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“Divesting in police is investing in black lives,” St. Paul School Board Director Chauntyll Allen declared as the district voted not to renew its contract with the St. Paul Police Department.
It was 2020 and the heyday of the Black Lives Matter race riots over the drug overdose death of violent career criminal George Floyd. Police defunding fever was running high in the Twin Cities.
A Somali Muslim student with the last name Omar claimed that police officers had “brutalized multiple Muslim girls” and attacked their hijabs. After the vote, Omar claimed that removing police officers “means better safety and less trauma for black and brown kids”.
Another student named Muhammad promised that “removing police from schools is an important step toward true safety.”
Three years later true safety has been officially achieved.
A St. Paul Public Schools survey found that 55% of high school staff feel unsafe at work. 71% of staffers had seen physical violence in school and 40% were worried about weapons in schools.
The two most popular requests made by the terrified school staffers are to get serious about punishing violent students and to bring in police officers to restore safety and security.
The Black Lives Matter campaign to “save black lives” by keeping police officers out of school led to the stabbing death of Devin Scott: a 15-year-old black teenage boy by a 16-year-old black teenager in a high school hallway. Scott’s memorial service was commemorated by a drive-by shooting in which passengers in a white car opened fire and shot three teens at the service.
The youngest victim of that shooting was 14-years-old. Police stopped a 16-year-old with a gun but aren’t sure if he was one of the shooters or one of those being shot at. Earlier another 16-year-old had been shot in the head across the street from St. Paul’s Central High School.
“This incident, that Devin Scott was killed in, he would not have been killed if a police officer was present to intervene rather than school staff,” Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher said.
“I agree with him,” Anthony Scott, Devin’s uncle, said.
St. Paul schools had replaced school resource officers, who were police, with school support liaisons who were supposed to “build relationships with students”. The social workers proved to be useless when protecting staff or stopping a teenage boy from being stabbed to death.
“There is a level of support that is required from time to time that we’re just not equipped to do as a school staff,” Superintendent Joe Gothard warned. Without the police, the staff have to call the cops to stop an attack and wait for them to arrive. “Seconds and minutes really do add up.”
The cops have now been stationed outside schools, because the BLMers don’t want them inside, but parents and students are demanding that the cops come in from the cold.
Valeria Barrios-Sanchez, a student who saw Devin murdered, asked for the police to come back. “I am a senior, and this is supposed to be my most memorable year. It will be. Unfortunately, I have to remember it as the year I witnessed a homicide,” she told board members. “I implore the board to make a decision to help the future generations at Harding.”
“If we don’t address school safety, we will continue to victimize our most vulnerable population, which are young black men. They are the ones being shot and stabbed. For sure there is a school to prison pipeline. But there is also a school to hospital to morgue pipeline,” a former parent and track coach warned.
Ali Alowonle, an Asian “Liberatory Educator”, a teacher and DEI activist whose pronouns are “they/she”, however ranted that the district needed to divest from police and focus on “restorative practices, ethnic studies curriculum and instruction, reimagining family.”
If only an ethnic studies curriculum had been there when Devin was stabbed.
“Folks have been dying to get Police back in the buildings to monitor our black children,” Chauntyll Allen fumed. A school resource officer, according to her, “is still a killer cop.”
But it wasn’t a cop that killed Devin, but one of the beneficiaries of St. Paul’s embrace of Black Lives Matter and its pro-crime policies. A cop didn’t kill Devin, Chauntyll Allen’s policies did.
When the St. Paul board voted 5-1 to remove cops from schools, they also voted 5-1 to kill Devin and to let gang members and teenage drug dealers terrorize their employees.
What’s happening in St. Paul schools reflects the larger crisis over police defunding and rising crime that has wrecked the Twin Cities.
In 2021, St. Paul set a new record for murders and increased again in 2022. Pro-crime policies like police defunding and crime legalization, along with support for Black Lives Matter, has led to murders of mostly black people. High schools are at the bleeding edge of the crime wave.
Pro-crime policies have cost lives in and out of the schools. And yet the Left has not given up claiming that violent crime is a problem that can be solved with ethnic studies and a whole range of buzzwords. When police were pulled out of schools, activists claimed that would make black students safer. The students aren’t safe, neither are the workers, nor is anyone else.
Thanks Daniel!!! Even in the early 1960s, police were required to keep order in schools with a large number of black students. It isn’t that they are all bad. most would side with the strongest horse.
The ones who needs to get the boot is the Principal and the School Board
You got what your teacher’s union wanted, now get your worthless butts back in the classroom and teach.
More like get your butts back in the classroom and babysit.
Oops, that wasn’t meant to be a reply to you Spurwing, it was supposed to be a standalone comment.
As the saying goes, “play stupid games – win stupid prizes.”
BLM is a terrorist organization made of criminals for the criminals.
Does the BLM actions remind you of the Bolsheviks tearing down the per WWI Russian government.
Is this a movie?
Is this a dark follow up to the beloved high school movie genre?
The Minnesota Jungle?
To St. Paul, with Love?
Or, could this script be subliminally suggesting a new AI police robot angle in the high school movie genre that could also be used for a sequel to the sci fi movie I, Robot, called
Me, Robot?
Import hostile cultures and peoples and this is the result. People and cultures are neither the same nor equal. It is time to re-assert western, Christian culture and government and remove from our midst these hostile hordes having no will or inclination to assimilate.
