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The population of Israel is about 10 million. This represents about half of the world’s Jewish people.
The founding idea of modern Israel was to offer a sanctuary for Jews in their biblical home in the Middle East, in the aftermath of Nazi Germany’s mass murder of 6 million Jews.
Yet currently, 78 years after the Holocaust, anti-Israel protestors throughout the Middle East, the great cities of the Western world, and iconic American universities chant death threats and “Palestine will be free from the river to the sea.” Their signature slogan is shorthand for the erasure of the Jewish state and everyone in it.
There would currently be zero chance that Jews could live peaceably under any current Middle Eastern government. In the postwar era, nearly a million Jews were persecuted, ethnically cleansed, and forcibly expelled from all the major Arab countries — Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Morocco, Syria, and Yemen — despite hundreds of years of residence.
Anti-Israel hatred still remains a staple in most of the nearly 500-million-person Arab world, and indeed is commonplace among the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims and their countries at the United Nations.
And Israel is only one of a number of small, vulnerable states. Most of them are in the volatile Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. Hostile neighbors surround all. The others have also suffered a long history of persecution and periodic genocide — catastrophes that are not necessarily permanently relegated to their ancient pasts.
Bitter proxy fighting between Armenian- and Azerbaijan-allied forces in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh corridor recently ended with the defeat of Armenian supported forces. As a result, shortly before the Hamas massacre of Jews on October 7, some 120,000 Christian ethnic Armenians were expelled from the region by Muslim and Turkish-speaking Azerbaijan.
This current ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh comes a little more than a century after the Turkish genocide of Armenians that led to more than 1 million people being driven out of their ancestral homes and slaughtered.
Christian Armenia, with only 3 million inhabitants, is even smaller than Israel. And it is nearly surrounded by hostile Muslim states. As in the case of Israel, the world mostly either ignores the old, familiar brutal scenario, now recurring with the same aggressive players — or does not care.
Christian Greece — a NATO and European Union member — also is similar to Israel in being relatively small, with a population of 10.5 million. For more than 400 years, Greece was occupied by Ottoman Turkey. Roughly a century ago, Turkish forces ethnically cleansed Greeks from ancient Ionia and its capital of Smyrna – a homeland of Greek peoples for millennia.
Like Armenia, it shares a border with its historical aggressor Turkey. Greek islands off the coast of Asia minor are currently subject to constant overflights by Turkish military jets. To Greece’s north are the historically volatile Balkans. Across the Mediterranean lie a number of often violent and unstable North African nations, the frequent source of massive, destabilizing illegal immigration into Greece.
Tiny Cyprus is another equally vulnerable nation. Cypriot history is one of constant invasion and occupation. Most recently, Cyprus was forcibly divided into Greek and Turkish states in 1974, after Turkey invaded and expelled some 200,000 Greeks from their centuries-old homes in the north of the island.
And all these small nations’ vulnerabilities are neither abstract theory, nor ancient history. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, for example, has recently weighed in on the tensions currently buffeting them all.
With apprehensions rising over Turkish violations of Greek air space in the Aegean, Erdogan has threatened to send a shower of missiles into Athens: “We can come down suddenly one night when the time comes.”
Erdogan also recently bullied Israel with nearly the same warning of a preemptive nocturnal Turkish missile attack, bragging that Turkey could “come at any night unexpectedly.” He also has ominously weighed in on the October 7 massacres and the Israeli response to it in Gaza: “We will tell the whole world that Israel is a war criminal. We are making preparations for this.”
Of the recent expulsion of the Armenians and the war in Nagorno-Karabakh, Erdogan also boasted, “We will continue to fulfill this mission which our grandfathers have carried out for centuries in the Caucasus region.” Apparently, Erdogan was referring both to the Ottoman conquest of Armenia and to the later Turkish efforts in the early 20th century to ethnically cleanse Armenia of Armenians.
In all these cases, small and vulnerable countries hold transparent elections and ensure individual rights — in stark contrast to their larger and more aggressive neighbors. Their very continued existences hinge on Western alliances and support – from the European Union, from NATO, and especially from the United States.
In the past, they all suffered catastrophes because they differed from their neighbors in ethnicity, religion, and history — and were seen as either expendable or irrelevant to their supposed allies and patrons in the West.
