Do The Right Thing.
Crypto companies also sought to capture a broader market of retail investors through lucrative sponsorship deals with celebrities and sports teams, many aimed directly at Black and Hispanic consumers by touting crypto as an economic equalizer.
Minorities were apparently more likely to invest in play money. And one of the folks with a patent on shouting about racism joined the mob of celebs pitching crypto.
Coin Cloud, a company that makes ATMs for cryptocurrencies and which has filed for bankruptcy, launched an ad featuring movie director Spike Lee deriding “old money” as “exploitative,” “oppressive” and ”white,” and crypto as “positive” and “inclusive.”
Behold the glorious wokeness.
“The Currency of Currency” is a raw and honest snapshot of the history of money and the inequalities inherent in legacy U.S. financial systems. From institutions that intentionally exclude communities of color to wealth gaps that threaten the futures of millions of Americans, the ad shines a spotlight on how traditional currency needs another look, as well as the opportunity digital currency provides.
Spike Lee’s masterful storytelling and imagery for Coin Cloud calls for a fresh way to think about money — one that is inclusive, modern and accessible to all.
“Coin Cloud is on the cusp – the cutting edge – of what affects people of color when it comes to finances and access to building wealth,” Spike Lee explained. “Digital currency is viable for not just people of color, but anybody who has been historically excluded from traditional financial systems.”
Filmed in New York and produced by 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks, the spot features cameos by actress Mj Rodriguez, American drag queen & reality TV personality Shangela, singer-songwriter Teyana Taylor and actor-activist Kendrick Sampson.
Can’t do it without a drag queen in the twenties. And the rest of the identity politics buzzword-ridden virtue signaling.
So how’s the “cutting edge” of wealth for “people of color” that is also so “inclusive” doing?
Cryptocurrency ATM operator Coin Cloud has followed its primary financial backer Genesis Global Holdco LLC into bankruptcy, the latest in a string of failures in the interlaced world of digital currency.
The CEOs of both Coin Cloud and Genesis Global are white men. None even have any black people at the executive level that I could spot. But in an ad market dominated by reflexive wokeness, it was enough to throw some money at Spike Lee to wave some black nationalist and woke fairy dust over the company.
And in the process black nationalists sell out the very people they claim to be trying to help. But they get theirs.
“Old money is not going to pick us up; it pushes us down,” Mr. Lee says in the commercial, which portrays the cryptocurrency system as a more accessible and equitable alternative to traditional, discriminatory financial institutions.
“The digital rebellion is here,” he says.
Spike Lee lived in a townhouse owned by the Vanderbilts and has a home on Martha’s Vineyard. Old money worked just fine for him.
We were working on digital money at Berkeley back in the 1980s 🙂
The advantage of crypto was that it was free from government regulations, making it fast and easy to use in some ways. Ideal for fraudsters and criminals, and the field was full of cutthroats and sharks and thieves. I kept warning newbies to stay away from it, but no, they had to jump in and lose their shirts.
Funny, the governments were all upset about crypto at first, because they couldn’t control it, now they figured it out, and are using it to bring about the Globalist plan, namely total control over our money and our lives, like in China.
It never ceases to amaze me how stupid some people are. Pay real money for fake money? And the they whine when they lose it all? WTF?
And Spike Lee has always been a racist piece of shit, His movies are amateurish. And he’s a little bitty guy. I push out turds bigger than him, and better looking, too. Probably better smelling, as well.
I hate that little bitch.
He was complaining about white people moving into his neighborhood a few years back Hope he had lots of his money in crypto.
Oh no, not the whiteys! 🙂
Spike is a copycat. He took his teaching from the likes of Cassius Clay. Brash, loud, Racist like Sharpton, and with a built-in little man’s complex. You know…. total asshole.
Lee has a net worth of $60 million. Looks like he’s do’in ok in spite of all that “racism” lurking out there.
I like a good smile in the morning before I dig into PID stuff.
On the crypto thing, I consider myself to be pretty intelligent, 36 yrs in various engineering fields, and I still don’t get digital the money thing. I haven’t researched it, but, if something is supposed to be SOOO revolutionary and great for all humanity then shouldn’t it, on face value, be relatively easy to understand? Ex., 5 Star Michelin chef says, “pan-seared pork belly smothered in duck confit is fkng awesome!” Average McD’s guy says, “will duh.”
Crypto is based on public key cryptography, which many people find counter-intuitive and difficult to understand.
Very true. Did you ever try to put a Crypto Coin in a Coke machine?
The hypocrisy and ignorance of these people never fail. If you’re white and look at a minority cross eyed you are a racist and your life should be destroyed. If you’re black you have carte blanche to be as racist as you like towards white people.
I read an interview with Spike Lee many years ago where he stated that whites and blacks shouldn’t mix. Lee said “When I’m walking in NYC, and I see a black woman with a white man, I just give them a cold stare. I want to make them feel as uncomfortable as possible. I want them to know I don’t like it.”
Yet, Spike’s done pretty good in life off “white money.”
Anyone that would take the word of the Spike deserves to be separated from their money. Screwem.
Spike Lee is a celebrity? That should have been a good warning that something wasnt right.
There will always be enough old money to pay for assholes like that. This guy has become his own caricature. The whole artistic-cultural milieu has been plagued by leftism.
And no respect for his white ancestors. HA HA HA !
Also, there are no ugly, fat, deformed, broken faces, on banknotes, why didn’t he talk about that in his video?
Lee should resign from Directing and take up Hearding goats since he has proving to be a total fake and troublemaker
Spike Lee needs to get a Whiff of The SH*T he’s Shovelin’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He needs his nose rubbed in it. 😛
Isn’t that coat he’s wearing typical? I never get over their fashion sense 🙂