Two things took off in the past few days.
1. The Democrats voted and then halted further action on impeachment.
2. There’s a lot of talk about the “stain of impeachment”
That stain is so deep that Democrats, until recently, routinely campaigned with Bill Clinton.
The “stain of impeachment” is a meme which hopes to convince impeachment proponents that the votes on the two articles of impeachment in and of itself, somehow, destroys Trump’s presidency. Good luck. The ‘resistance’ wants Trump’s head. Not a Wikipedia footnote.
It’s a desperate narrative stunt. But that’s all that the Democrats have any more.
Their imaginary “stain” is an attempt to claim victory while appeasing their base. And doing nothing at the same time.
Who’s going to fall for it? I strongly suspect no one outside the media and D.C.
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