You might be forgiven for thinking that the trailer for the new Indiana Jones movie is a comeback for Spielberg. Nah, it’s directed by James Mangold of Logan and Ford vs. Ferrari. Spielberg can’t do crowd-pleasing entertainment anymore as he already proved with Ready Play One and Woke West Side Story.
Meanwhile, Spielberg’s big Oscar-bait debut, The Fabelmans, budgeted at $40 million and at least that for the advertising, is at about $4 million and set to head to streaming services before too long.
At least it’ll lose a lot less money than the Woke Side Story bomb did.
In my review, I called The Fabelmans, a moving and touching tribute by Spiblerg to himself. Audiences stayed away in droves instead of dropping $15 to see a young Spielberg defame his parents and film the early stirrings of his genius which, these days, you couldn’t find with a microscope.
“‘The Fabelmans’ should be the end of Spielberg’s career. A final tribute to a man who lost the plot decades ago from an indulgent industry that uses the myth of creative genius to cover its many sins. But, like Biden, Spielberg has no intention of leaving the stage,” I wrote.
“The only thing interesting about ‘The Fabelmans’ and Spielberg is how uninteresting it all is. Some artists emerge from trauma, but that is no more of a precondition than any of the other myths of genius. The only achievement of ‘The Fabelmans’ will be to dissuade anyone from believing that there’s anything interesting about Steven Spielberg. But Spielberg was probably the only one who ever thought that there was.”
Audiences demonstrated as much. Maybe it’s time he got the message.
This has been coming for a while. Ready Player One didn’t even make back its budget domestically (but made a ton of money abroad.) The last time a Spielberg movie was profitable in America was the nauseating The Post back in 2017. That’s not a great track record for five years and four movies.
But Spielberg isn’t about to stop. And maybe that’s a good thing. As long as he’s making bad movies, he has less time to fund leftist politicians.
Spoielberg;s last noteworthy films were Saving Private Ryan Schindler’s List and Lincoln, Anything that Tony Kushner and Spielberg worked on together was woke to the enth degree
and it’s all Kushner now
“Catch Me If You Can” is good.
Anything with Christopher Walken in it is liable to be good 🙂
The last Spielberg movie I watched was called “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial”.
SPIELBERG’S FILMS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN CONTRIVED AND PLASTIC. just like the hollyweird Steven loves, and gravels to so much,
DemoCommies are fanatics & do not operate by normal rules or standards. All fanatics are dangerous. They put their values above reason, common sense & normal human values. They cannot be reasoned with & are more likely to kill you than to change their minds. It appears to be a type f insanity.