If we are not careful, what supposedly cannot happen again, most surely will.
BadBacon says
And all that justifies Isreal’s current genocidal land grab? I think not.
Canman says
Land grab? Israel won Gaza from Egypt, not the Palestinians, in the 1967 war and gave 100 percent of it to the Palestiniana in 2oo5. It took them less than 2 years to elect Haams turn it into an Islamist terror cesspool.
The Palestinian population has doubled in Gaza sinxe 2005 and also is 20+ percetvof citizens in Israel. Genoicde my ass.
RS says
Israel has continually sacrificed Land for Peace and consented to many agreements that the PLO broke. They won the 1967 war overwhelmingly, and won back land that was already theirs.
Lets Clairfy here: The Jews returning to Israel in unbelief is precisely what God foretold would happen. They became a state in 1948, another miracle.
Isaiah prophesied the Jews would be regathered a second time from the nations of the world, and Ezekiel made it clear that the Jews would regather in unbelief for God Himself to give them a new heart for Him. (Isaiah 11: 10-12; Ezekiel 36:22-28.).
its no accident of history that a people dispossessed from their country for 1,900 years could ever have kept their ethnic identity and rebirthed their nation two millenia later. Such a thing has never happened! And this is the nation of the Bible we’re talking about. Therefore, the regather of the Jews can only be a miracle from God!
So it is written, and has been proven absolutely true.
Mo de Profit says
Did the Jews giving Gaza to Islamic Hamas justify the cowards attacking women and children on October 7th?
David Gin says
Understand that Gaza WAS the two-state solution, and Oct 7 was Israel’s reward. It won’t happen every agian.
THX 1138 says
A free or even semi-free country has every moral right to invade, conquer, and take over a dictatorship. Israel has the moral right to invade, conquer, and even expel the Arab Muslims in the Gaza thug dictatorship.
Hamas is a gangster-thug- mafia-barbarian-dictatorship.
There are no such things as Palestinian rights, Muslim rights, Israeli rights, or Jewish rights. The only rights that exist are the Rights of Man, the right of every individual as an individual to be left free of violence, compulsion, and physical force from other individuals.
“The right of a nation to determine its own form of government does not include the right to establish a slave society (that is, to legalize the enslavement of some men by others). There is no such thing as “the right to enslave.” A nation can do it, just as a man can become a criminal—but neither can do it by right.
It does not matter, in this context, whether a nation was enslaved by force, like Soviet Russia, or by vote, like Nazi Germany. Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual). Whether a slave society was conquered or chose to be enslaved, it can claim no national rights and no recognition of such “rights” by civilized countries . . . .
Dictatorship nations are outlaws. Any free nation had the right to invade Nazi Germany and, today, has the right to invade Soviet Russia, Cuba or any other slave pen. Whether a free nation chooses to do so or not is a matter of its own self-interest, not of respect for the non-existent “rights” of gang rulers. It is not a free nation’s duty to liberate other nations at the price of self-sacrifice, but a free nation has the right to do it, when and if it so chooses.
This right, however, is conditional. Just as the suppression of crimes does not give a policeman the right to engage in criminal activities, so the invasion and destruction of a dictatorship does not give the invader the right to establish another variant of a slave society in the conquered country.” – Ayn Rand
alwayscowgirl says
Hurrah! Another supporter of HAMAS who raped, murder and slaughter innocent PEOPLE. And HAMAS is full of Pedophiles. See Arafat.
MSimon says
Abused children cause a lot of trouble. Hitler was one. Stalin too.
VOWG says
Your ignorance is astounding.
Viet Vet says
You were obviously absent the day God was handing out brains!!
Paul Revere says
Good name Bad bacon brainless as well
Jeff Bargholz says
How can Israel grab it’s own land? Gaza was handed for free to the islmopthecines,, along with free utilities? Free for the koranimal squatters, anyway Israeli taxpayers are on the hook. And how is fighting terrorists who behead babies and burn them alive “genocide?”
If I ever met you I’d beat you to death within moments, you punk.
David Ray says
Only difference between these pro-terrorist assholes and the ones on university campuses in 1930’s Germany is they’ve substituted brown shirts for head scarfs.
