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On Tuesday, the State Department published its 2023 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices. What should have been a non-political document completed the betrayal of Israel that the Biden administration began on March 25, when it refrained from having the U.S. veto a UN resolution calling for a Gaza ceasefire, the impact of which would enable the leadership of Hamas to survive and launch more attacks on Jews and Jewish babies. The clear meaning of the October 7 massacre was witnessed in Palestinians burning infants alive to cries of “Allahu Akbar” as though the incineration of the innocent – should they be Jews – is a holy sacrament rather than a sick episode in the wretched history of humanity’s inhumanity to its weakest members.
Far from being horrified by this celebration of evil, the Biden administration conflated the practices of the only civilized society in the Middle East with the monsters seeking its destruction.
Fox News noted that the Biden State Department report “highlighted Israel prominently, featuring concerns over the country’s precautions to minimize the civilian toll of Palestinians on the first page, which is normally reserved for the most egregious of human rights abusers.”
Not only does the report include Israel among the most barbaric human rights abusers – China, Putin’s Russia, the Taliban, and Iran, the would-be exterminators of the Jewish state — but “Israel was mentioned before the Biden administration’s State Department addressed ‘ongoing and brutal human rights abuses in Iran’ or ‘the Taliban’s systemic mistreatment of and discrimination against Afghanistan’s women and girls.’”
In Iran, they chant “Death to America” and have been waging war against their own people, brutally suppressing nationwide riots that broke out after Sharia police murdered a young woman, Mahsa Amini, who had been arrested for not wearing her hijab properly. In Afghanistan, girls have been denied the right to an education, and the Taliban regime’s Supreme Leader announced in late March: “We will flog women in public, we will stone them to death in public.” No similar quotes were offered by the State Department from Israel’s leaders… because there are none.
The State Department report treats Israel as a worse human rights abuser than any of the above.
As far as the State Department is concerned, Israel’s alleged human rights violations are so egregious that they warrant being discussed immediately after the report mentions “the Kremlin’s disregard and contempt for human rights,” which “are on full display in its war against Ukraine,” and the “horrific violence, death, and destruction, including mass killings, unjust detentions, rape, and other forms of gender-based violence” that the Sudanese Armed Forces have unleashed in that country. In other words, Israel – the only non-racist democracy in the Middle East – is worse than the slaveocracy in Sudan, when it comes to the Jews’ human rights records.
This is an obscene libel. John Spencer, who is chair of urban warfare studies at the Modern War Institute (MWI) at West Point, analyzed the IDF’s actions in Gaza and reported in late March that “Israel has implemented more precautions to prevent civilian harm than any military in history—above and beyond what international law requires and more than the U.S. did in its wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
Likewise, the British Colonel Richard Kemp stated early this month that in Gaza, “the ratio of deaths of civilians to military personnel was far lower than in other wars where armies had not been accused of war crimes, adding that he was ‘not aware of any war crimes [committed by the IDF].’”
The State Department has ignored both Spencer and Kemp, and shown its appreciation for Goebbels’ infamous advice that people will more readily believe a Big Lie than a small one – as it happens in this case also to further the latest campaign – to exterminate the Jews “from the river to the sea.”
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has insisted that not a single Jew will be allowed to live in a Palestinian state. This is not a plan for coexistence; it’s a recipe for genocide.
An Egyptian imam, Muhammad Hussein Ya’qoub, made that plain in a 2009 televised sermon in which he articulated the neo-Nazi character of the anti-Israel war, saying that Muslim hatred of Jews had nothing to do with Israel and everything to do with the Qur’an:
“If the Jews left Palestine to us, would we start loving them? Of course not. We will never love them. Absolutely not…. Your belief regarding the Jews should be, first, that they are infidels, and second, that they are enemies…. You must believe that we will fight, defeat, and annihilate them, until not a single Jew remains on the face of the Earth.”
Got that, Secretary of State Blinken? This is a thousand-year Islamic imperative, rooted in the Qur’an’s calls to “kill them wherever you find them” (2:191, 4:89, cf. 9:5).
