Obviously not at the top of anyone’s reading list except for disgruntled social misfits like you.
Is it any wonder you don’t fit anywhere except in the Objectivist trash heap of society.
And like the Muhummad mythologists that proves quite weak. But while there is at least a theoretical chance (if I believe a weak one) that Mo never existed, there is basically no chance regarding Jesus.
Unfortunately for the people you mentioned, they all fell apart if you actually know a damn about either the sources or Roman (or Jewish) culture. Elevating an itinerant craftsman turned revolutionary preacher from a Jewish region that got crucified would be just about the worst possible idea to a Roman with classic values. Moreover we have a bunch of very near contemporary sources, often of grassroots level, like the Alexamenos Graffiti (drawn by an anti-Christian bully meant to mock someone’s faith) less than 200 years after Yeshua “supposedly” lived when Christianity was a criminalized religion, in a neck of the woods no Roman Emperor or their well heeled bureaucrats or official priests would have happily set foot in.
Whether or not you believe Yeshua was God Incarnate, a Prophet, or so on is up to you. But there is basically no sane argument he didn’t exist, was’t crucified by an alliance of the Roman military and Judean elites, and wasn’t worshipped as a prophet and incarnate god within decades of his execution.
Derp. The New Testament was written in Greek by Jews, not Latin by Romans. And the Romans originally persecuted the Christians. Constantine made it the official religion of the Empire because by the time he was Caesar, the Christians were all over the place.
Spence, buddy i hope you have protection and although the religion bears a strong resemblance to the stdvd transmission between humans, condoms won’t work to protect you with the insane violence these people revel in.
Condoms would be all i could offer as far as security although I do have some assorted garden tools you could use.
Thanks for courage.
Hiding behind my keyboard
A big can of Raid would be a good defense against the cockroaches of Islam.
With respect Mr. Spencer to all your work, I disagree. And I say this as someone who would utterly hate Big Mo and certainly cannot rule out a bunch of twisting and glorifying mythologizing about him. But we have pre-Muslim-Scripture references from occupied non-Muslims like Jews, Christians Greco -Romans and Egyptians, and Zoroastrian Persians that their enemies would swear by a Prophet Muhammad well before the first written Muslim sources. Moreover, the portrait that emerges from the Muslim sources is deeply human, even if horrible. He is referred to as an orphan who felt cheated out of his inheritance (which says something about the monomania Islam
Has on it). He relied on his first wife while being a caravaneer. He apparently had epilepsy. He is portrayed being illiterate and murdering the first man he tried to commission written scripture from when the latter defected, liked cats but hated dogs, and is recorded as flat out failing to encounter his target (the Eastern Roman army) in his final campaign and wasting a lot of resources for no real gain there. He had a cult following of ruthless killers at his behest and they worked to try and sanitize or make him heroic, but even considering that their own sources paint him as not only a rather depraved character but also a fallible one, and the result is very human and “how did you come up with this?”
I think that argues strongly in favor of Muhummad having existed, and what we see springing from him.
I think this video will change your mind.
Jay Smith shares a compelling message challenging Islam’s foundations using 7th-century evidence and historical sources, which reveal their timing and location discrepancies compared to the events they describe. This thought-provoking message casts doubt on the traditional Islamic narrative, using their own historical framework.
What sources would those be?I notice you don’t provide any evidence or name any supposed source.