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[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
In June, United States embassies across the world get ready for the biggest patriotic celebration of the year. Flags are taken out of the attic, ironed and hoisted in rainbow swirls across the sky.
From Europe to Latin America to Asia, Africa and Oceania, the new flag of the nation flies across what used to be the worldwide diplomatic outposts of the United States of America.
This is done without regard to the religious feelings or sensibilities of the host nation.
In Vatican City, the U.S. Embassy flew the rainbow flag and tweeted that it “stands with the LBGTQI+ community against discrimination and other forms of persecution because of who they are and whom they love.”
In Jerusalem, outgoing Ambassador Tom Nides cheerfully declared “Shabbat Shalom” from a gay pride parade that featured a drag queen. Nides had made no comment about the murder of Meir Tamari, the 20th person in Israel killed by Islamic terrorists so far this year.
In India, Ambassador Eric Garcetti, the former Los Angeles mayor whose inappropriate nomination had barely survived the scandal of his aide sexually harassing men, broadcast a video in which he raised the pride flag, with more dedication and drama than the Marines at Iwo Jima, before delivering a speech about the importance of the LGBTQ movement.
In Paris, the embassy celebrated “#IncroyableDiversité” while the embassy in Moscow put up a rainbow mural of Biden declaring in Russian that, “Pride is a celebration of generations of LGBTQI+ people, who have fought bravely to live openly and authentically.”
In Port-au-Prince, Haiti, a country where the people are starving, children are being sold as sex slaves and the streets belong to gangs, the white ambassador convened white staff members to attend a Pride Month ceremony. The wind was blowing hard and the participants might have smelled ash, misery and human waste. Some of the locals have taken to setting each other on fire, but surely they appreciated the ambassador’s thoughts on LGBTQ pride.
Few Americans were in attendance since the embassy had previously issued an alert warning tourists not to come “due to kidnapping, crime, civil unrest, and poor health care infrastructure.”
But while State Department facilities from Bogota, Columbia to Pretoria, South Africa put aside their pressing business to celebrate Pride Month, and the embassies in Warsaw, Poland and the Philippines joined in, there were notable exceptions from the global celebration of ‘Pride’.
The United States embassy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia bafflingly neglected Pride Month. In Islamabad, Pakistan, insult was added to injury when the embassy instead commemorated Urs, a festival marking the death of a Sufi saint, without even a single rainbow emoji in view.
The Saudis would seem to be more in need of hearing about gay rights than the Haitians or the French since under Sharia law the penalty for pride is being stoned to death. The Pakistanis could also use a few rainbow flags since they lock up gay people while freeing terrorists.
The Biden administration recently vented its outrage because Uganda passed some laws criminalizing homosexuality. There has been talk of threatening one of the poorest nations in the world with sanctions. But where are the sanctions for Saudi Arabia? Or other Muslim countries?
A decade ago, Brunei brought back Sharia law and the death penalty for homosexuality. The US embassy in Bandar Seri Begawan failed to mention Biden’s views on ‘Pride’ and instead promoted ‘Sports Diplomacy’ through soccer. There are no sanctions for Sharia law.
And no mention of Pride Month in our outreach to the Muslim world.
Pride Month was missing in action in Baghdad, where the U.S. embassy has enough problems since the only thing Iraqi Sunni and Shiite Muslims agree on is trying to kill them. If the Kuwait embassy celebrated the Stonewall riot, they kept it to themselves. No rainbow flags could be seen in Jordan where all the focus was on the royal marriage of its dictator. Nancy Pelosi recorded a message on the marriage, but sadly had nothing to say about LGBT rights.
The same was true in Yemen, currently caught in a civil war between Sunnis and Shiites over who gets to impose Sharia law on whom. Neither side will be particularly interested in any rainbow flags. And Biden isn’t interested in telling either side about ‘Pride Month’.
The US Embassy in Cairo focused on Jill Biden’s visit to Egypt where she met with women wearing hijabs and pretended to understand what they were saying to her. The honored doctor made no mention of the LGBTQ movement to the women in the hijabs.
While the U.S. Embassy in Bern, Switzerland urged, “This month and every month, let us celebrate the pride that powers the movement for LGBTQI+”, the message did not reach the U.S. Embassy in Algiers. “Pride Month is kicking off in the U.S. today! We’d love to know: What does Pride mean to you,” the U.S. Embassy in Brussels asked. But the U.S. Embassy to the UAE instead bafflingly urged the locals to come to Michigan to get degrees in Arabic Language..
But that’s how you get more Muslim Brotherhood members and win elections in Michigan.
To understand the mystery of why some embassies and consulates, but not others, celebrate Pride Month, take a trip to Kabul. Not literally, as that would be a worse idea than visiting Haiti or Baltimore, but via the digital outposts of the nation’s failed diplomatic empire.