Israel is in the midst of a war for its survival – not as a state but as the home of the Jews. The war against the jihadist military base in Gaza is not a political war but a desperate effort to stave off a genocidal campaign which has been pursued without relief for 75 years in Gaza and more than a thousand years in the historic home of the Jews – the land around the Jordan. Yet its principal foes are radical Islamists – aided and abetted by a criminal White House seeking votes and support from a neo-Nazi Left based in American universities and funded by a self-hating Jew – George Soros – who long ago should have been prosecuted for organizing illegal street demonstrations attacking Wall Street and endangering the lives of ordinary Americans in the process.
Thanks to the oddities of American elections, the Jews’ main enemy at this point is a criminal sitting in the White House who is desperately seeking votes in Michigan and selling his political influence to America’s enemies – and giving less of a damn about American citizens than any president in history before him.
Kasandra says
The Department of State is, and long has been, an anti-Israel wretched hive of scum and villainy.
Jeff Bargholz says
It’s anti-American, too.
Kenyon Joseph Hull says
The State Dept. has been anti-American for a long time, and we need to correct this. State does many things, badly, but the worst they do is to cuddle up with our civilizational enemies and not represent our country properly.
john blackman says
unless repentance is forthcoming , blinken and his ilk have an appointment with hell , and its not for a sleepover . its for eternity , an eternal state . in biblical terminology [ there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth . ] condemned for rejecting the gospel of Christ and then for the suffering and evil that they have perpetrated on the jews and then their constituents the american people .
Rita says
First the Christians need to wake up. Everyone missed Jesus’ warning to Biden and his cronies for them betraying Israel at the U.N. Security vote by abstaining to vote no. Christ Jesus gave a clear warning that day of the Earthquake in LEBANON New Jersey. When you add the dates they all equal 8 which is the sign of fullness and complete. The quake was felt in 3 states. 3 is the symbol of the trinity- GOD the Father, God the Son and GOD the Holy Spirit as witness to the warning. Jesus sent the message that the U.S. cup of iniquity is full and complete! In 1980 GOD/Jesus sent 2 Angels to witness on the Phil Donahue Show (it was the most popular talk show on TV at that time). Donahue asked them who they were and they answered “we are Angels”. The audience went nuts mocking and laughing at them! They proceeded to tell the audience to repent because judgement is coming,! Donahue immediately asked them how they got into the studio? Duh! He was trying to make them go to a commercial but they couldn’t until the Angels gave them the message! When the Angels finished then the commercial came! This was before I was saved by Jesus but I knew in my heart they were real Angels because they didn’t react to the audiences laughing and mocking them. They just gave the audience the facts! They did not and do not have a human ego. The message GOD/Jesus sent was letting everyone know that America’s cup of iniquity is full and complete now. Jesus gave this country 44 years to repent and turn from their sins. They didn’t. They sinned even worse and betrayed Israel. So this is where we are now.
Mo de Profit says
The UN condemns Israel more than any other nation on earth. Now the USA has fallen in line with the communist world international global government rules based international law with treaties and regulations and agreements that only reasonable people actually abide by.
Jeff Bargholz says
Did you see Jihad Joe Talibiden’s response yesterday on “Earth Day,” which was deliberately chosen on Lenin’s birthday, April 22nd, when asked by a reporter if he condemns the anti-Semitic protests on American university campuses? While he was doddering off, he answered: “I condemn the antisemitic protests, that’s why I’ve set up a program to deal with that.” Both claims are obvious lies of course. Then he hastened to add: “I also condemn those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians. and they’re…how they’re being…..” He didn’t finish the sentence, as is so often the case due to his advanced Alzheimer’s dementia..
His attempt at moral equivalence and to shift blame from rioters and Hamas jihadi terrorists onto Israel and Americans who don’t support Hamas was exactly what this article refers to.
Plus, the reporter’s only follow up question was if he knew the President of Columbia university had quit. He didn’t. There was no cacophony of questions shouted all at once after that as there ALWAYS are when reporters get near a President. That, and the fact that Alzheimer Joe overacted and pretended to be surprised by the reporter and was actually able to quickly tell a lie about a program to deal with the pro-Hamas protests makes me strongly suspect the question was pre-approved by his handlers and he was coached on what to answer, probably just minutes beforehand.
David Ray says
Trump never said “good people on both sides”, whereas Sleazy Joe now actually has, though incoherently as you pointed out.
To be sure the press will shrug off that “both sides are bad” moral equivalence statement.
Sleepy repeated 3 lies about Trump, long ago proven false – even by the media, though begrudgingly.