The thing that’s the same is that the progressive flaming democrats are again coddling the pricks.
They’re letting the brown shirts march again, just as they’ve been letting the AntiFa black shirts march & riot since 2020. (If Hitler & Mussolini were here, they wouldn’t change a thing.)
Mo de Profit says
Yep, the most common flag seen flying in London is the fakestinian one and that was before October 7th.
Mo de Profit says
They had brownshirts during the lockdown hysteria too. Coincidence?
WhiteHunter says
I can’t help suspecting (as others have) that the Lockdowns were the “beta test” to see what else, and what more, they could do to us and get away with without more than a few mild, whimpering objections and only minor defiant non-compliance….as our “betters,” who imposed them on us, brazenly and publicly ignored them themselves:
E.g. Nancy’s visit to her (closed-to-all-others) hairdresser; Gavin’s luxury dinner party at The French Laundry; and the Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor’s big, maskless, rollicking, no-social-distancing party at her own lakeside estate.
Of course, we’re all N.O.C.D. (“Not Our Class, Dear!”) to them, and they’re exempt from the Rules, laws, and diktats they impose on us.
Kevin says
BLM and Antifa are the DNC’s brownshirts. Disagree with the Democrat/Liberl party line and it’s like BLM, Antifa, FBI Goons, or Palestinians will be on your doorstep.
Viet Vet says
Those are the civilian army Hussein Obama said he wanted in his quest to destroy the United States.
Scott Freitas says
You can thank the fact that no genuine Christian nations exist any more. They’re long, long since all “SEPARATION!! OF!! CHURCH! AND! STATE!”-chanting failed nations now. As a result, the West is steadily losing the Rule of Law while gaining the Rule of Tyrants.
In other words: be careful what you wish for, you might get it.
I would like to point out that Joe Biden’s current administration of incompetent circus freaks is the picture-perfect poster child for the SEPARATION crowd.
You SEPARATION cultists can’t complain about Biden and his gang. Not a single genuine Christian among them. Only a tiny handful of those corrupt liars surrounding him even CLAIMS to be Christian.
The rest are secularists, “Nones”. And they govern like it too.
Why the SEPARATION crowd never notices that the quality and results they have gotten from their gangs of Godless goons has been sorely lacking (to say the least), who knows.
Hey THX 1138, you out there? The Biden administration is your dream come true! Couldn’t possibly find more irreligious, anti-Christian morons than HE employees.
I call what we have now GGG: “Godless Girl Government.”
A majority-female administration where Bible pages are used only as toilet paper inside “gender-neutral” bathrooms.
Again: be careful what you wish for. You might get it.
NEXT STOP: more Soviet Union style thinking from the endless parade of anti-christian bigots that most Americans elect to office cuz SEPARATION!!!
Until we collapse from within, like all Godless governments do, typically taking everyone down right along with them.
THX 1138 says
“You can thank the fact that no genuine Christian nations exist any more.”
A genuine Christian nation is a Christian THEOCRACY.
Do you want to live in a Christian theocracy? Which denomination of Christian theocracy do you want to live in? A Puritan theocracy, Mormon theocracy, Roman Catholic theocracy, Episcopalian theocracy, Methodist theocracy, Baptist theocracy?
For 300 years during the Reformation and the Counter Reformation different Christian theocracies waged war against each other because each one claimed they were the true Christians and the other theocracies were heretics.
The American Puritans did not come to America to establish freedom of religion but to establish their own Calvinist theocracy because their Calvinism was persecuted by the Church of England theocracy.
But maybe you just want to be left in peace to practice your version of Christianity your way, you can’t do that when other Christians are persecuting you for being a heretic.
“A heretic is a member of a religion who challenges some tenet of its orthodoxy. After Christianity came to power in the 4th century AD, the number of heretics it suppressed—in many cases murdered—is incalculable, as are the intellectual advances not reached by relatively rational heretics due to such repression and murder. Men of reason, as taught by their first teacher, Aristotle, demand observable facts in support of the ideas they accept. But religion is not based on facts; it is based on faith—and it cannot withstand rational inquiry. Therefore, when fervently religious men hold cultural and political authority, they conduct relentless war against the thinkers who challenge their dogmas.” – Andrew Bernstein
Scott Freitas says
THX, Christians cannot have a theocracy. In order to do so, we’d need to have Jesus willing to serve in the White House.
