Hatun Tash is a well-known Christian preacher in the UK who regularly discusses Islam at Speakers’ Corner in the UK, where she was attacked and stabbed in July 2021. Ongoing threats haven’t deterred her. In this new video, Hatun interviews Robert Spencer on what Islam actually teaches about Jews.
Don’t miss it!
sumsrent says
The Truth on how allah is a fake god… and not the same One True God of the Jews & Christians…
The story goes…
mushammad’s family were caretakers of the (satanic) Kaaba in Mecca…
And mushammad was sick & tired of all the 360 different god idols housed in the Kaaba… so mushammad settled on one god… the so called “Chief god”… and made this moon god the islamic god…
Now make note:
The One True God of the Jews & Christians doesn’t have an idol… thus… the idol god mushammad chose was NOT the same God of the Jews & Christians…
Allah is a fake moon god… once called Baal… the same fake god with a new name…
Edward A.Brandwein says
From an early age, Muslims are taught to lie and deceive ( one of Allah’s name is “The Deceiver,” which requires no further explanation whatsoever)
sumsrent says
Yes exactly… how these muslims are able to worship their so called god who is called “The Best Deceiver” is beyond comprehension… them never knowing if the fake god allah is deceiving them.
islam is satanic!
Jim says
The way the Muslims answer is reminiscent of the way the Democrats are talking today in the hearings and political speeches. No wonder Joe is pro-Iran and anti-Israel.
Anne says
Its anti-semitism and its from Satan. Anti-semetism is aimed at the Jewish People or the Jewish religion, the new anti-semitism is aimed at the Jewish state. The anti-semites accuse the Jewish state of human rights violations (while ignoring true human rights abusers.) If anti-Israel rhetoric demonizes Israel, and holds Israel to double standards, or delegitimizes the existence of the Jewish state, it is not legitimate criticism, but. rather, (antisemitism.)
This anti-semitism goes clear back to the days of Esther, in King Xerxes Kingdom, when Haman, an egotistical self-absorbed bureaucrat and Agagite, was determined to annihilate the entire Jewish race because one member of it refused to bow down to him. (Mordecai) who shares God’s compassion to protect His people. Nothing is new under the sun. This is not the first or last time nations will attempt to separate what God has knit together. The ugly narrative that defrauds the Jewish people of their unique historical connection to Jerusalem.
Walter Sieruk says
According to Islam, the Jews are “apes and swine in human form.” Such vicious and malice filled vicious spite and hate of jihadist Muslims Hamas ,Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad for the Jewish people is based upon the foundation of Islam’s “holy book” the Qu ‘ran.
The roots of this awful Muslim murderous hostility towards the Jewish people is the result of a firm but blind and unquestioning Muslim faith in the Qu ‘ran. Which instructs in violence and killing for the cause of Islam. As found in, for example, 4: 89. 5:33. 9:5,111,123. 47:4.
In other words the Qu ‘ran inspires and causes such hideous violence. Furthermore, another role the Koran has in such deadly Islamic terror attacks in the Jewish nation of Israel is that the Koran contains many negative about the Jewish people.
John Blackman says
it says a lot that allah is the best deceiver , he has done a fabulous job on all the dolts that believe in him . the bible describes [satan] as the father of lies and a deceiver . an apt description for the so called god of islam . the west is condemned [ the left ] because it has sided with a death cult . both the left and islam are authoritarian that is why they get on so well . neither allow dissent or free thought . the west is now in free fall to the bottom . nothing will stop it now . this is what happens when nations are afflicted with a reprobate mind .