Then again this article features Blinken who orchestrated that pure BS “Russian disinformation” lie about coke-head’s laptop. All 50+ signers need their clearance revoked.
The press was as late as they were begrudging in admitting the laptop’s authenticity. (Leslie Stahl has yet to flush her head out & admit her error.)
Jeff Bargholz says
And none of those 50+ fake security experts have retracted their idiotic lie about Russian disinformation and never will. Neither will Stahl, as you noted. They should have their crearances revoked and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law if Trump overcomes Dirtbagocrat lawfare and vote cheating.
Allan Goldstein says
Beware of “security experts” with unzipped flies.
RS says
The US will not be blesssed either because of this betrayal of Israel. When nations become corrupted, immoral, depraved, and support evil, God will lower the hedge of protection around that nation. The US is in significant and definite danger with the adoption of the Biden policies.
RS says
These are the Days of persecution and it will escalate viciously for both Chrisitans and Jews, especially in the last days.
Domenic Pepe says
I can say with almost certainty now that the GOP has cut their own throats regarding the November 2024 National elections.
The GOP will lose the House, The GOP will lose the Senate, and the GOP will lose the Presidency because of the dastardly traitorous, immoral decision that betrays America and US citizens by providing 70 billion dollars funding for corrupt Ukraine, and failing to provide even a penny for defense of the US Mexican border against the illegal alien INVASION and the Mexican fentanyl murders of more than 100,000 US citizens every year.
The GOP House and Senate have betrayed America and US citizens.
House leader Mike Johnson has cut his and the GOP throats come November 2024.
“What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul ?” Matthew 16:26
But for Ukraine …?
What a disgrace !
Beez says
BHO revived the Comintern November 4, 2008.
Jeff Bargholz says
And Alzheimer Jo’e handlers have it on super steroids.
Domenic Pepe says
Betrayal and Stabbing Israel and America and US citizens in the back is now the sacred policy of the Biden/Blinken/Pelosi/Schumer/Clinton woke leftist democrat party.
If America and its ruling class do not recognize that Islam is a depraved psychopathic murderous berserk evil hate-filled cult,
then eventually America’s ruling class will come to rationalize and promote the idea that depraved psychopathic murderous Islam is really a friend of America and that it is really Israel who is America’s enemy.
Ohh … I forgot … Biden and Blinken and the rest of the leftist democrat administrative state scum are already doing that.
Already, America and the West bend over backwards to accommodate Islamic aggression intimidation crime murder terrorism and violence …. because the Islamic Saudi Royal Family and Qatar and other Royal Families of the Islamic/OPEC middle east control the chokepoint of the world’s energy/oil supply.
The American ruling class does what the Saudi Royal Family orders it to do..
What must now be done is for the USA and Europe and the West to recognize that Islam is its true and never-ending enemy, and to crush the depraved psychopathic murderous berserk lunatic Mohammedans.
1400 years of depraved psychopathic murderous berserk Islam is enough already.
The policy of betrayal and stabbing Israel and America and US citizens in the back must end.
America and the US government and patriotic leaders and US citizens must now defend and protect its own kindred spirits.
And Israel must not be abandoned, which is the real policy of Biden and the democrats.
Make no mistake about it.
Jeff Bargholz says
All true except Beijing Biden’s handlers destroyed America’s position as the world’s top exporter of oil and even our energy independence, which is the only reason oil exporter countries are doing well at our expense.
Mark Dunn says
Seems like the Israel government would have the ability to cyber attack most of George Soros’s bank accounts. That would solve some of this problem.
Jeff Bargholz says
That’s a good suggestion.
David Ray says
It’s a hard-core suggestion! 🍻🇺🇲
And unlike Trudeau freezing the accounts of patriotic truckers (who only staged an extraordinary peaceful protest), Bibi would have moral standing.
Soros is low-life trash with a high price tag. He should be given the same reward El Duce got in 1945.
Chief Mac says
The US state department has been campaigning for the genocide of Jews for over 100 years now. They have always backed the islamofascists with the goal of total destruction of Israel
David Ray says
Interesting factoid that also shows the moral corruption of State is that they tried to remove the “tear down this wall” section of Reagan’s famous speech . . . one of whom was Colon Powel.
Intrepid says
fraud alert for the a$$-licker., the Jew Hater
RS says
Its time to know that this persecution of Jews and Christians will escalate with visciousness. Matthew 24:7 says nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of birth pains, (which are irreverible, like a woman in labor.). They will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all. nations for my name’s sake. This is a spiritial war as well as a physical war.
