“Some reason” is straightforward enough.
Everyone thinks that Trump is beatable. And a number of billionaires have decided that if Trump can do it, they can too. Bloomberg is in. How could the former CEO of Starbucks, a man known and admired by literally dozens of Americans resist the siren song of 2020?
Schultz appears to be planning a run as an independent. Since Bloomberg has no shot in the Dem primaries, no matter how much money he’s been giving to the Dems, that may make two of them.
But there’s the “some reason” problem.
No one is waiting around to vote for either Schultz or Bloomberg. Neither man is tapping into a great reservoir of unrepresented views the way that Trump was. They will contend that they’re running to represent the moderates. But being moderates is a low bar in the age of Rep. Ocasio Cortez, Omar or Tlaib. Anyone who isn’t currently supporting mass confiscation of property, Venezuela and gulags qualifies.
All this does is bulk up the clown car. While wasting a whole lot of money.
Schultz’s possible entry into the race has already occasioned Politico’s top shill to run a hit piece on him. Think of all the energy the inhabitants of this clown car will waste on each other.
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