In 2021, the US Embassy in Kabul tweeted, “The month of June is recognized as (LGBTI) Pride Month. The United States respects the dignity & equality of LGBTI people & celebrates their contributions to the society. We remain committed to supporting civil rights of minorities, including LGBTI persons. #Pride2021 #PrideMonth.”
In August 2021, the Taliban took Kabul. The embassy ‘saigoned’ itself out of there, but not before costing at least 13 American lives, and is now permanently virtual. The collapse of Afghanistan is not enough to shut down any part of the State Department. Despite being unable to operate in Kabul, the U.S. Embassy continues to conduct its business. Foreign aid, which was 99% of our function in Afghanistan, continues to flow by the billions to the terrorists.
The U.S. Embassy in Kabul has taken the time out to celebrate ‘Mother’s Day’ in Pashtun (a people that believes that mothers should be ‘burkaed’ and beaten, not heard), ‘Asian American, Native Hawaiian, & Pacific Islander Heritage Month’ and ‘World Press Freedom Day’ in a nation where the only free press is living in caves.
Afghans with access to Twitter are informed that there are over 2,700 mosques in America.
Most of those Afghans can only wonder what the hell is wrong with America. The U.S. Embassy in Kabul (not actually in Kabul) believes that the one thing that can give Afghans hope is the knowledge that the Taliban aren’t just taking over in their country, but also in America.
Among all this diplomat-ish nonsense, the one thing you won’t find the U.S. Embassy in Kabul tweeting about is Pride Month or displaying any colorful rainbow flags.
What happened between Pride Month 2021 in Kabul and all the lost pride months since?
Afghanistan, like the rest of the Muslim world, is now fully run under Sharia law. We didn’t have to worry about offending the old puppet regime, but we strive not to offend the Taliban.
There’s no more talk of Pride Month to Afghans, no lesbian studies or any of the stuff that our diplomats used to waste their time on while American boys were fighting and dying in valleys.
The Biden administration will fly its Pride flags in Vatican City and Jerusalem, but you won’t hear about it in Riyadh, Doha, Islamabad or Kabul. In the great intersectional roundabout, Muslims are higher on the totem pole than ever drag queens and not a word must be said to offend them. It’s alright to offend Catholics and Orthodox Jews, but thou shalt not cross a Koranist.
The flags of Pride Month fly from Warsaw to Bogota, and from Oslo to Port-au-Prince, but the army of pride doesn’t venture to hang its banners in Baghdad, and never mind, Benghazi.
Like feminism, the LGBTQ movement stops at the line in the sand drawn by Sharia law.
And the Biden administration, the State Department, and the alphabet soup activists are fine with that, because it was never about rights, but about bringing down western civilization.
There’s no need to hang up flags in Riyadh, when your goal is to destroy Rome and Jerusalem.
At first all the homosexuals wanted -or so they said – was to be treated as equals. Now they want to be treated as superior and rule the world. As the proverb says – “give them an inch and they will take a yard.”
The Arabs used to castrate their male slaves. This is why they don’t today have any issues with BLM.
That manifestation of ‘pride’ in the LGBTQ lifestyle is kept hidden in certain parts of the Muslim world when the possibility exists of being trussed up and thrown off a tall building.
Tourists: Fair warning, do not come, “due to kidnapping, crime, civil unrest, and poor health care infrastructure.”
Widely applicable 🙂
The human species are natural experimenters and risk takers.
Let’s mandate surgical sex change on new bornes for a generation and see what happens.
Yup. See my comment re: “generations of gays” Do we all get it yet?
I’m reminded of that Colorado baker who got canceled for refusing to make a gay-themed wedding cake: It was suggested that those same woke cancelers please demand that a Muslim bakery decorate a cake with images of Mohammed.
Or gay marriage
These perverted queers are vicious, and cultivated bullshit laws to go directly after what they hate most – Christianity.
Notice how the minute after laws were passed, these evil queers targeted multiple businesses run by Christians in unison. That took research and planning.
One example was an elderly couple who ran a Bed & Breakfast from their home in Albany.
Before the ink dried on the new ordinance, queers called the place to book a queer wedding.
The couple politely refused multiple requests.
It was a set up. Every refusal was recorded, and the heaviest fine for each “offense” was levied.
The couple lost their home. The chickenshit enablers in the press didn’t report it nationally. (An internet search won’t even find this brazen tragedy.)
[Mr. Greenfield,
If you can find a source link of the Albany set-up, your readers would appreciate the information.]
Human sexuality is an explosive pandoras box insomuch, you never quite know whats going to jump out of it ..Gay pride ? S and M pride ..beastiality pride, jerk off pride ? or incest pride ; why shouldn’t two people who love each other not get married ?
Dear Banastre Tarleton: I think your argument is ‘Gay marriage why not?’ And as night follows day all the other perversions will seem normal. Confused in Oklahoma.
Leviticus 18:22-25. The Lord God and His Word have never changed from the foundation of the world. The new Testament is implicit concerning the end for these people.
