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Robert discusses The Catastrophic Israel-Hamas ‘Ceasefire’, reflecting on: A surrender to terror.
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And make sure to watch our Special 10-Part Series on The Fight for America and The Hidden Agenda Behind the Plandemic.
[1] How the Left Burned a City Down – And it’s ok as long as the fire chiefs are lesbians.
[2] Chris Burgard: What Really Happened to Andrew Breitbart and Phil Haney?
[3] Sheriff Mack: The Troubling Truth Behind the Drones in Our Skies. What’s really happening – and why it’s being covered up.
[4] James DiEugenio: The JFK Assassination Chokeholds – the empirical evidence revealing the inescapable proof that there was a conspiracy. Also: What might be in the classified JFK assassination files that Trump promises to release?
[5] Naomi Wolf: Covid’s Dancing Nurses – Who Were They Really? – Inside the haunting world of totalitarian death rituals.
[6] Naomi Wold: Covid Vaccine and Munchausen Syndrome – Sacrificing oneself on the altar of utopian ideals.
[7] Attendees Speak at Frontpage Editor Jamie Glazov’s Evening – Heartfelt Words From Supporters.
[8] Jamie Glazov’s talk on his new book, Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.
[9] Dr. Naomi Wolf: Covid Vax & Sexual Intercourse: The horror that Pfizer knew – and tried to hide.
[10] Dr. Carrie Madej: Horror – Covid ‘Vaccine’ Vials Under the Microscope.
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So what’s their Plans more Globalists Ideas and One World Government? all under the UN
Israel has a major trump card in that they still have Sinwar’s body. Hamas would dearly love to stage a funeral with full military honours. Israel needs to exploit this, and to get back extra hostages in exchange.
The terrible folly of accepting that ceasefire agreement with Hamas of Gaza is an action of extreme folly and foolishness on the part of the government officials of the State of Israel, for that would result deadly disaster for the Jewish people of Israel.
The reason why this is so is because a “ceasefire” would only be a disingenuous “agreement” of the part of the vicious and murderous those jihadists to buy time to restore their weapon supply sent to them by Iran , Later ,they would then break the truce and in more jihad murder attacks against the peaceful citizens of Israel.
That hoax of that so called “ceasefire agreement which the jihadist chiefs of the murderous jihad entity Hamas would agree for would be a hoax . Meaning nothing but a false and fake truce.
The reason why this is so is because such a “ceasefire” would really be agreed to in order to allow Hamas to restore its loses by using that for Iran to resupply it with deadly weapons provided to it by Iran.
Those jihadists would only keep the terms of a ceasefire only as long as it would site them and no longer .Then those Muslim terrorists of Hamas will then break the “truce” and then launch more jihad missile attacks murdering the peaceful civilians of the State of Israel.
Likewise, the Muslim terrorists of Hamas would also sneak into Israel from Gaza and hand held weapons of death and inflect murderous jihad massacres on the Jewish people of Israel.
The Prime Minister of the State of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, is right when he declared that “Hamas must be destroyed.”
The reason why this is so is because when it comes to those brutal cruel vile heinous malicious and murderous jihadist savages of Hamas it’s “Either kill or be killed.”
Furthermore, the Prime Minister Benjamin was not only right, for he also spoke the sensible thing to do when he declared, “No force in the world will stop us from elimination Hamas.”
So, Hamas needs to be hit long and hard and it should to hit with much military might and. struck great power repeatedly until it’s completely destroyed. As it had been also, rightly said “Half –measures is folly and madness.”
For the jihadists of Hamas will not respond to reason or logic , in others words, they cannot and will not be reasoned with. The only language that are able to understand is that of being the receiving end of a power of a great military might. As Thomas Jefferson had ,rightly ,written “With every barbarous people…force is law.”
Even the leftist US President Franklin D. Roosevelt with all liberal socialist had very wisely declared, “No compromise can end that conflict. There never has been—there never can be—successful compromise between good and evil. Only total victory can reward the champions of tolerance, and decency, and freedom, and faith.”
Prime Minister Benjamin had revealed knowledge and wisdom by his statement about the need to about the very important and necessary need to engage in the “Elimination of Hamas.”