Remove all economic motivations. Nothing free for aliens or their children. Put the blindfold back on Lady Liberty and establish equality before the law without regard to “privilege” or intersectional score. No preferences for any person for any reason in law or policy. Eliminate birthright citizenship. Close the border. Deport criminals and their families to the third and fourth generations. No voting rights until the third and fourth generation has assimilated successfully and become fully integrated free of criminal involvement.
If we do not do this, our Protection is removed and we will become like bread for all the hostile invaders, whom the LORD has sent to destroy us. See Numbers 14:9:
“Only do not rebel against the LORD, and do not be afraid of the people of the land, for they will be like bread for us. Their protection has been removed, and the LORD is with us. Do not be afraid of them!”
‘Biden Regime Still Shoveling Taxpayer Money into Afghanistan
Meanwhile, the Taliban is persecuting Christians.
A new inspector general’s report released Tuesday gives us the latest evidence of the perfidy and anti-Americanism of the Biden regime: even after the Taliban took over in that country in the wake of the regime’s catastrophically botched withdrawal of American troops, the American taxpayer remains the world’s largest donor to Afghanistan. This is beyond absurd, as the Taliban, which is inveterately hostile to the U.S., is inevitably going to obtain some or all of that money, and could conceivably used it to finance attacks on Americans and U.S. interests. Is that what the traitor class that is running the Biden regime wants?
One of the many logic errors of the B.L.M. is that which comes from the Latin called Ad Hominem. That is meaning “to the man.” Many members of B.L.M. seem to believe that because some White police officers might be “racists against Blacks” than all White police officers are “racist against Blacks.” That is a false premise and also a false foundation for that specific belief. Therefore that’s an error of logic. Otherwise known as a logic fallacy..
Logic doesn’t stand a chance against emotional displays and violence in these United States.
The only thing one can do in the madness and insanity brought about by the “ Progressives “ is sit back and enjoy the show. The good folks of St Paul and their beloved teachers unions are getting what they voted for. and the Somalians are well on their way to turning their schools and neighborhoods to a little Somalia. Ruled by violence , cruelty , intolerance and stupidity
Somali kids are taught to punch first ask questions later. Completely opposite to western culture. They should be sent back and suffer the consequences.
Up next “no-go zones”. brought to you by the people who fled their home countries for….?
(The correct answer is not “a better life”.)
Regarding the horrendous criminal malice –filled rioting looting violence arson and other wicked kinds of destruction committed by domestic terrorists of BLM ,it’s therefore fitting to note that the liberal Democrat US President ,Lyndon B. Johnson had in a speech, rightly , declared” “There is no American right to loot stores, or to burn buildings , or to fire rifles from rooftops . That is crime – and crime must be dealt with forcefully and swiftly, and certainly – under law.”
Well, that’s maybe what he said but it’s not what he did. I lived in Detroit in 1967 during the riots and his envoy, Cyrus Vance, kept the airborne troops they’d flown in out at Selfridge Air Force Base, near Mr. Clemens, sitting on their butts for days while people looted stores, burned buildings, fired rifles from rooftops and destroyed Detroit.
The way to handle the problem of those vicious violent and rioting hooligans of BLM is by the use of the strong power and might of the police and the National Guard.
This is necessary because those violent vicious criminals of BLM cannot and will not be reasoned with. In other words, they will not respond to reason and logic.
Therefore, it’s necessary and fitting to send them a message, to behave themselves, by the only language that those BLM thugs will understand. Which is the language of harsh powerful and strong National Guard and police might.
As Thomas Jefferson had, so wisely , written “With every barbarous people…force is law.”
Those BLM rioters aren’t real, genuine, protesters. In reality they’re thieves, looters arsonists, vandals, criminal hooligans and thugs. The awful mental level of those BLM savages is so terrible low and destructive that none of them are never able to create or make anything of value or worth
They are destructive and never, ever, constructive. Likewise are useless for anything that is good or worthwhile, they just destroy.
Those rioting lawless hooligans of BLM in different cities in America, who have much gall to call themselves “protesters,” have leaders who are all Marxists. Have joined with the violent jihadists in their hate for and desire for the destruction of the USA along with other nations of Western civilizations. For example, BLM has close ties with Hamas. This is called the Red/ Green alliance.”
I couldn’t have written a better, more truthful comment. Thank You
When they claim their Looting Back take up your guns and say I’m, Shooting Back
Hey, you get the government you vote for. Hahahahahaha!
I feel bad for the kids, teachers, and the dead – but it is what it is.
There was a time in this country when the most common transgressions in schools were: cheating on tests, passing notes in class, talking out of turn, chewing gum and whispering to the kid sitting next to you when the teacher was talking. It was also a time when students were “poor performing”, not schools. By the way, if black male students are most often the victims of violent crime, they are also most often the perpetrators of it. The only reason why white students are not the most victimized is because their parents loved them enough to take them out of those schools. If there was a sizable number of white or Asian students in these schools, they would be targeted immediately and would quickly be driven out of the schools altogether — which it seems has already happened here. There should be no “right” to an education. It should be offered as a privilege, and one should need to show via an exam if one is capable and prepared for such. It is not sad that there is a school to prison pipeline in predominantly black (or brown) schools or even a school to hospital to morgue pipeline. Those ends are merely the results of the decisions made by the students and their parents long before this. If I, as a citizen and taxpayer have to choose between a school to prison or a school to hospital/morgue pipeline, I would choose the latter because it is cheaper and a more permanent solution.
White Cop shoots black thug===Racism.
Black Cop shoots white thug===Defense.
White thug shoots black thug===Racism.
Black thug shoots white thug== Understandable.
Black thug shoots black thug===Both oppressed individuals.
Now I get it…