A non-denominational Christian government wouldn’t look much different from America under Dwight Eisenhower during the 1950s.
It would simply be a government which respected Christianity enough to defend its morals.
Christians understand you cannot FORCE anyone to be a Christian.
Yet you could “force” people to live in a Christian society in which marriage, the family, and loving your neighbor as you love yourself would be the cultural norms.
No celebration of sexual immorality is paramount. The Bible stresses repeatedly how sexual immorality destroys and poisons the soul, corrupts society, poisons everything it touches.
It isn’t hard to get civilized humans to behave sexually moral. You celebrate, promote, and reward marriage. You make fornication into something people would at worst only do in secret–not something they flaunt and celebrate.
You don’t need racks, floggings, or anything horrid to punish sexual immorality. Peer pressure does 95% of the work, with the government at worst doing 5% by fining or jailing only the most defiant reprobates.
We’ve tried every form of governance we can think of other than a non-denominational Christian Republic. Loosely, we DID try that in America from 1791-1962 or so. It worked well enough.
Oh, well. Not like I think anything will change. The West is locked into a Godless mindset, and will inherit the rewards of such.
It already is. The Biden Regime continues being the poster child for secular governments, showing how they inevitably wind up.
Grats to whichever future generation learns from all this and tries some new variant of Christian governance.
Someone will, someday. And I wager they will succeed beyond their wildest dreams, too.
It is LONG overdue.
Jeff Bargholz says
Double derp. Do you really want to live in an atheist society?
You would regret it. The first thing those societies do is pograms, regardless of government affiliation.
THX 1138 says
“I don’t agree with [Marjorie Taylor] Greene that America is a Christian nation. I don’t believe America is a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, an atheist nation — or an anti-Christian nation, either. America was supposed to be a free country; that’s all. Yet I don’t think she disagrees. I think people like her are simply trying to say that Christianity matters to them. It’s on the verge of being outlawed in America, along with just about everything else leftists dislike or loathe.” – Objectivist Michael J. Hurd
What you don’t realize Scott Freitas is that Objectivism is the ONLY real threat the atheistic totalitarian Left has to fear. If atheistic totalitarianism ever takes complete control of America it is atheistic Objectivism they must suppress.
A Christian theocracy would be a wonderful thing for someone like Obama or Hillary Clinton. All they really want is power for power’s sake. All they really want is to live in UNEARNED luxury provided by their serfs and to rule over their serfs.
If a Christian theocracy were established in America tomorrow Obama and Hillary would proclaim themselves the best of and most devout Christians and that they were the only ones really in touch with God and Christ, and that they were the ones chosen by God to rule the flock.
If a Muslim theocracy were to take over America, Obama and Hillary would convert to Islam.
The useful idiots may be true-believers, but what the rulers like Obama and Hillary want is to live in unearned luxury and to have power for power’s sake.
Viet Vet says
Obama already is muslim, a very devout one too. As Jamie Glasov’s book proves, Obama did everything he could as president to harm Christians around the world and to help muslims around the world. He hates Christians and he hates Jews, he hates America and he hates Israel. I would even say that Obama is a closet Jihadist.
Mo de Profit says
Turkey was a reasonable islamic country before the current government overthrew the opposition.
In the past if the islamists tried to take over the government the army stepped in and prevented it.
If a senior army officer’s wife wore a burka he was fired.
They crawled through the ranks using Taqiya and now Turkey is an extreme islamic nation.
Decent Turks ran into Europe when it happened and as Gaad Saad explains, our only hope now is that some islamic people turn their religion into something resembling decent human society.
I’m not hopeful, but the first step should be kicking Turkey out of NATO, but the cowards in charge won’t.
Intrepid says
Turkey never should have been in NATO. But with all of Western Europe just now waking up to the fact that maybe letting in all of the fake Muslim refugees, who are just there to grift, wasn’t such a great idea.
Kynarion Hellenis says
My thinking has turned to wishing we would just abandon NATO. It obviously does not serve its intended purpose (and never could, considering the reality of human nature).
I grow weary of the U.S. trying to lead, control and protect the world.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, NATO is a waste of American expenses and resources. I don’t work to support those scumbags. At least, I don’t want to.