After God called Abraham to leave Ur of the Chaldeans and go to Canaan, He declared, “To your descendants I will give this land”. Genesis 12:7 . Along with the land, He promised Abraham descendants and blessings. This promise went from Abraham to Isaac Genesis 17:19-21 and then to Jacob and Jacob’s progeny….the Jewish people. This is the Jewish ancestral Homeland, and they should never give it up because of terrorism. “From the River to the Sea….is not going to be accomplished. God’s promises will be fulfilled and kept. The reality is that countless plans, measures, edicts, persecution, and even a Holocaust have tried. Kings, presidents, and ambassadors, and many nations have passed resolutions, condemned the Jewish people, and tried to rewrite history to deny Israel’s ownership of its ancient homeland. (But their works will NEVER stand.). The Truth is Out and will not be denied.
sanjac1836 says
David, Robert; thanks for calling Joe what he is. A criminal. He has made himself and his family filthy rich by selling out our republic and the cause of liberty.. He belongs in the big house, not the white house. He should be referred to as a criminal and a traitor at every opportunity.
Beez says
He’s primarily BO’s puppet.
internalexile says
Our country is now run by people who hate their own country. That sad fact plays across our flat screen TVs almost daily.
sumsrent says
America has never been what we’ve been [programmed to think it is…
Washington DC is laid out like the satanic pentagram… designed that way…
And I wonder if it and the White House isn’t facing Mecca… the direction satanic worshiping muslims pray…
sumsrent says
In comparison… America gives a whole lot more to satanic islamic countries…
Any money given to Israel is a front… to keep the masses duped into thinking the Great satan and little satan are working together…
America has been stabbing Israel in the back ever since 1922… when Israel was established as a National Homeland for the Jews…
Michalis says
The United Nations was the brainchild of FDR. If you go on to the UN’s website and read their foundational statement they claim that they will abide by the principles of the Atlantic Charter, which FDR forced upon the British in the autumn of 1941. If you want to read an analysis of that document, find a copy of “Roosevelt’s Road to Russia” by George Crocker. It’s devastating!
Would life in Prison for Father and son be too easy for Joe Biden and his Son? and Soros as well? maybe they should all be banished to the French Alps for Life and even Longer far away from any signs of Humanity
Skip says
Barky’s minions run the show, they call the shots
owensgate says
A rhetorical question: What happens to Nations that curse Israel? History may not repeat itself to the letter, but it sure does rhyme! Prepare yourselves; we’re gonna get it!
owensgate says
I seem to hit one of the “keywords” that require moderation, with every post! Perhaps it’s time I started buying Lottery Tickets!
commonsense says
From the article:
“The clear meaning of the October 7 massacre was witnessed in Palestinians burning infants alive to cries of “Allahu Akbar” as though the incineration of the innocent – should they be Jews – is a holy sacrament rather than a sick episode in the wretched history of humanity’s inhumanity to its weakest members.”
As those who have studied Islam know, Muhammad had no problem with the killing of infants and children if they were Jews, or the children of others whom he considered his enemies. One famous example of this was the murder of the Jewish poetess Asma bint Marwan, who was skewered by Muhammad’s assassins while she was nursing her infants. Muhammad was delighted to hear of her murder, and it is sunna for Muslims throughout history to celebrate this despicable act. There are plenty of other examples cited in various hadiths and in the Sira, ibn Ishaq’s biography of the prophet.
One other comment: The “thousand year Islamic imperative” to kill all the Jews is found not only in the Koranic passages cited in the aticle but just as importantly in some foundational hadiths, such as that of Sahih Muslim, Book 41, #6985, which calls for Muslims to slaughter Jews everywhere as a requisite for Judgment Day to arrive. Muslim religious leaders often cite this hadith as a justification for attacks on Jews.
And thank you, Robert Spencer, who has done so much over the years to educate me (and so many others) about Islam.
In all of the comments I have read on numerous blogs and articles, I have yet to see one that even mentions the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the plans he has for Israel’s enemies. He will fight for them. He will defend them.
“Israel is in the midst of a war for its survival – not as a state but as the home of the Jews”. Not ‘as a home for the Jews’ but for their very existance as a people, as a nation.