What exactly do they do that makes them so proud?
The UN is run by dictators who are mostly islamic, the perversions being forced on the west is designed to destroy us.
I think ir goes back to Freud, promoting sex over spirituality, as the ultimate human experience.
I’ve never understood the “pride” part. What’s to be proud of – being part of the small minority of people who prefer having sexual relations with members of their own gender? I mean, that’s not exactly an achievement. Indeed, isn’t it fundamental to current gay theology that it is innate and not a matter of individual choice. Seems to me that it’s like having a “Left-handers Pride Month” or a “Dyslexia Pride Month.”
The Anglican Church, of that failed state know as Britain, is also in on the act. The African Anglican, especially the Kenya branch has been lectured by the home church.
Pride and its flag is marketed as the kitchen sink for all sexual choices other than heterosexual. It wants to erase the moral line between private and public. Our enemies know that erasing the moral lines will lead to the destruction of the US.
That is why the US State Department really seems like a Jihadi State Department.
Because the notion of pride is a ploy, like many others, like CRT and BLM and Holocaust intersectionality and open borders and criminals as victims.
The pride ploy has been cultivated and injected into American society by the JDOS to use pride people, (whom the Jihadis actually absolutely abhor), in order to bring down the US.
For whatever reasons, pride people are who they are. And they are being used.
And they, like the rest of us, are expendable.
In concert with the JDOS we now have CUNY law grads with JD degrees in sharia law, not US law; the “J” is for jihad. I wonder where and how they will be practicing their legal expertise….
Excuse me, but can there be “generations of gay people”? Not literally.
In the war between drag Queens and Jihadis…. Who do you think will be the last man standing?
Copying from Buddy Brown on YouTube.
If you put 10 men and 100 women on an island (with resources), and come back in 100 years, you’ll find a highly functioning society.
If you put 10 men and 100 trans women on an island (with resources), and come back in 100 years, you’ll find the skeletons of 110 men.
“[I]t was never about rights, but about bringing down western civilization.” Truer words were never spoken.
I’m surprised that rapists and murderers haven’t started their own “pride” campaign. Why not? It’s just old fashioned morality that is in their way.
Give it a couple years. What you propose will seem tame.
What does a small percentage of misfits need with a whole month? I’d rather see a single day with a WTF flag.
The spirit of Islam is more powerful than the spirit of gay, and the spirit of Chinese Communism is more powerful than Islam.
People are SICK and TIRED of in-your-face ho mo sexuality. Like prostitution, it has been around since the beginning of time, tolerated as long as it is quiet and underground where it belongs. To try and mainstream it is bringing big, big trouble, not just from the populace but from GOD. The transgender and gay movement have kids so confused that school districts are reporting that up to 25% of students think they may be transgender or gay.
The homo s exual movement today is about recruitment, pure and simple. And therein lies the rub: people are not born gay. Vulnerable, emotionally damaged children are spotted and groomed, pure and simple. It is heartbreaking. And it is a form of eroticism that is as addictive and hard to walk away from as drugs.
Enter God. In the book of Genesis, God and Abraham have an interesting conversation. God tells Abraham that he is going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah where Abraham’s nephew Lot lives because of how wicked ( rampant homose xua lity) the place has become. Alarmed, Abraham starts pleading for Lot and the righteous who happen to live there. God agrees to save Lot and his family but they must never turn back to look. Lot’s wife did and she became a pillar of salt.
But the most interesting passage in Genesis about Sodom and Gomorrah is about the three angels God sends to warn Lot what is about to happen to the place. As they enter, mobs of people follow them to Lot’s home, where he to protects them behind locked doors. The hoards outside demand to have sex with the three men. Lot sends his daughters instead. Then God destroys the place. In Leviticus, God says that homosexuality is an abomination. There is hope. True repentance and surrendering one’s life to Jesus Christ can change anyone. It did me.
I believe you are correct, homosexuality is the result of nurture not nature. If you look at the facts on child abuse you discover that almost all child abusers were abused as children.
Colombia, not Columbia. Idiot.
You caught a mistake. Do you feel superior now? Clearly you are not an idiot, but you might be a Dick!
The federal government has absolutely no business promoting any ideology or belief system. That’s the elephant in the room.
But for the left, it’s the means to their ends.
The LGB… left; standing so strong on principles and convictions. Always doing what’s right, even where not popular. Do I have that about right?
Always doing what right (in their own eyes) . . . especially where it does the most damage – young impressionable children.
It depends on where you put your Brodie Knob and spinners..
Pride is one of the seven Deadly Sins
…Except Muslim World?! What a negligence! What a dereliction of duty!
I wonder, what will it take that the West finally implement what is depicted in this chapter by Weller:
Preferably, chromium-plated
America has a whole Month to celebrate homosexuality and yet only One Day to celebrate the Armed Forces that allows these homosexuals to have their lifestyle without being thrown off a Rooftop.
Think about that…