And yes, the rest of the worlds need to take care of themselves.
Viet Vet says
Muslims aren’t flooding western countries only to grift, they are there to take over those countries. Muslims don’t go into these countries to assimilate and become citizens in every sense of the word of those countries. Islam has a history of trying to take over the world. It was Christians who stopped them.
fsy says
“Roughly a century ago, Turkish forces ethnically cleansed Greeks from ancient Ionia.”
It’s worth noting that Greece was one of the countries which cooperated most completely with the Nazi genocide of Jews. Almost no Jews remained in Greece after WW2.
KenPF says
The one thing all these “vulnerable peoples” have in common is that they are vulnerable to Muslim neighbors. Most of the conflict in the world involves Islam on one side, the other … or both. The rest are conflicts with Marxists. Communism and Islamism are two of the greatest dangers in the modern world. Of course, now Nazism has again reared its ugly stain alongside its old partner of radical Islam.
Like communism, Nazism is a child of the fear left, hence the Democrat support of both.
Viet Vet says
And it’s worth noting that the leftist world and the Islamist world are today united.
Viet Vet says
There of course is much history that proves the United States was founded on Christian principles. Scholarship has determined that while the founders were influenced by such stalwart philosophers as Locke, Hume. Smith and others, the Bible is where they got the greatest inspiration. Scholarship has determined that fully 34% of everything the Founders wrote and spoke about over their lifetimes came from the Holy Bible. Far higher than any other single thing.
“Upon my arrival in America the religious aspect of the country was the first thing that struck my attention. In France I had seen the spirit of religion and the spirit of freedom marching in opposite directions. But in America I found they were intimately united and that they reigned in common over the same country. The Americans combine the notions of Christianity and of liberty so intimately in their minds that it is impossible to make them conceive the one without the other. Despotism may govern without faith, but Liberty cannot. There is no country in the world where the Christian religion retains a greater influence over the souls of men than in America, and there can be no greater proof of its utility and of its conformity to human nature than that its influence is powerfully felt of the most enlightened and free nation on the earth.” — Alexis de Tocqueville: Democracy in America
Consider that subsequent to the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, Founders served in high political office: presidents, vice presidents, Senators, Congressmen, Judges, even the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and one of the authors, under the pseudonym ‘Publius”, of the Federalist Papers, John Jay. If the religious part of the 1st Amendment had been as the left wants it to be today, e.g., separation of church and state, it would have been that way from the getgo, not all of a sudden nearly 200 years down the road. Yes the United States is, or at least was, a Christian Nation. I believe that so long as our Constitution remains, we still are a Christian Nation.
“No nation has ever existed or been governed without religion. Nor can be. The Christian religion is the best religion that has been given to man and I, as chief magistrate of this nation, am bound to give it the sanction of my example.” — Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
RS says
BIG MYTH # 1 “The Jews killed Jesus!” The Bible says “For truly in this city there were gathered together against Your Holy Servant Jesus, whom You anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel.” ( Acts 4:27-28.)
So, not only did (both Jews and Gentiles). participate in murdering Jesus, but in truth, we are all responsible for Jesus dying on the cross. But, reality check, Jesus Himself clearly stated that He alone laid down His life and that no one took it from Him. (John 10:15-18.)
Myth #2. “The Jews have been disinherited because of their unbelief. The Jews may have been evicted from their land twice…due to their rebellion against God. But as Psalm 105 explains, God guaranteed in His Abrahamic Covenant that the land of Israel unconditionally and forever belongs to the children of Jacob, And, as the Apostle Paul argued in Romans. 9-11, “Has God rejected His people? May it never be! For I too am an Israelite….God has not rejected His people whom He foreknew.” God has not disinherited the Jewish people, nor revoked His Land Covenants. Regardless of what mortals think, Bible prophecy will be fulfilled. GOD’S WILL IS GOING TO BE DONE AND THERES NO STOPPING IT. IN CONCLUSION, ITS NOT “SHOULD CHRISTIANS SUPPORT ISRAEL?” BUT RATHER, GOD ASKS CHRISTIANS TO SUPPORT ISRAEL, THE COMMAND FROM THE FATHER & THE SON..