The Bible clearly descvribes these last days and how Israel will be left without a friend or ally in the world. Not one. They will be, once again, alone, all alone in the middle of a world that hates them. And for what? It is a demonic hatred. Satan hates God and He hates God’s Chosen people. Yes, satan is real. Just watch a video of Hamas raping, burning and beheading babies and then tell me the devil isn’t real.
But the Good News is that Jesus is coming back, as promised and prophesied 2,000 years ago. And you don’t want to be around for that. There is only one way out of this coming Divine Armaggedon, and that is through the blood of Jesus. Better give Him a shout quick. He has been waiting to hear from you for quite a while now.
Rev. Roy………<
danknight says
Anyone surprised? … If so, where have you been?
Foggy Bottom and the Demokkkratic party have been enemies of America for decades …
… and that means they hate Americans, Christians, straights, normies, families, children, decency, anything good, and so on …
So they hate Jews too?! Of course, you’re in good company.
Welcome to the party.
Now you know.
PS … Stop voting Demokkkratic or Leftist, if you haven’t already. Not that it will save the Empire, but at least it will give you a good feeling being on the right side.
Purgatory Real Estate Agent says
Beholden Biden is breeding antisemitism globally by harassing Israel, trying to overthrow Bibi and licking the boots of the terrorist block in America, as well as the terrorists themselves – Iran and its proxies.
Like a good NAZl soldier, Biden and his coffee boy Blinken are told what to do by Soros, Obama, CCP and by the Filthy Deep stinking state and its Israel-bashing architects Gilchrist, Miller, etc. Beholden Biden (aka Traitor Joe) has sunk to the lowest point from which heII is his destiny, along with Blinken the Stinkin.
Moshe says
As to Joe Biden, what can we expect from an evil man who despises his own granddaughter, Navy, because she is tangible evidence of his son’s carelessness in fathering a child out of wedlock.
One can only speculate what has driven Anthony Blinken to compound his incompetence and cowardice in international affairs with loathing of Israel and of course, self-loathing as a JINO.
It would be satisfying to see Biden and Blinken meet the flaming fate of Aaron Bushnell, the Hamas admirer, in this world. But if not, then may they be consigned to the lowest circle of Hell when they leave this world. And may Satan mock Biden for eternity, repeating billions of times, “accept the win, Joe.”
BobbyD says
Israel, listen up. This can be fixed. All you have to do is pay a few million dollars to the Biden Family’s Freedom Preservation Fund. All grudges will be forgotten. Ask Volodymyr Zelensky.
ceres says
When will America realise they are ruled by the muslim brotherhood via Obummer whom a friend, exsecret service said ‘everyone in the intelligence industry knows Obummer is a muslim’…AND if you read Haney’s (I think) book ‘See something, say nothing’ you will see that Obummer obliterated all his years of work on muslim terror networks across the US, he also invited the MB into the white house, allowed them to dictate what could be taught to soldiers ie no jihad, or terrorism linked to Islam/muslims and he allowed dangerous muslims free entry into US, slobbered over the Saudi hand, lied about Islamic non-achievements, and has done everything he could to destroy both Israel and the US through his ongoing work using Biden. I have collected many folders on this dangerous man who was born muslim, has never revoked this (or he would be an apostate–death), says he loves the call to prayer (my friends from the Islamic world hate it as it signifies extreme violence for others), and stated the future didn’t belong to those who insult the prophet…only a threatening muslim would say this and there is SO much more..
A huge job lies ahead to clear out Obummer, Clinton, Biden and pals, remove the deadly anti-democratic democrats, and clear and rebuild the universities, FBI, CIA, DOJ, Homeland, even the IRS that are all weaponised against ordinary Americans and determined to destroy themand all majority democrats.. Get the horrid muslims out of schools, unis—I saw the vile ones in Columbia Uni with their cushy unearned jobs (DIE) and their evil hatred of Jews. Jews do not proslytise, or force their religion on others or rape, mutilate, amputate, burn, behead etc as is allowed and hysterically celebrated in Islam. Despite extreme abuse, jews have contributed more than others per head, in art, music, film, comedy, and stunningly in science and medicine. I cannot believe people call for their death and support the most barbaric, inhuman, misogynist, child abusing, racist, blood lusting, sadistic, death cult of Islam that demands the slaughter of others until all the religion is Islam/law sharia. The most retrograde force on earth–Churchill.